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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. For me the thing about sword is far more a "flavour" thing rather than a moveset thing. And is mostly about the fact that melee weapons that are not swords pretty much don't have a character. Fire emblem is the one best pool to draw from non sword users, so it's very annoying that it never happen even when reasonable options exist (Ephraim and Hector imo are not, because they were released too late for Melee and too early for Brawl. Azura, Edelgard, Dimitri, Claude or even Tiki are characters that imo could have been added over at some point.)
  2. Being the best in your world in crossover means nothing. Dracule Mihawk is the best swordsman in the one piece universe, but put him in the Bleach universe and he dies againist any high tier because island level is the top of One Piece and Planet level is the top of Bleach. Being the best in a weak game still means you likely getting bodied by a mid tier of the strongest universe. Ike beating the Black Knight does not mean much if the BK best feats is veating Greil, whose best feats are hype and defeating featless people. A better feat is that Kurthnaga destroyed a castle, and we know for sure that Ike can beat him, meaning he is at least at Large building level. We could go farther if we assume that ike did the heavy lifting while fighting Ashnard and Rajaon(wich are above Kurt whitout counting Ashnard at all, and he is likely just a litle behind the BK). We don't know how many characters can survive canonically the attacks of Grima, a being that on size alone is at least Mountain level, but i would bet my money on the lords being among then. So it's not that farfetched to compare Robin to Ike whitout the blessings of Yune. The immaculate one is proved to be city block level at least by a cutscene. In the same cutscene some demonic beast corner her and byleth Byleth kill them, meaning both the beasts and Byleth are strong enought to be fight a city block level character. Again, not that far from ike whitout blessings. But i feel that those are an huge power jump, while Byketh was already more or less at their peak.
  3. Both, or just the latter if you are fine whit everything we have right now.
  4. I am fine whit that as long as it's aknowledged and people don't act like Fire Emblem does not receive a preferential treatment. Because we have 3 Links whit very similar movesets. If link was reworked, they could change a bit Young Link so he play like the Link we had since 64. As they are, i feel 3 links are reduntant. Doing the same whit mario and Dr. Mario is an option, but i feel that you can't really do justice to Cappy in smash, because possessing other players is too hax.
  5. But them, kirby has definitly a generation shift when Bandana Dee start appearing, but he is not in, neither any of those newcomers. Pokemon does not have a rep per generation. Botw is not properly represented for being such a new direction in the Zelda franchise, even if just with a proper botw link that uses the statis and champion powers. And so on. It's either that Fire emblem is treater more favourably, or everything else is treated in a worse way than they deserve.
  6. But it does not work whit how Edelgard list relate to Blot Axe+. The spells offer little for a lot of investment. If she had the utility dark spells maybe, if she had insane magic to make use of luna maybe, but then we are talking about a completely different character, not a class.
  7. If you are the aggressor you can't claim that you don't want to kill anyone. Are you going to blame any death that happen to the people that decided to defend themselves?
  8. Bolt Axe is still her best spell by virtue of being 1-3 range whit 14 might and just 5 accuracy less than hades. Is it worth to get to A Reason just for 4 more damage(assuming emperor get dark tomefaire, otherwise is -1) twice per battle, only at 1-2 and saving a few arcane crystals?
  9. My problem is not whit three houses, is whit Byleth, i have no interest in refusing that Claim. But i also think is nowhere close to any of the other games represented by pack 1 and the th character should have been in a first party pack later.
  10. I prefere to think that Thales's spell already incapacitated them, but it's not clear.
  11. No i forgot about greninja Lol. Still gen 5 got nothing while every non remake FE had a character from Radiant Dawn onward. For situation like this my nickname was some variation of "Iamanidiot" on every forum where such a name won't get banned. Edith: @Etheus imo gen 5 was the best pokemon game, and we could have the Shang Tsung of smash. I am not salty anymore, but i kinda was back then.
  12. Ok i conced that point, my understanding of Kaga lore is lacking to say the least. Still, i think Julius is one of the weakest final bosses.
  13. Jon Irenicus - Baldur gate 2 Baldur gate 1 final boss is a group of powerful antagonists wich cover every class and whit effective builds, while dealing whit enviromental hazard. And their leader is a melee monster that can kill everyone in few hits while being basically immune to Baldur Gate. Throne of Baal final boss is a 5 phases epic onslaught where the big bad throw at you powerful melee attacks, epic spells both arcane and divine, an hordes of summons wich include a few elemental princes, potential corruption of party members, and it's immune to throne of Bhaal in every phase. The final boss of BG 2 is... just an high level character. A lich whitout the undead immunities and resistances after you fought Liches since midgame. And the second phase is just the same whit a bit more stats and a few demons that, while not weak, are not really a threat either. Irenicus is the hypest and coolest villain, but has the lamest boss fights, after the 2 BG continuosly pit you againist great and tough bosses that challenges you in interesting ways and scale well. Then you fight a weakened lich as the final boss.
  14. For what i understood, Medeus was the leader of a group which Loptyr belong to. And i think he is the strongest after Naga, but that may be untrue.
  15. First i highly disagree whit the top 4. The only characters whit continental Feats in the time of the games are Ashera and Grima. Mila and Duma had those at the height of their power, but not in the age of Alm and Celica. And Medeus > Loptyr and Duma, so i would put Arkanea above Jugdral and Valentia. Unless Tiki carried hard. Byleth is in a relatively low power setting. Deghinsea for example would most likely survive the ICBM spell better than the immaculate one did. They have some form of hax in form of time-space manipulation (the divine pulse and whatever they did to escape the forbiden spell of Smash Invitation) but in term of sheer power i would put them on the weaker side. Also whoever says Hector is blinded by gameplay lol.
  16. No, it would be plot breaking because the whole story can be avoided if Edelgard and Dimitri had an honest talk about crest and nobility.
  17. Yes, but there are still useable characters from famous franchises. And i am not reffering to that guy that was only created to fill the roster of Mario spinoffs. And i don't think every game have to be represented. Smash 4 did not have any charcter from gen 5 or gen 6 and only few pokemon fans were bothered by it. Fire emblem is getting a better treatment than the franchise that is bigger than Star Wars.
  18. Poison ballista makes my laugh. "Hey we are going to hit those people whit huge bolt that can easily pierce through rocks" "Better coat them in poison just in case putting a gaping hole in their body is not enought."
  19. Why using any phisical class that is not Wyvern Lord? Emperor is already better than Fortress Knight in any way, it's pretty obviously Edelgard best "Balanced" class.
  20. The announcement left me whit a bad mood the whole day and for the first few hours i was too angry to give my two cents in a polite manner. - i think JRPG pretty boys whit a sword is the single most overrepresented group in Smash, and i say so whit JRPG as my favourite genre. - i think fire emblem has both too many characters relative to it's importance and badly chosen characters that does not reflect the variety among it's cast. - i was expecting an hype monster. As much as i can be a Persona hater, i can't deny that Joker is indeed the hypest Atlus character. Byleth is the perfect storm of anything that i did not want out of a new smash character. I think that i never was so disappointed for something related to gaming, at least not in the last few years. This times there were at least 3 alternatives. If they did the "one character whit all the relics" thing whit one of the 3 lords and gived them the moveset we saw(whit the neutrals changed) and made the main weapon of the model one of the other relics, i would have been happy whit the character. Instead, we still have mostly a sword user that happen to use other weapons in certain attacks. Am i overreacting? Yes i am, years of frustration over not having a spear user in smash made me have an hair trigger temper on the issue. An axe user i don't care nearly as much but would not bother me.
  21. Yes, but i feel that using it often lump all of them in the bad category. There are boomer who did the shit that has been linked and boomers that make so doing that is no longer allowed. And for all we know those people may havw changed in those decades. Sure things could be better, but they could also be much worse, and sometimes we tale for granted things that required a lot of effort to be achieved. I prefer to focus on what is good rather than on what is bad, and i believe that humanity is more or less on the right track.
  22. I don't think in the western world there is any kind of discrimination as bad as the racism of those days, so unless we realize the Utopia i find very difficult to achieve that.
  23. I am quite sure that Boomers have collectively done way more than millenials for the civil rights tho.
  24. It's still super strong on Annette. Compared to her wyvern build she only lose axefaire that will be more than compensated by a flying magic battalion existing and the higher magic modifier/growths.
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