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Posts posted by The_Purple_Knight

  1. I just thought about this but I would really hate if the game used fe 11 and 12s avoid formula . I hated that mages were truly squishy in those games no avoid durability. it made caeda crappier then she should have been . Even when avoid wasn't reliable like in fe5 it was still nice .

  2. What kind of debate is this ? I thought this disscusion was about archetypes in all the fire emblem games . Not 7 fucking pages about if a single through away character has homo eroitc or homosocial tendencies. How come every literal debate ends up being completely about the home eroticism clearly demonstrated by this character or that character . My god i haven't read this much bullshit since ap English back in high school .

  3. Levins stats are fantastic with claude have any if you even actual tried that paring . What exactly is levin going do with 10% magic growth ? I don't care how many skills he has how good could he possible be . The raw stats Claude actually give sety and the sweet staff utility actually eclipse noishs skills . Deccent magic good res alright defense , good speed the only really bad stat is skill but most magic really isn't inaccurate..

  4. 7/10 bad stats ,bad combat but great staff utility and I disagree he is the best father for levin outside of sety they res is fantastic and his other stats will be just as good is ever . +1 because he's my favorite fire emblem character .

  5. you have enough to be able to use 3, 4 if you use laguz stones and planned ahead with positionin and stuff.

    Especially if you use hawks , tigers or , skyrmir their transform gauges are good enough to survive on olive grass. But because of the bexp issue I'd still only suggest two on hard mode ;on normal and easy 3 or 4 is fine .

  6. 10/10I don't use dancers very much in basically any fe game don't fit into my strategies , but I can see why others would use them especially in the final part 1 but meh I don't use then . But can't argue with the masses on this one dancers are pretty helpful .

  7. Wait, why would FE2 and FE5 even need easy mode patches? They already HAVE easy modes!

    Fire emblem gaiden easy mode patch Is really really really easy . Characters start with Luna lances and other rare items, experience is increased ,and all character growths were increased by 30 which is ridiculous for fe game with a 20 cap for all stats I .

  8. I've just reccently played gaiden and I love it it's my absolute favorite fire emblem game so Im glad the world maps back . Is for the dlc what would be cool is if they recreated maps and battles from previous fire emblem games like that really epic defend map in fire emblem 5 . What was the city tahra? Except you could use your units and a few guest characters from the game the maps are from .

  9. I think I've seen easy mode patches for a couple of the games. Can you be more specific on what game you want the patch for? I can try and see if I can find it for you.

    The one I want was for Fire emblem 4 , not the one for gaiden . which is the only other one I know about .

  10. Yes I understand why the first post is out of date I just find it difficult to find the hacks because of the language barrier . Yes the ends website is pretty good resource It would have been really hard to have played fe inflation without it or play the Nier patch without it's paring guide. Now The easy mode patch, I'm looking for, wasn't a full on hack like the others all it did it was make your characters stupidly broken while all the enemy units were the same . Its a lot of fun but I can't seem to find it.

  11. The sticky isn't that helpful anymore because they changed their uploader only through combination of google translator and the search bar on their uploader did I somehow find the hacks I wanted . Even then I still can't find the easy mode patch ,I suspect they removed it but I can't read any moon speak so i can't really tell. I believe this site<lensterknight.superbusnet.com/other/Hacks > has a few patches and alot of helpful information on a few of the hacks

  12. I highly highly recccomend inflation everyone caps everything and there are enough holy weapons for nearly ever character in the secound generation to use . Be warned the final chapter is HARD if you don't turtle though . All the enemy units have capped stats rings several skills and towards the end all back holy weapons . If your units don't bask in celices max authority stars they will get taken out. Otherwise I would recommend the Nier patch which is an extremely fun reskin with lex is the main lord . You can get every holy weapon except the ichevial and loptous . If you like a challenge the shin patch is a cool hack with a deccent difficultly and is actually in English .

  13. 8/10 with the relive staff she has I can usually class's change her on her joining chapter and then she , siguard , levin , and lex carry me all the way to endgame . Mount after promotion , promotes to beat class in the game ridiculous promotional gains, staff spamming , and +1 because she's kinda cute. She would get a higher ranking of she just came with a mount and pursuit .

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