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Posts posted by Kngt_Of_Titania

  1. Guy is pretty good. He's really useful once you get him, although Raven tends to outshadow Guy a bit from Wherabouts Unknown unless Guy gets STR blessed.

    Guy's HHM bonuses help tremendously, especially any STR/HP bonus he can get -- the former helps shore against his rather crappy STR growth. I never found being swordlocked THAT big of an issue (even in lancefest FE7), mainly because I never abused hand axe use for Raven until late in the game (and honestly, cavs charge ahead and jav rape everything anyways). However, having a Guy with 20 SPD/SKL early on means he's guaranteed to have hax dodge (esp. with smart forest tile use), and if STR blessing goes your way, Guy's a damn beast combat-wise.

    Promotion gives Guy 15% crit, which is a nice bonus to compensate for no axe use imo, and he basically has insane crit rates late in the game and guaranteed doubling (15% crit + 30% crit from KE + 10-14% crit from massive SKL = 50-55% crit chance), which gives him huge scaling from STR. Guy's performance is seriously dependent on that one stat, and it makes the variance on his performance on a playthrough by playthrough standpoint absolutely massive.

    I put him slightly higher than Lowen overall (better combat, but less MOV) and roughly on par with Rebecca.

    Rating: 7/10

  2. Oh come on guys, it's during Holidays, you could have waited for Elieson to get back. He acknowledged he was busy.


    Rebecca gets a 1/10 for being forced in some chapters.

    Her growths are pretty similar to Florina's, except Florina has much, much better base stats, and flies, and isn't locked to 2 range.

    1) Florina has terrible CON, 1 worse than Rebecca's, and loses massive AS from anything that's not a slim lance. By massive, I mean 5 AS loss from iron, 7 AS from javelin, and 9 (NINE...N-I-N-E) AS from steel. Never mind that slim lances are available in...what, one shop in the whole game (and that's in Noble Lady of Caelin, in a mode where you have no starting funds, and you lose a fair bit in the Funds rank if you stock up on them at this point if S ranking is concerned)? To add salt on the wound, Florina gets only 1 CON on promotion and *E* swords, and swords is what she really wants to use to be effective. Good luck trying to reach C swords for killer edge when you're stuck using iron swords for what seems like forever mid-to-end-game. Rebecca loses 4 AS from steel unpromoted, and should be using only silver/killers post-promo, only losing ONE AS on killer and none on silver as a sniper. Florina won't be doubling 2-range for a long, LONG, LOOOOONNNGG time, and by then Rebecca's 2 range is so superior it's not even funny.

    2) Florina, without a decent amount of LHM use, is really, REALLY hard to level up. Noble Lady of Caelin has a ballista, and Whereabouts Unknown has craploads of bows, so Florina has issues leveling in either of those, if she does at all. And if your Florina is like level 3-4 going out of that, you better somehow get levels on the few shaman of Pirate Ship or you can basically rule out Florina's combat, mainly because she needs enough STR to make her slim lance use tolerable or enough SPD to double with iron.

    3) Comparing Florina's combat to Rebecca's is hard, mainly because Florina is spending a ton of her time ferrying people. She lays sole claim as a flier until Fiora shows up, and she shaves turns before Dread Isle. She spends less time in combat, and can have a natural tendency to be underleveled.

    4) And if we're giving people 1/10 because "they're not as good as Florina" means Bartre ranks somewhere around -5/10 and Marcus and Pent struggle to break 2/10. Florina easily lays claim to top 5 FE7 units.

    5) Been a few days, G_H. Hope you had a good Christmas. gee_wiz_emoticon.gif

  3. 7/10.

    And yes, I know, I'm sure you'll be like "I rated her a 3/10 because she is an archer and therefore must suck. You're totally rating her too high." But give me a moment.

    Statistically, Rebecca does almost everything right, except for bases; her growths are absolutely god-like for FE7 offensively. For a good example, let's compare her to Lowen. Both join at exactly the same time, at almost the same level, and, let's be honest, Lowen isn't doing very well at the start either. We can talk all day about how his bases beat hers (and, yeah, they do), but he can't 2-range worth a damn for at least the first few chapters. The first time I ever got Lowen into any significant 2-range usage was (IIRC) around chapter 15, when I had him blockade the northern hole and use the javelin to counter the mages. Until then (which is basically every chapter where both are forced), Lowen has to basically rely on 1-range to do any work, meaning he's open to counters unless he's finishing off enemies. And his DEF base, while impressive, will not carry him *that* far in HHM; he can be killed pretty easily early on if you're not careful, and every passing chapter kind of has him slipping a little bit offensively until he hits the doubling mark, at which point it becomes repectable again and he has good DEF/RES/MOV to fall back on, making him a solid unit.

    Rebecca has similar early-game woes; yes, she has slightly less power to her name, can't double for the first few chapters, and it looks pretty bleak. But Rebecca's 2-range is a boon here; unlike Lowen, who has (in these capters) 2-range is in name only, Rebecca can easily chip (or better yet, finish) enemies without reprimand, and she could have 1 HP, 0 DEF (well, for the most part) during those chapters as far as I'm concerned because she's not getting hit. She's just not. On average, Rebecca starts to double most enemies (i.e cavs, pegasi, armors, mages; really, anything that's not mercs/myrms) around chapters 16-17 (she's around level 8 at this time in my S-rank run, IIRC), which is right at the time where you're no longer forced to use her. By this time, she's rocking around 13 ATK with an iron bow, doing around 12-20 damage a round (12 to cavs, 20 to mages), which while surpassed by a couple characters (Guy, Erk come to mind), is probably better than most of your team can boast atm. She doesn't "shine", not yet, but she's notably better than she started out as, and it's not hard to see this sharp rise in power will just keep on going. And I didn't even mention the free flying bags of experience which inhabit early-game HHM, which make leveling Rebecca that much easier.

    Mid-game has Rebecca doing even better, and she can start to double using steel around chapter 21-23, depending on how high her level is and what enemy she targets. However, Dragon's Gate gives you a killer in chapter 20, which (like the Brave Bow is made for Wil) seems to designed just for Rebecca. Why? Well, it's a steel bow that weighs less and gives 30% more crit, and only has to last her until Vaida's chapter, at which point you can buy enough to last her the rest of the game. Rebecca will likely double just about everything from the time she gets the killer, lays sole claim to it (unless Wil is also around, but he's got the Brave Bow to his name in that case anyways), and starts to have an amazing PP. In most S-rank runs, your standard characters are around level 15 by chapter 24, which means Rebecca can do around 20 damage a round (assuming she gets unlucky with killer crits or is using steel) on cavs and is one of the few characters that can double the mercs in that map.

    End-game...Rebecca dominates it just about as much as any archer ever could. She promotes, gets a notable +STR/+CON promotion, gets easy access to both silvers and killers, and just rapes everything. Never mind that she gets longbow, is fast enough to double with it on Luna druids, can use ballista in a pinch, make mince meat of any flier in the game, promoted or not, and becomes an absolute dodge tank. I find she tends to put Lowen to shame in overall usefulness by this point.

    I find Rebecca being ever so slightly better overall (Lowen is better early game, worse end game; HHM S-rank early game w/o Marcus is pretty damned hard but way easier with him), and I gave Lowen a 6.5, and I go in 0.5 increments, so Beccy kind of naturally gets a 7/10 by that logic.

  4. Eat what you want, it doesn't affect me.



    "So, guys, I want to take this occasion to say that I have become a vegetarian."

    "Dude, we're in Lone Star. And we chose the restaurant together in the car. Did you really think this was the best time to announce your dietary revelation? Really?"

    As for my position on the subject, feel those pointy teeth called canines in the front of your mouth. Those are not used to consume your average piece of lettuce or tomato. If you want to do it, go ahead; you're not hurting anybody (but maybe yourself if you're not smart about how you do it), but don't go about talking about how evil the rest of us are for actually eating what we were designed to eat. Believe it or not, most people are not appreciative of "meat is murder" slogans. Yes, we know we kill animals to eat them; this is kind of a given, and we're not retarded for not subscribing to your culinary ethos. No, we don't care, although I'd think most of us would appreciate humane treatment of slaughtered animals.

    Tip: I hear that vitamin B12 is hard to get with such a diet.

  5. Marcus - 10/10

    Come on. You can probably solo EHM with him (maybe not Final?) because he's just that awesome. I hate using him, but the fact remains that he has amazing bases, early join time, and passable growths even if his bases sucked.

    Lowen - 6.5/10

    I have a hard time rating Lowen, actually, because he's either really useful or really useless depending on how you play. As I do S rank, mostly, I'll go from that perspective. Lowen has pretty mediocre offense, and in a game where javelin raping during EP actually works fairly well even in the highest difficulty (unlike H5/H3 *cough*), that's a huge point against him. However, Lowen has decent bases, especially once you consider he's level 1 to begin with, and they carry his fail-ass offensive growths a decent portion of the way. However, Lowen is not quite like Palla/Haar, I'm sorry. He eventually outgrows his bases (unlike 16 SPD for Palla, which, even with 30% growth, means she'll outspeed Catria for a while; and even when she doesn't, she meets draco SPD cap comfortably and can double in SM for most of the game and for massive damage to boot because of her like 60% STR growth as a pegasus), which in this case is a bad thing. Never mind that you have Sain and Kent, who get LHM to train up (and will get level 8-9 even on S rank runs, and way more if you feed), and now Lowen starts to look like more work for no pay.

    However, have you ever done chapters like Kinship's Bond with Sain/Kent, especially if they're DEF cursed at all? I'm sorry, but even in FE7, DEF/RES counts for something; you actually need to be able to survive the attacks to jav counter them, and Lowen can live through it better. And if his offense is good enough (and especially if he's even slightly SPD/STR blessed), he might actually turn out to be better than his red/green counterparts.

    Lowen has a problem because he tends to face competition, but at least he's in a class where you can field 2-4 of them in most chapters and not be punished for it. So you can use Sain, Lowen, and Marcus and do just fine (and, in larger maps, that may be a godsend). If it weren't for his move, I'd probably rate him a 5, but 6.5 seems reasonable. He makes a good backup for a cav that's stat cursed, or even in addition to them.

  6. Strip Athos of Dark Magic.

    This would also work.

    I mean, that essentially makes Luna a PRF tome for Canas, but he's so slow (before his OMG WTF SPD promotion) I think he might need it to properly compete with Erk and Lucius, who double far more easily for a decent portion of the game. It at least gives him a nice "anti-boss" niche.

    Luna just gets stupid when you have 30 MAG.

  7. Luna Druids are so damn annoying anyway with their existent hitrates and massive damage per hit. Plus the crit.

    Oh yeah game balance related comment

    No more crit on Luna would be nice. It's just not fun when Luna Druids randomly crit you since it's pretty much a guarateed OHKO and they have QUITE a bit of crit, but hey, no more loltrivialising Dragon with Athos on that~

    Unless that was mentioned in one of those threads out back already I don't remember

    I think Athos can still kill the dragon in one turn with a Body Ring. Sadly, I think this might be almost mandatory with the patch since the dragon will rape you so hard if you don't kill him ASAP.

    I'd honestly like Luna to only ignore half of enemy RES or, if he can't do that, make it have negative MT. Even w/o the crit, it's still insane.

  8. Move would be more useful, since it boosts their range anyway. 2-3 bows helps the weapon, which needs more attention than the class (taking FE8 as an example, Warrior vs. Hero or Paladin vs. Ranger, anyone?)

    Although I can see 2-3 range for Archers and Snipers only, but that can't be hacked into FE7.

    2-3 range intrinsic would make archers able to ORKO Luna druids (or any caster, like say Nergal) without fear of reprocussion. 1 MOV would not, but it would allow archers to keep up with cav rushes easier. I'd find the former more helpful, myself, but I guess it's up for debate.

    Both have the same effective attack range, barring critically placed forest tiles or something like that.

  9. I still say bows should have 2-3 range, and I certainly say playable archers need a significant buff.

    I actually went with the whole 1 more MOV so it'd be a mild buff to a class with its own issues in GBA games, mainly because if I suggested a much more significant buff like "2-3 range bows", people might think I'm being an archer fanboi douchebag trying to needlessly tamper with a balance patch.

    It oddly backfired.

    And yeah, I'm seeing that as metal. On the class as a whole, as well as just Rebecca. Otherwise why change it from skintone leather to metallic grey?

    Fair enough. I actually never turn combat animations on, so I never really payed attention to that. Geared in plate as a 2-range only class strikes me as odd. Mail, maybe, but not plate.

    EDIT: Sorry Lumi, I was responding to 2 posts at once. I didn't mean to ignore your point; I do agree that it's valid. I also didn't know GBA was so limited color-wise, tbh.

    EDIT2: dondon, while true, the balance patch mostly makes the game easier (except for final boss) by buffing weak units and green NPCs. We don't really need to make FE7 any easier, and enemies having more move would at least counterbalance the changes (especially since enemy archers/knights tend to be terrible).

  10. It's just too bad you don't have any logic to clarify your own statement with ' x'

    This is like reading that Meg thread again. Gonna watch everyone slowly tell you how wrong you are until it seeps in...


    Um...it was a suggestion, to be taken or not. Furetchen just went nuts at the concept, which I don't get.

    Snipers getting +1 MOV makes more sense than knights having the same MOV as mercenaries, but the latter was suggested for the sake of bringing a really lacking class into viability more than for realism.

    If I really wanted to go pure realism, I'd make mercs, myrms, thieves, and archers all have 6 MOV, but mercs don't really need it since Raven and Harken are more than good enough already. Myrms as a class aren't bad, it's more like Guy and Karel pale stat-wise to their competition (and 1-2 range of hand axe). The 15% crit of SMs reasonably balances with no axe use.

    EDIT: I'm talking about Rebecca as a sniper too. Skip to 0:40


    If you look at Rebecca's portrait, the "breastplate" and "armguards" are the same color as the quiver. I'm not sure that it's plate, unless the quiver's made of plate also (which is possible).

    Are you seriously using OA over realism

    I went down this type of reasoning because you did.

    Which is mediocre. And his base is bad. And his Con is inexplicably terrible. He's slow.

    Yeah, Wil and Rebecca have oddly low bases for some reason. I don't even know why for sure (they also have good growths, probably why). Also, Wil loses no AS to either silvers or killers...just steel. His CON is fine. If Wil actually had 7 SPD base, he'd be pretty fast. End-game Wil is faster than 30-40% of your characters (I've actually went and done this), and he loses to like 20-30% by only about 1-2 SPD. His SPD is mediocre because of his base, but he's not slow...and certainly fast enough to start doubling around mid-game (since enemy AS is so poor in FE7).

    As for Lumi's point, I'd also be happy with longbows being buyable at the same time as javs and hand axes and having their WT lowered to about 7-8, and with Rebecca getting +2 STR/+1 SPD base and Wil getting +1 STR/+2 SPD base, but I didn't want to feel like I'm advocating for Wil-only buffs in spite of balance. The reason I suggested 6 MOV is to give archers/snipers better chances to position and thus have a better PP.

    You could make good arguments for myrms getting +1 Movement, like LOGIC.

    Yeah, logic is usually behind good arguments. Thanks for clarifying my statement.

  12. okay

    somehow this post offends me




    They are MODERATELY-ARMOURED CLASSES. Myrmidons aren't. Myrmidons with 6 move, sure. That would make sense and compensate for swords being shit.

    And guess how an archer shoots? By STANDING IN PLACE. They do not swoop around the battlefield like a sniper in Unreal Tournament. If they do I demand that snipers be allowed to telefrag.

    Also where the FUCK do you get Archers being agile from. They wear armour and have a base speed of 3. This is somewhere in between 'abysmal' and merely 'deplorable'. Fighters, to compare, have 4. Snipers aren't much faster at 5, which is the same as a CAVALIER. Wil is slow, Rebecca starts slow and becomes slightly fast if she's trained, Louise is an aberration.

    You know what would make sense? 2-3 range to all bows that aren't shortbows. Because that makes sense, because bows fire longer than handaxes can be tossed. That gives range to them as well, which is what you want.


    I also disagree with infantry-movement armours but not as vehemently, and there's actually logic behind it, so w/e

    Archers are typically the lightest-armored (not medium-armored) units in the game, bar mages; they're probably about as armored as mercs, as the only leather I see most wearing is a shoulder-pad and the quiver. Never mind that if we're going all lore, Rebecca is proclaimed an excellent hunter (as in, she moves swiftly and quietly to stalk her prey) and images of Wil show him shooting a bow while leaping.

    And come on, Rebecca isn't medium-speed. Her base SPD may be low, but she ends up as fast or faster (due to higher SPD cap) than Raven and is only matched or beat by people like Rath. Wil, the "slow" archer in the game, still rocks 40% SPD growth.

    Archers getting +1 MOV makes more sense than knight +1 MOV, but knights really NEED that move to be balanced. I mean, you could make good arguments for myrms getting +1 SPD, but they don't need it to be balanced.

  13. i pray to god everything works fine(including the link), i tested out the patch so it should apply as long as its on a "newgame" file and not an existing game.


    I've made this with personal suggestions from various fourm members of FE websites, i sure hope these changes work as i put them down in the Read Me file

    also if you got any suggestions please post them here as this is suppost to make the game balanced and i'd hate it if i did something wrong to break the balance.

    could this be considered a chrismas gift?

    Wow, these are all nice changes (although the +LUK for Nino confuses me).

    Can I suggest just four more? (And I will give reasons why)

    1. Knights now have 5 MOV, up from 4. Generals still get +1 MOV on promotion. Knights really need the MOV to have any real end-game.

    2. Archers now have 6 MOV, up from 5. Snipers still get +1 MOV on promotion. This puts them between normal foot units and mounts, and makes sense considering they're supposed to be agile units. Might be too much considering their 15% crit on promotion, but I don't think so.

    3. Dorcas now has a 50% SPD growth and 50% STR growth; in addition, Bartre has a 60% STR growth. This allows Dorcas to be more of a speedy fighter while Bartre is more of a strong fighter AND makes both characters not suck as a class. It also makes Dorcas have a total 305% growth per level, putting him exactly in line with other growth units, who typically range from 290-310% total.

    4. Ocean Seal and Fell Contract are now only worth 10,000 Gold. The funds rank has been adjusted accordingly. I think the reasons for this change are obvious.

  14. So you're saying FE12 Lunatic solves the problem by nearly eliminating thrown weapons as a viable option. That sounds little better than eliminating them entirely, and absolutely worse than weakening them by different means.

    So you go straight from "They're probably too strong in FE12" to "They're worthless!" in one post. I commend you for being so fickle.

    That being said, they might be a little too weak in Lunatic, but are perfectly sufficient for every other mode. Hell, javs are probably better in Lunatic' than in Lunatic because you can't do the whole "massive offensive on Player Phase to prevent need for healing" strat in the former, which is actually a huge issue. I won't be entirely sure until I unlock and play it (still on like C13 of Lunatic). It's nice to have javs, they have their place for sure, but they SHOULD be niche; they should be when you want to weaken something without eating a counter -- it's just the whole GBA FE strat of "weaken/kill 500 enemies on EP" with a javelin doesn't work because your characters are most likely 2HKO'd (or 3HKO'd if you're REALLY durable or barely 4HKO'd if you're DEF blessed Sirius facing thieves in C7).

    Either way, FE12 Javelins >>>>>>>> FE7/8 Javelins balance-wise.

    Okay, please tell me when it is possible to forge every ranged weapon in FE12 Luna-

    Oh wait, there's money and other weapons that restrict me from doing this ludicrous idea. Of course you can forge 1-2 range weapons, but not only is it a bit pricey, it also takes away a critical forge that could've been used instead during a specific chapter. Forge just alleviates some of the issues with 1-2 range weapons in FE12. It doesn't suddenly "solve" the problem.

    You took the words right out of my mouth. You can find yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel for cash mid-game, and you just can't afford spending thousands of gold on a forged javelin without giving up something really important in turn.

  15. Decreasing Mt and Hit works when you don't already have more Mt and Hit than you need. I haven't played enough of the DS FEs to know how much the difference actually changes how you play, but it seems to me that in most of the rest of the series, it doesn't/wouldn't make any real difference.

    A change in Mt matters when it changes the number of hits it takes to kill an enemy. A change in Hit matters when it makes the difference between hitting or missing. Changing Mt or Hit when it won't change either of those things often does not address any problems.

    And yes, it sounds to me like the existence of forging in the DS FEs makes such decreases to the stats of weapons fixed quite easily.

    In H3, javelins are so niche that you only use them in a few rare occasions (off the top of my head, in C6 against the mages using a pure water buffed Palla, and in C12, to weaken Wyverns with Palla), and even then you use a high STR character and possibly a forged javelin. You tend to need to hit enemies so hard and so fast to avoid getting bitchslapped that Javs having like 3 MT is just...ugh; you're just better off to use hunters/snipers/horsemen. It's sad that I'm on C3 of a Fighter!MU Lunatic run only to see Catria do ONE damage against a dracoknight (and max of 4-5 damage per hit on low DEF units) when they have 35 health and usually need to be ORKO'd or 2RKO'd.

    H3 without bows would be pretty evil, or at the very least extremely agitating. It's probably the best balance between bows and 1-2 range weps of any FE I've played. And again, trust me when I say, yes, it makes a difference, at least in higher difficulties.

    To put it better...the pegasi sisters are nice in H3 because they're often the only ones for quite a while that will double reliably without some other major drawback. You lose 6x2=12 damage per round versus an unforged steel (using iron weapons in H3 is just lawl-worthy; you should at least use a +2-4 MT forged iron if you're trying to get somebody past the E weapon rank hump), and 10x2=20 damage per round versus an unforged silver. It's really hard to justify doing 12-20 less damage in a round when things NEED to die.

  16. 4/10.

    I don't have much to say about Dorcas that hasn't already been said. He's basically the opposite of Bartre: decent base speed, but awful growth. It's too bad Dorcas and Bartre can't perform the fusion dance. "Dortre" might have been a good character...

    Breath of Fire reference ftw.

  17. Damn, hmm...

    I'm torn between 4/10 and 5/10 with LHM. He really does have nice bases, although his SPD growth is terrible; that being said, enemy AS is so poor in FE7 that he could feasibly double some enemies for a long time, and maybe even the entire game if fed a speedwing. Bartre likely outdoes him in the end, but endgame isn't that bad in FE7, and Dorcas is better overall. Plus, 60 HP/15 DEF at 20/20 is pretty nice...need I say more?

    Dorcas also has the advantage that he greatly benefits from being SPD blessed, but doesn't really suffer that much if SPD cursed.

    4.5/10: Mediocre but available when you need him.

  18. I have been playing Maniac Mode lately and i would like to ask some stuff.

    Are there any enemy forges in this difficulty?

    Do the enemies equipment change so they have stronger weapons. I noticed in Normal to Hard Mode, P-8 Barbarians held Steel Axes in Normal and Silver Axes in Hard!

    Well, the P-8 barbarians in Lunatic (I don't know about Maniac) have silver axes (I can't remember if they are forged) and rock about 27 ATK. Enemy stats ramp up pretty quickly, and I'd imagine even Maniac enemies are nothing to scoff at.

  19. Well, tbh, for efficient play, which I am kind of assuming, Serra is pretty worthless, and Oswin at least has some very decent earlygame chapters, and he isn't atrocious with an early promotion (I think someone mention a Pirate Ship promotion, he does well with one there because of nice promotion gains, and 5 movement doesn't hurt too much in midgame). He's better than someone like Hector with the early promotion. However, he's not guarenteed the crest, so the 6. whatever is probably merited.

    Yeah, but that story changes drastically for S rank analysis. Serra becomes really worthless in efficiency because it's hard to level her up when Marcus is clearing everything in early-game and doesn't need much healing at all (if any).

    Also, you never actually said *what* surprised you, because your post seems to suggest just the opposite.wink.gif

    EDIT: So what do we base ratings on, anyways? S rank, normal play, LTC, or an average of the three?

  20. I'm somewhat surprised at both Oswin's and Serra's ratings...

    Bartre sucks, especially in 13x, where he's doubled by like everything. Still, he has 1-2 range, and decent chip damage.


    Surprised how, exactly? Because I'm shocked the guy with 4 MOV and only early-game to his name beat a healer with high MAG/SPD growth who also claims the best availability in the game.

  21. >While it allows it, the topic does not assume S ranking anything.

    >There are easy ways to avoid abuse without saying it needs to be S ranked.

    First point is true.

    Second point...just say one statbooster only and no Lungdren abuse (which, unless you're really mediocre, practically guarantees S rank)?

    EDIT: LHM is one of Wil's advantages over Beccy and allows him to compete with her. His midgame tends to lag behind her, although I slightly prefer his late-game since he doubles reliably then and has better HP, DEF, and STR than Beccy (although she wins in AVO).

  22. Exactly the problem with LHM- with it, your Lyn can become overpowered when she returns or you get an extra paladin. Without it, Lyn is OHKO'd by enemies and the Cavaliers are nothing compared to Lowen. Wil's still better than rebecca though, and Serra suddenly isn't that good anymore(I don't know how you find her good, she's never going to compare, ever. Same with Florina)

    I guess its alight if you play LHM and the count the char contributions only in HHM. Because counting the contributions in LHM is just stupid.

    I vouch for voting for two seperate ratings: One including LHM and one not including it.

    Why don't we just assume S rank LHM, like they do in recent S rank HHM logs? It allows you to make LHM units not suck (it completely changes the dynamic of Serra v. Prissy, makes Wil way worse, allows Lowen to outclass the Sacaen cavs) while making significant abuse almost impossible.

  23. I'd give Bartre a 2/10. He's just way to easily doubled in HHM, and I don't think he ever doubles except for things like steel lance pegasi. Because of this, he actually does less damage to many units despite his gonzo STR.

    EDIT: I also vote to include LHM.

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