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Posts posted by The_Purple_Knight

  1. I heard there is a first person POV?

    Or am I mistaken?

    Either way, I like what they've done with them.

    It appears to be . I imagine it's because my unit is an important character in the game but it would have been next to impossible for him to be shown in cut scenes.

  2. Yes, because everyone on GFAQs hates prepromotes

    Dude have you ever been to GFAQs prepromote hate is as common is LTC is here . Search up any of the sacred stones advice or unit topics . You'd swear they thought Seth was the devil or something . Sure there might be a vocal minority who understands that certain prepromotes rock but the majority clearly don't .

  3. 1.Mareeta fe5 She's a complete badass

    2. Laura fe10 I don't really know why i just like her

    3. Mia fe10 blah reasons everybody likes her

    4.nanna fe4 , fe5 charisma and earth sword

    5.Clarine fe6 she's so bitchy it's cute .

    Honorable mentions include

    Harr fe10

    Gaggles fe11 and 12


    Marth who is actually my favroite lord

    Geoffrey fe9, fe10

    Oscar fe9 fe10

    Azel fe4


    And tiki the loli goddesses fe11 and fe12

  4. I doubt it growth rates seemed to fit with bases so if warriors have a crap defense and speed bases then their class' growths most likely reflect that . I'm fairly certain Beserkers are going to come out on top is the superior axe user in this game . Unless bows are super sweet in this game or warriors have hax skills ;warriors will be getting the short end of the stick once again but hey for all I know the bows might actually rock in this game . Certianlly would be a nice change of pace even through it doesn't look like snipers would care not with those fantastic bases of theirs .

  5. Intelligent system likes to make lack luster excuses for why this lord or that lord can only use what . In fe5 the blagi sword is suppose to be useable by anyone with holy blood but mareeta and her dad can't freakin use the thing . It's mentioned quite frequently that theyre dependents of odo . They have astra and Luna which in that game us associated with odo blood so there is obviously enough of odo in them to use the stupid sword but they just can't for obvious gameplay reason . Blaggi sword + astra+Luna = two very anti climactic boss battles. The same thing is going on with the falchion I mean come on you can get 2 through an x chapter in shadow dragon I don't think intelligent system wants you running around with marth and shiida swapping around the falchion . If they want masked marth to be a female there totally just gonna throw the whole only male descendent thing out the window .

  6. It does seem that way, with them promoting to Warrior and Berserker, just like Pirates, especially in FE8.

    I'm dissapointed with the warrior bases they could have at least gave them a little more defense . Unless the playable fighters have great personal speed growths warrior might be gba level bad . They've really only been good in fe9 and 10 through they're were alright in jugdral and FeDS.

  7. My units x Mariabel or sairi of she's playable . Sword chicks and narcissistic nobles are my favorite fe females

    Liz x ronku

    Krom x Somia

    Annex Jake If he's in this game otherwise out of respect she will be forever alone .

    Others I'll see what other pairings I can make .

  8. Yes, Pokemon games have somewhat more value sales-wise than FE games. But enough value to have a lifespan difference of two years sounds a bit high.

    Yeah, why would anyone ever think of localizing a DS game that came out as ridiculously late as July 2010? That's way too late to bother with games for that system.

    Yes, Pokemon games have somewhat more value sales-wise than FE games. But enough value to have a lifespan difference of two years sounds a bit high.

    Sadly pokemon games actually do have that level of value the ds had basically been set aside by every other developer besides game freak and game freak is only doing it for compatabillty . The ds is basically dead I can't think if any new games besides pokemon for it , the ds wasnt dead when fire emblem new mystery game out but it was dying and by the time the us game would have came out the ds would have already gone comatose . The ds is basically for pokemon games now . You're really underestimating pokemon's value , pokemon black and white sold ridiculously well.

  9. I don't see why everyone is worried it will most likely get a release. NoA has just been slow to announce things even pokemon black and white 2 was announced for Europe first . Its just something that NoA been doing lately. Just becuase new mystery wasn't released doesn't mean this one won't be . Its one game and keep in mind it wasn't released in Europe ether and europe is getting the awakening release now. And if Europe is getting it most likely North America is getting it too . I imagine new mystery of the emblem wasn't released because the ds was getting near the end of its cycle and NoA and NoE thought that by the time they could localize and release it would no longer be worth the money it would take to localize it. Fire emblem awakening doesn't have that problem. The 3DS is brand new and desperate for games and the sacred stones release through the ambassador program suggest that NoA hasn't lost hope in fire emblem yet. . I'm fairly certain that awaking will be released in North America and that Nintendo of america is just waiting for E3 to announce it.

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