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Posts posted by Starbridge

  1. One thing I've found with Heroes and that I kinda began realizing in Fates, is that the female characters are always more fanservice-y than the males. It's a pretty obvious statement with a pretty obvious answer; IS tends to "give" to their male audience more, but I always sort of wondered why they haven't done that with their male characters, especially when it comes to Heroes and its banners. I almost kind of expected it from them.

    I've always joked about m!Corrin and asked why his outfit doesn't have the same thigh cutouts like f!Corrin's does, even though thighs aren't generally the first thing that come to mind when someone thinks about male fanservice. But, I think that if IS is going to do any fanservice at all, why not include some males? Considering the fact that there are more males across the series, why not give them some love too?

  2. One thing I'm really hoping for and that I'm sure a lot of people have been saying/thinking as well, is for Byleth to be a good character.

    It sounds pretty obvious, considering the fact that no one would want a bland and boring character, but Byleth has so much potential and I really don't want it to go to waste. Being a teacher and leading your students into war wouldn't be easy at all, seeing as you'd have the lives of all of them weighing on your shoulders. You'd have to be stressed out of your mind eventually, worrying about losing the people that you taught and made bonds with.

    It's sort of hard to explain, but I think the idea is clear enough. Overall, I just really don't want Byleth to be all "meh" about sending the students into battle. I think seeing some concern or worry from him, especially if it's before a major battle in the story or something like that, would help characterize him a bit more.

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