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Everything posted by Flere210

  1. Rip balance i guess. Annette will enter godmode so it's not all bad tho. The side story seems interesting and we got the fabled gauntlet relic, so i think i will get this.
  2. I won't boycott yet by a hair because they are not solely a sword user but i am extremely dissapointed and won't buy another Smash game untill the fire emblem roster receive a big overhaul.
  3. Just pointing out that the first Langrisser, an asinine game in many ways that was released 3 years before Mystery of the Emblem, already allowed you to chose where to deploy people. It never was a difficult thing to implement. It's just SNES era design philosophy that equate user unfriendlines whit difficulty. That map make me want to deploy a bunch of useless, weaponless characters and just finish it in a single turn.
  4. It worked out very well whit pokemon Z.
  5. Lonato took arms first, and the people followed him willingly. It's entirely in the right of the church to kill them. Not having sympathy for your enemies makes you are merciless not evil. Anti-heroes can be merciless too. And in general, during the whole game Rhea does not kill or attempt to kill a single person that did not try to kill her first, except in CF and SS final battles. It's not a tyrranny bad enought to justify a 5 years long war that kill thousands and thousands for people. The church would require decades or centuries to get that bodycount on failed rebellions like Lonato's. Wich lead to my greatest problem. They never really showed us the situation of the common people, the ones that in theory suffer under this tyranny. We don't know how the average citizien of Fodlan see the crests, the nobility and the church, if they are in poverty or not, how many people are burned for heresy per year, whatever they actually burn people for heresy or not and things like that.
  6. Imo cavaliers are balanced this game and overpowered i every other game. It's just that flers are even more op than usual. You should pay the price for an higher movement considering how strong it is.
  7. Again, it's 1 point on average if you stay cavalier the full 10 levels. It's practically one more carrot worst case scenario. And may be nothing on certain units because if your speed is low it will be bumped up on promotion anyway.
  8. Path of Radiance does discriminate between sword, axes and lances, not between swords and polearms. Based on PoR the halberd is an axe. The laguzslayer is actually cery similar to a swordstaff, a scandinavian polearm that actually existed.
  9. I have not said that, i said that a sword put on a stick count as a polearm, so swords cannot be more custonizable than polearms. Sure, some looks ridicoulus and are impractical but so are most JRPG swords. There are also many polearm types that looks nothing like swords, so they are not just more customizable, they are more customizable by an huge degree.
  10. This is a stereotype. Not only spears can be used for more than stabbing, some weapons are way more flexible than sword. The poleaxe, a weapon that is pretty much never used in fiction is by far the most flexible weapon in medieval combat. A sword is more prqctical to carry around usually, but not if it's oversized like it often is in JRPG. Also, you can attach any kind of highly customized sword to a stick and make a polearm out of it, so polearms are more customizable, as you can modify the stick too. The reason swords are always the hero weapon is because they are seen as the most vanilla weapon or because it's a status symbol in certain cultures.
  11. Tell me another saga that has 7 fighters that all use fists. Neither Mario nor Pokemon does that. Unless you coubt as fist everything that is not a weapon. And i don't like Dr. Mario either, or having both young and toon Link but there are three copies instead of four, wich is the breaking point for me.
  12. To me Nemesis looks only slightly more manacing than a generic bandit boss. Having him job on his very first scene does not help.
  13. There is a difference between punches, and having 7 sword users from the same saga with the only new thing being that this sword can get longer, wich has been made already by a different character anyway. It's like having 8 fire types as the pokemon representatives because you can start the game whit a fire type every game.
  14. Things that take your base plan(as in, the generic plan that you have to approach battles in general), throw it out of the window, and make you adapt to the situation. Conquest, Thracia and certain maps of RD comes to mind, as are some maps from the Disgaea series, usually if they have important geo panels(if you haven't grinded something into godmode). Or even Advance wars. Usually you can't win the campaign by picking the same CO and spamming tanks or bombers any map, pr at least doing so is making things harder, while in fire emblem the same unit is usually always or almost always the right solution.
  15. Cavaliers come early and there are good reasons to have them, so you are likely to get it before you have a complete build, so you may as well use it. Now that i think about it, i made my Bernie a cavalier, so i may try to keep her low to make use of the sinergy whit her personal.
  16. I would argue thaf most of the series as vad map design because if you can beat a map by moving an overlevelled unit in the enemy range and push "end turn" then the map is bad(and every game give you an overlevveled unit the first chapter so it's not like you have to grind one). Strategic maps imo need "bullshit" that force you to play around them, because whitout them the question became "how i do raise my numbers high enought that i don't need to strategize"? Hell, i even almost like the FFTA card system, and the almost is just because they sometimes are random an not predeterminated.
  17. I speciphically consider "warpskippability" an element of bad map design unless the access to warp is extremely limited(as is in most games) or you need a truly complicated sequence of precise step in order to pull off the skip. The devs knew those tools were in the game, and yet they chose to make many kill boss map that are short enought for you to skip them easily. If shanking the boss on turn 1 is clearly not just the best, but the simplest and easiest to figure out solution to a map, then there is no point into seeking any other solution untill you self impose yourself to do so.
  18. I am defending the agarthan CHILDREN that did nothing bad yet. I even mentioned the orc baby dilemma, and for D&D orcs not being chaotic evil is very difficult for a number of reasons. Should we kill children because we are sure they will do bad thing as adults? Most people would say not. I'd say that Edelgard, Dimitri and Rhea would kill the children, Claude and Byleth may not but i am not sure.
  19. Wich i don't consider golden at all if that include noncombatant and children. Mole people are still people. Also, i know that Dimitri did not destroy the Slithers, but he declawed them fornthe time being. A full scale genocide of the agarthans is something i don't think happen in any route and i would consider it an horrible thing if it happen, because not all of them plotted to destroy Fodlan. It's actually like the orc baby dilemma now that i think about it.
  20. I actually think that Dedue would, in order of priority: 1) commit suiced by Edelgard's army, 2) join the agarthans againist Edelgard, 3)Join Edelgard againist the agarthans. Dimitri definitely told Dedue that Edelgard took part in the tragedy, so from his perspective the situation is: " do i side whit the people that commit the tragedy of Duscur or whit the person that commit the tragedy of Duscur AND killed Dimitri?" We, the audience, know that Edelgard did nothing, Dimitri and Dedue does not. I don't think anyone destroyed the Agarthan because i don't think all the Agarthan lives in the same cave and i doubt any lord slaughtered children and noncombatants because they are agarthan. The Slithers will come back regardless of the route imo. Dimitri killed their leaders, wich means they can't do much in his lifetime, but they will recover the fastest. wich is meaningless because 5 years of war made Fodlan extremely vulnerable to a Dagda invasion..
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