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Posts posted by Kngt_Of_Titania

  1. Chapter 19: The Dread Isle (Are You Tired of Living? Do you Wish to Be Enveloped By A Cold, Endless Fog? Then We Have the Place for You! With Fargus Cruise Ships Ltd., You Can Travel to the Dread Isle in Style! Only 100,000G Per Tour--Sign Up Today! One-Way Trip Only.)

    Turn Limit: 10

    Turns Taken: 8

    Aggravation Level: Getting a bad flip of the coin.

    Me: "Hello, good--can you give me a moment?"

    Me: *Flips coin* "Hrm...landed on heads."

    Customer: "Is there a problem?"

    Me: "No, no! Hello, ma'am!"

    Customer: "I'm a guy."

    Me: "Are you sure?"

    Customer: "Yeah..."

    Me: "Damnit."

    Characters Used: Sain, Rebecca, Wil, Guy, Eliwood, Serra, Erk, Hector, Bartre, Lyn, Raven, Florina; Dart joins in turn 1.


    Before we start, I have a question to ask: Uhai is supposed to be this honorable man, but he likes to go and kidnap women and threaten to kill them? My god, Chris Brown should apply to be an honorary Sacaen tribe member -- they'd take him in a heartbeat! At least he can pretend to sing.

    There was really no reason to justify taking those particular characters other than the fact that Sain is best to get the Torch staff (since he can one-shot the thief), Guy is decent at soloing all of the pegasi and nomads in the northwest (yes, yes, Kent is better, but he and Sain are so high leveled they're trashing my exp rank and I didn't want to field both...plus, I'm broke and have no javelins atm), and Raven is a goddamn killing machine with a longsword if he goes to the island in the center of the map. Everybody else was simply fielded since they were low level and needed any experience I could possibly feed them (especially Bartre).

    All in all, this is...a pretty easy chapter. I had to restart a few times mainly because I had horrible luck. By that, I mean I had Sain die by being hit with a flurry of attacks of 40%, 60%, 50%, and 60% hit rates, respectively, which is like less than a 10% chance to die before true hit is calculated -- and this happened like 3-4 times after resetting RNs randomly. I also had Raven die of a pirate with a hand axe (think like 8% true hit, if that)...TWICE! Again, after resetting RNs randomly between each attempt.

    Priscilla: So, doctor, why is Raven not responding to my constant flirting?

    Doctor: I'm not sure, but I have a feeling it has something to do with this hand axe wedged in his chest. We're running tests now.

    So finally my luck wasn't complete crap, and I succeeded by having Eliwood fight the bandits that spawned in the northeast (helped out later by Fiora), Guy fight off the 6-7 pegasi and the pirate and the 2 nomads in the northwest (did I say like HHM bonus Guy?), Raven take care of all of the enemies on the mini-island (there were like 8-9 of them, and some from the southern section of the map were stupid enough to attack Raven as well), and everybody else rush south towards Uhai. Lyn moved max distance every turn and eventually reached within a few squares of Uhai on turn 6, where Sain lured out the longbow from Uhai, taking 10x2 damage in the process (Sain had 21 health left. :>) On turn 7, Sain attacked Uhai with the horseslayer, dealing about 15-18 damage to him, and Lyn did about 8-9 damage with the Mani Katti (her 6-ish STR was TERRIBLE and did her no favors here). On turn 7 enemy phase, Uhai attacked Lyn with a killing edge, which thankfully didn't crit, but Lyn didn't crit either, which would've allowed me to finish in 7 turns.

    On the plus side, I killed every enemy on the map...or would have, if I hadn't forgotten about two or three enemies at the top of the map that could've easily been finished off by Guy/Dart/Eliwood/Fiora. Bartre gained a good level here...and didn't proc speed again. 3 SPD 4 lyfe! Hell yeah! GOD DAMN YOU BARTRE CAN YOU PLEASE AT LEAST HIT 6 AS?!

    ...Did I mention I love Guy and his 50 avoid at level 13?

    Experience Gained: 1112/1100

    ...I knew those 3 enemies would cost me. Barely made the rank.

    Overall Ranking:

    Tactics: 5 (90/93)

    Funds: 5

    Experience: 5

    Survival: 5

    Combat: 5


    UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	SUPPORT
    Hector   	17.21	34  14  14  14  07  14  02   A Axe                       	C Eliwood
    Eliwood  	08.46	23  09  10  10  11  07  04   B Sword                     	C Hector
    Lyn      	11.13	32  08  12  15  08  05  03   A Sword
    Marcus   	21.23	Base
    Rebecca  	08.86	22  08  10  12  08  04  03   C Bow
    Lowen    	09.49	30  10  05  11  06  11  01   C Lance D Sword
    Bartre   	06.89	32  11  07  03  04  05  02   C Axe
    Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
    Guy      	13.84	33  11  20  20  10  07  04   A Sword
    Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
    Serra    	10.28	21  08  09  09  12  04  10   A Staff
    Matthew  	13.14	24  05  09  20  05  03  02   B Sword
    Erk      	08.60	22  09  08  11  06  05  05   C Anima
    Priscilla	05.35	18  06  07  09  09  04  08   C Staff
    Sain     	14.71	31  18  10  12  07  10  02   B Lance D Sword
    Kent     	14.42	31  12  12  14  04  11  07   C Lance C Sword
    Florina  	05.26	20  06  10  12  08  04  06   D Lance
    Wil      	10.53	27  10  11  11  11  08  00   C Bow
    Raven    	10.31	34  13  16  16  05  09  02   B Sword
    Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
    Canas    	08.88	Base 
    Fiora    	07.57	Base                               	

  2. You read my post at all? I said that was based on EM/NM. Besides OP is only considering NM, not HM. Read the OP.

    No, no, I read it. I was just trying to expand on your post with the whole Edward v. Zihark thing, not edify it. Probably didn't come across correctly. Although my views on Stefan v. Lucia apply in all modes, really.

  3. While FE10 is pretty well balanced, it does it in a weird way. Some characters are extremely good but have poor availability (Black Knight, Nailah to a lesser extent), some are mediocre but have amazing availability (Ilyana comes to mind), and others are balanced in both ways. If you'll check the unpromoted Dawn Brigade units, you'll find that they have some of the best growths in the game (3.75 stat ups per level versus maybe 3.5 or 3.45).

    Hell, BEXP and proper planning ameliorates many differences in strength between units, and units often have their own advanatages/disadvantages that are difficult to quantify (although tier lists certainly try).

    To give you a good example (which I'm sure you've seen), Meg is considered a terrible unit by most people on SF, but I have solo'd 4-5 on NM using her and probably bet I could solo everything but the boss on the tower dragon chapter by giving Meg a blessed Brave Sword, Adept/Resolve, and watching her dodge like mad, four hit the dragons and basically one-shot them if Luna procs (we're looking at maybe a 75% chance to ORKO a dragon by Luna if all four hits can proc it...w/o Adept; not sure on the exact mechanics of it, though).

    FE10 is nice in the fact that you can take a unit like Leonardo/Lyre/Meg and make them a good unit with effort.

    P.S. My biggest issue in this game is trying to raise the unpromoted Dawn Brigade units in a HM playthrough with moderate/severe efficiency so that you can use them.

  4. Eddy > Mia > Zihark > Stefan > Lucia

    Eddy is the best trueblade in the game hands down (EM/NM). NM makes it easy for him to get more EXP quickly. The EXP should help him get what ever speed he need as well as strenght. Sure he has trouble surviving early, but there is only one other unit that doesn't that early in the game. Mia is great for GMs, that we can all agree on. Zihark, eh, i don't know much about him honestly, but i placed him there because he is definately > stefan and lucia. Stefan is over lucia due to being able to be brought to endgame without much things needed and Lucia only has 1 chapter then she becomes crap.

    The reason why Eddy isn't top of the list in HM (AFAIK) is because of his severe issues early game. Enemy hit rates are pretty high, so his avoid can't save him, and his defense base is pretty sad with a mediocre growth. He does have amazing offensive growths and caps early in every tier. With planning, if he manages to get SPD/SKL capped early, you can save BEXP and use BEXP level-ups to get him necessary durability in part 1/3. But it's the fact that Zihark is so easy to pick up and use because of his comparatively high base level that he tends to be so popular in HM. Edward has more potential, however, and becomes better faster, but you have to get him there for it to matter. If you can do it, great.

    And for Stefan v. Lucia, I honestly think it comes down to whether you think "good for one chapter" or "possibly maybe decent for tower but usually outshined" is better. The two of them are easily far below the top three, though.

  5. I would argue Lucia > Stefan.

    Lucia really helps in 2-2 where Stefan at best is a good filler unit for Endgame and we have more then enough other (better) options for that.

    I'll agree with this statement. Stefan comes at part 4, late enough in the game where he's basically relegated to tower use only. At 20/20/20, he's slightly worse statistically than Zihark (and Edward is even better statistically than him, and probably easier to raise via BEXP). So really, he's only useful if, for some reason, you decided not to raise Edward, Zihark, OR Mia. However, if you were for some reason forsaking them, then you probably have a huge disdain of trueblades, and thus probably wouldn't even use Stefan anyways. As a result, I don't see much of a use for him other than to say your brought back a character from PoR.

    Lucia, in general, is terrible. She probably has to have one of the worst set of growth rates in the game for any beorc (and she's hard to raise via BEXP because her *MAG growth* is higher than her DEF growth and almost equal to her STR growth). With that being said, she's at least useful in 2-2, which is one more chapter (or, being nice about it, half of one) than I can say of Stefan.

    Mia probably takes the cake because while her caps (female) are questionably worse than Edward's or Zihark's (1 STR versus 5 LUK is the biggie here), she has nice availability, well-rounded stats, she's always useful in any chapter she is deployed in, and I've never seen her to have major survivability issues in comparison to her ilk. In short, starts out good and keeps on getting better.

    Edward versus Zihark probably comes down to how you're playing. For a brute efficiency playthrough, it's hard to raise Edward (or any DB unpromoted member besides maybe Jill, really), so Zihark takes the cake here. But if you can raise Edward, he's equal or better than Zihark. That being said, Zihark's earth affinity doesn't hurt him at all...because who doesn't like extra avoid on a trueblade?

    So, in short, my ranking for HM:

    Mia > Zihark >= Edward > Lucia > Stefan (with Zihark versus Edward being flexible)

  6. I wouldn't know for sure, since I haven't played HHM all the way through yet, but I think you have to feed Bartre experience early and often and pray (and/or abuse the RNG) for a few points of Speed, because he gets left in the dust otherwise.

    Sorry if I burst your bubble.

    Nah, I figured as such. But I've had the most craptastic luck with his speed. Even when he got like 5-6 5 stat level ups in my HNM/EHM (where it's infintely easier to raise him), he only ends up as mediocre most of the time. My god, his speed is still base -- which is 3 SPD!

    I'll field him for a couple more chapters and TRY to get him into not-doubed range, but if I can't, he's just costing me too much to use; I might be forced to give up Karla simply because there's no way in heaven or earth I can get a guy to 20/5 without significant effort if he's going to be sitting at 3 SPD until like level 10.

    I mean, him running around with 50-70% hit rates on lance-wielders while wearing iron weapons and then taking 80% of his health in the counterattack does him no favors, you know? Means I can't even feed him kills reliably.


  7. I love reading the log here.

    Also, I'm stealing your idea of Aggravation Level.

    With proper crediting to you, of course. I wanted it in my FE11 H5 run.

    Go ahead. I've been reading it myself. I've been meaning to do H5 myself, but I loathe C1. After spending forever on some of these HHM chapters without Marcus (13x, 15, and to a lesser extent, 18), I think I've developed the mental fortitude to do it eventually.

    Glad that you're enjoying it. Makes me happy. laugh.gif

  8. LOL. I love how there's 9 pages of people arguing with a guy who actually think Meg is a good unit, but people like Brom and Aran are completely terrible. Kngt_Of_Titania are you stuck in 2006-2007? Get with the times.

    Wait...when did 2007 happen? THIS IS NEWS TO ME!

    I'm SO CONFUUUSSEED... sad.gif

  9. Chapter 18: Pirate Ship (I AM...A MAN...OF THE SEA! ...Sir, You're Pointing the Wrong Way.)

    Turn Limit: 11

    Turns Taken: 10

    Aggravation Level: Eclipse is running a minute late to a party, then she gets stuck at the two-and-a-half-minute red light. Just as the light should turn green, a police car roars through the intersection, at full sirens, and resets the cycle, so she gets to sit through the red light cycle again. In a mad dash to make the party after she parks, she suffers a sudden and irrational case of testicular torsion and then spends the rest of the night pondering how this is possible without testicles.

    Characters Used: Hector, Florina, Sain, Kent, Raven, Hector, Serra, Priscilla.


    So, I found out the hard way how to beat this level. It involves bringing two healers and then units that use lances but aren't weak to bows. So that leaves...cavaliers. And more...cavaliers. And even more...cavaliers. Damnit, I'm starting to see a pattern here. So soon enough, the map is starting to look like a dream a 6-year old girl might have the day before the birthday she's FINALLY going to get that pony she's always wanted. That being said, the fact that Hector's in here too brings a more morbid scenario to my mind:

    Kent: Hey, Hector, my horse has gone missing and I need it to fight off the massive horde of enemies that just boarded our ship. Have you seen it?

    Hector: Well, you see, Lyn got kinda sad retelling the story of her parents' death, and I figured her...er...tribe would like horse meat, so I kind of...borrowed...your horse. Turns out that I make a terrible butcher.

    Kent: Oh...my god! Pokey? Pokey! What has he done to you?! You monster! How in the hell am I going to fight now?!

    Hector: You have legs, don't you? Plus, why the **** are you trying to ride a horse on a ship sailing in rough seas on this crappy ship?

    Fargus: *From below deck* What did you say about my ship?!

    Hector: I said it was a beautiful gem of the sea!

    Kent: Don't worry, Pokey. Papa will help you. Serra? No...wait. Priscilla? PRISCILLA!

    Priscilla: Hey....what the **** happened to my horse?!

    Hector: I needed practice.

    I brought Raven and Florina to give them needed levels. I originally tried to bring Bartre, but I found it pathetic that he was almost one-rounded by mercenaries and was solidly two-rounded by pegasi with iron lances...with wta. How sad, how mother ****ing sad. I have no idea how I'm going to get this guy up to 10/--, much less to 20/5 by the end of this run. I'm trying...I swear to god, I am. This is starting to make leveling Fiona in HM FE10 look like a stroll through the park.

    As for the difficulty of the level...it's hard. It really is. Definitely harder than I would expect doing EHM and HNM in recent memory. They add so many mechanics to this level that aren't in any other modes, most notably having way more enemies close to your starting point, two pegasi close to Merlinus (and one has a whip to steal), couple of waves of pegasi before turn 7, shaman spawns by the boss, and harder enemies in general. I tried going defensive at first (usually before I learned you basically had to field two healers and cavs), and that worked terribly. You HAVE to be offensive, as painful as it seems. And now I FINALLY know what people mean when they say that the mast in Pirate Ship is a godsend. I don't know how I would've managed this level if it wasn't for it.

    The first couple and last couple of chapters are by far the hardest (as G_H said, and I wholeheartedly agree). The first couple of chapters are where you deal with the couple of initial pegasi with Florina (in my case) and Matthew, making good use of a lancereaver. Sain went and blocked the north-east plank to prevent enemies from swarming in immediately and giving me some room to move healers around -- basically, if enemies start moving into the armory and vendor squares, things do not go well...at all. Hector, Raven, Kent, and the mast formed a barricade on turn 1. Turn 2 is simply holding your initial barricade, stealing the whip and having Florina finish the pegasus off, healing Florina with Priscilla, healing whoever else is lowest with Serra, and praying you get slightly better than average RNG. You see, enemies in the level had a 55-75% chance to hit, and if all of them connected, either Kent or Raven would die. Turn 3 was like turn 2, but easier since I took out the nosferatu druids with one hit of silver axe and the archers/flux druids (all but 1 archer) with javelins.

    Then it was a matter of handling the waves of pegasi without dying (not trivial, but compared to the start/end of this chapter, easy crap), setting up positions for turn 7+, and stealing at least one stack of pure water for later (only got one on my successful attempt). Not much to say, but it is important to get that pure water.

    The last couple of chapters is just dealing with shaman spawns, waves of enemies from the bottom ship, stealing the ring, and pegasi waves (which are REALLY annoying with your healers being nearby). I had about three successful attempt thwarted solely because his sole Luna cast crit. There's nothing more agonizing than have a 9-turn 2-pure water stack attempt failed because you had to let him attack ONCE and eat bad RNG. And since I'm playing on a Game Boy Micro, no save states. Damnit.

    In conclusion, I think Phantom Ship is harder without Seth, but Pirate Ship takes the cake as one of the most annoying FE levels ever made.

    Experience Gained: 1233/1450

    Damn, missed this one. It's a toughie to meet, simply because it's hard to field anybody who's low level. And worse than G_H by 40 EXP, although that's probably because I ended a turn earlier.

    Overall Ranking:

    Tactics: 5 (82/83)

    Funds: 5

    Experience: 5

    Survival: 5

    Combat: 5 (That took long enough. )


    UNIT     	LEVEL	HP  ST  SK  SP  LK  DF  RS   WEP LEVEL                   	SUPPORT
    Hector   	16.96	33  13  13  14  07  14  02   A Axe                       	C Eliwood
    Eliwood  	07.49	22  09  09  09  11  06  04   B Sword                     	C Hector
    Lyn      	09.21	30  06  11  13  07  05  02   A Sword
    Marcus   	21.23	Base
    Rebecca  	08.18	22  08  10  12  08  04  03   C Bow
    Lowen    	09.49	30  10  05  11  06  11  01   C Lance D Sword
    Bartre   	05.69	31  11  06  03  04  05  01   D Axe
    Oswin    	10.23	29  13  09  05  04  13  04   B Lance
    Guy      	13.04	33  11  20  20  10  07  04   A Sword
    Dorcas   	06.26	33  08  08  08  06  04  00   C Axe
    Serra    	09.55	20  08  08  09  12  04  10   A Staff
    Matthew  	13.14	24  05  09  20  05  03  02   B Sword
    Erk      	07.98	21  09  07  10  05  05  05   C Anima
    Priscilla	05.35	18  06  07  09  09  04  08   C Staff
    Sain     	13.68	30  17  10  11  07  10  02   C Lance D Sword
    Kent     	14.42	31  12  12  14  04  11  07   C Lance C Sword
    Florina  	05.16	20  06  10  12  08  04  06   D Lance
    Wil      	09.54	26  09  10  10  11  08  00   C Bow
    Raven    	09.05	33  12  16  16  05  09  02   C Sword
    Lucius   	08.39	21  11  09  12  03  01  10   C Light
    Canas    	08.88	Base                               	

  10. Brom is a lot better than Meg. Even if he is a bad unit himself. He can use forged hand axes from the get go and can use the hammah. Has huge availability lead over Meg AND Marcia/Elincia can rescue drop him in 2-E so he can hammer ludveck. His stats arent great, his move is terrible and his caps suck but hes still better than Meg. You get where this is going...


    Brom is certainly not better than Meg. At least Meg isn't completely outclassed by part 3 by just about everybody else she's grouped with. Brom simply can't compete with any of Ike's mercenaries, frankly, and is easily outshined by Gatrie right from the get-go -- never mind that Meg has fewer chapters in part 3 but more overall in parts 1/2. Hell, he's bad enough that I completely FORGOT he was in half of part 3! Maybe if Brom somehow got into the DB, he'd have some illusion of a chance to get into endgame, if you really wanted to field a guy who likes getting doubled by everything (Hint: Meg isn't.)...

    Meg > Brom.

    Damnit, stop dragging me into this! Didn't I say I was finished with this thread? sad.gif Let's just leave it at "agree to disagree" and move on with our lives.

  11. Did you just say Brom isn't usable but Meg is?

    An obvious statement, but yes, I did. Brom sucks. No way in hell you're doing anything with 20% speed growth AND general caps. Meg's high SPD growth at least allows her to hit general caps quickly, high LUK combines with SPD for decent evasion, and Meg is easier to raise in part 1 than either Aran or Edward past 1-6-1 or maybe 1-6-2 because of her higher DEF than Edward and higher SPD than Aran (i.e. she isn't doubled). Brom has availability issues and is beaten out in combat by anything with a pulse (sans Heather, but she's not used for combat, anyways) in part 2.

    EDIT: Brom's SPD growth is actually 30%. My bad, but general point still stands; I'd also like to point out that you can't BEXP his SPD reliably even if you wanted to.

  12. It's not that anyone is underestimating her endgame, it's just that nearly any other character given the same treatment is going to end up as good as, if not better than, Meg at endgame. AKA Meg is not winning endgame, or not by anywhere near enough to make up for the fact that she sucked harder than pretty much anyone else at the beginning of her existence.

    ...So you're saying nearly ANYBODY you throw 300 BEXP and MAYBE a stat booster is better than Meg endgame? That's...bullcrap, frankly.

    Wait, I'm done, I'm done. I'm honestly, for the love of god, done.

  13. No.

    Tibarn, Naesala, Nailah, Skrimir: units more or less guaranteed to perform well in part 4. Base stats should be sufficient.

    Nolan, Volug, Elincia, Haar, Ike, Titania, Shinon, Gatrie, Mia, Ranulf, Janaff, Ulki: units who perform well (or as well as their class allows) if you just use them regularly and potentially perform even better with a little attention.

    Edward, Aran, Jill, Zihark, Marcia, Nephenee, Mordecai, Calill, Rolf, Boyd, Oscar, Tanith: units who can perform decent to great but may need a bit more attention in getting there than those listed above. BEXP buffering and stat boosters may be required but it should be worth it.

    Note that I left out units like healers and herons.

    Meg is in the next list: units who don't perform particularly well (in part 4) without rather significant effort to get there. This includes kill-feeding, lots of BEXP, multiple stat boosters, etc. In Meg's case, even if she gets this, her class hinders her from performing as well as just about any other unit. The only mastery that consistently leaves enemies alive is Bane (notice how neither of its users are in this list), so the only advantage Luna has over others is its activation rate, but her middling Skill combined with inconsistent doubling makes that problematic as well. She isn't locked to Swords after promotion, which is nice, but her weapon levels in Lances and Axes especially are hard to make good enough for her to use the better weapons, and she doesn't have anything like innate crit to compensate. She can only really be effective in Ike's route because she can't move in the Desert, 4-2 is long, and 4-5 again makes it hard for her to move, though that's not to say 4-4 is easy on her.

    Take a step back. I am not the kind of person who says that someone is wrong just because they disagree with the majority opinion, but you are alone here, and there are at least 5 others telling you you're wrong. If you still believe you're right and want to keep this up, try it from a different angle, because what you are doing now is not working. However, I'd sooner suggest you consider the possibility that you're wrong; the FE10 tier list has thousands of posts. We've discussed every single character and know them all pretty well. We've used every character in different playstyles. We know what we're talking about.

    Look, I still think you're severely underestimating Meg's end-game (and no, she does not need BEXP to succeed, and the only stat booster I'd ever consider giving her is a secret book in part 1 for her low base SKL), but still...

    ...Anyways, thank you for being reasonable in this thread, RFoF. I really do appreciate it. Like I said, you all, I'm done with this argument. I think it's evident by now that it's going nowhere.biggrin.gif

    P.S. Damn you all for making me want to play Radiant Dawn HM while in the middle of a HHM S rank log gee_wiz_emoticon.gif.

  14. (Almost) Any unit can be a rockstar come part 4 given the right attention. This is not convincing.

    Yes, but many of those cases come from ample BEXP stat manipulation. Meg's comes from her mastery, which requires no real investment to cash in on. She's comes more of a god than a rock star given BEXP attention. Luna essentially makes her offense potent, her speed is obviously decent in third tier given her growth, she caps LUK easily, her STR/DEF is decent, she doesn't even suffer from any potential problems against mages.

    Edward needs BEXP to cover his DEF, Aran needs BEXP for his low speed, Leonardo for speed, etc. But Meg...doesn't need BEXP, although she obviously benefits from it once her LUK is capped and ESPECIALLY if her HP is capped.

    Some units (Brom, for instance) can't use BEXP to gain neccesary stats (or enough to matter), so they'll never have a chance at end-game. Meg isn't one of them.

  15. Nolan basically has nicer growths than Boyd, imo; he also caps stats much faster than Boyd in both second and third tier, making it easy for him to catch up to his small STR/HP deficit on Boyd, AND to top it all off, he's easily usable and nice to use in part 1, in any mode you pick.

    Brom's terrible speed really hampers him throughout, and Meg only gets away with general speed caps because her insane SPD growth makes her speed skyrocket at the beginning of each tier. Luna is nice, but you'd be better off with either Gatrie or Meg as a Marshall in end-game, frankly. And considering the Meg hate...you get the point.

    Nolan. Definately Nolan.

  16. Amazing straw man. I never said that Meg never gets a level in Part 1, much as you wish I did. We've cited how Meg does not, even with a level of BEXP in 1-4's base, avoid getting 2RKO'd by the entire map. You have said nothing to refute it. We've even pulled out averages for you and explained to you that just because Meg is at a much lower level than pretty much every other unit, that it doesn't mean she levels up as quickly as units such as Edward (king of the world in 1-P, and virtually solos kills there; he should arrive at 1-1 with at least a level or two under his belt, and stay fairly useful and grow for a few chapters given the lack of better units) and Jill (we've explained this to you already) who have significant advantages over her in earlygame. This means they start ahead of her and stay ahead of her for pretty much the whole game, for she isn't killing anything on her own. We've shown you how her durability (lol 21HP/10DEF/8SPD bases: these cripple her) and offense (a whopping... 21 ATK and 8 AS at base with an Iron Sword forge) are among the worst in earlygame and that she does not gain much offensive or durability leads over anyone quickly... well, when you gum enemies down to single-digit HP and have Meg finish them off, I suppose that she can let her incredible 35% STR and 35% DEF growth kick in. Meg's bases put her in a situation where it's very hard for her to level up and when she does, she won't level quickly enough for it to make a difference.

    ...Fine, fine. You could've just asked. When I went through 1-4, Edward got 2RKO'd, so did Aran, and so does Meg. That's why it's plausible and not a disadvantage to use Meg over either of the two in 1-4; Laura can easily top all of them off after a hit, and it's not like you lose anything by plopping a level 4 Meg at a chokepoint in place of a level 7 Aran, who can do his own thing somewhere else in the level. Meg only gets doubled at first by the fastest enemies in there, which are easily located in regions Meg should never tread anyways. This is, by far, Meg's roughest level (where Edward's might be 1-1, I suppose) in the entire game, and honestly it's not even that bad on HM. Going through part 1, Meg ends up outgrowing that oddly low speed base very quickly (which is her real problem, not STR/DEF, as 10 STR/10 DEF bases are actually very decent compared to Edward and keep her durability and offensive potential respectable). When I did a similar technique with Aran through 1-4, he starts to get doubled in late part 1, making it harder and harder to level him until I can feed him BEXP levels (i.e. get him as close to 99 EXP as possible when he starts capping a stat or two, and then feed him SPD; feels a lot like babying when you do it!).

    Jill IS ahead of Meg when she first joins (level 14 beats level 7...more news at 11!), but when Meg comes out of 1-E, her defense/STR/SPD/LUK reach levels that basically make Meg tie Jill going into 3-6. Meg and Jill face oddly low speed caps for their growths in second tier, although Jill's is higher than Meg's. Meg has the opportunity to gain some nice DEF/RES and continues to be a durable unit with nice evasion throughout part 3, while Jill can be a valuable member in combat and with flying/canto. In third tier, Meg basically takes off, getting a stupidly good mastery skill and continuing to get extremely good durability, which nice DEF and what's probably the best RES (or damn close to it) of any melee unit in the game. Jill also excels, but for different reasons, and I'd give third tier Meg the offensive edge if not due to Luna alone.

    ...But like I said, either Meg actively participates in 1-4 or she goes home. She takes care of herself without needing any active baby'ing past the first couple of chapters after you get her, but she NEEDS to outgrow that 8 SPD base, and fast. Aran's SPD needs to be pampered continuously, which is why I'm not a fan of him.

  17. This might surprise you, but having potential to have decent durability is not good enough, especially when it's coupled with poor offense and mobility.

    Moreover, Meg's durability is not really very good in earlygame (being behind Aran's and Nolan's). Nor does her durability go anywhere significant in Part 3. A 20/1 Meg is getting 2HKOed by Tigers and 3HKOed by Cats in 3-6: this is approximately on the same level as Sothe.

    Aran has more defense, but less avoid. Aran also gets doubled (again, Resolve plays into this, but gives both Aran and Meg significant and slightly different bonuses), while Meg does not, giving Meg generally more durability by 1-6-1 or 1-6-2, depending on how one plays.

    I also don't buy your tale of Meg somehow surviving 4-5 in HM at 20/10. On average, Tigers 2HKO her, Cats 3HKO and double her, Hawks 3HKO and double her, Ravens 4HKO and double her, and while Dragons don't 1HKO, they do leave her on less than 5HP. The least accurate enemies, the Tigers, have about 70 hit on her, so her physical durability is abysmal as well. Even some dumbshit like Lucia has better durability performance than that, since she's at least not doubled and even scrapes a 3HKO from Cats/Ravens/Hawks, as well as having much better avoid.

    No, no, it was NM. Either you read it wrong or I made a rather serious typo in an earlier post. The first time I was playing FE10, and as such I was basically forced to play through normal mode to unlock hard, and was breezing through it for the most part, trying to max experience while meeting all of the BEXP turn counts. So on 4-5, Meg's sitting at like 20/10/--, and I'm getting a little tired of trying to raise her (fed BEXP to Edward and Leonardo in a desperate attempt to make the DB archer not a complete failure), so I give her a few silver swords, a stack of concoctions, and send her on her way, having her plop her fat ass on a bush. It's tough going at first, and I'm basically convinced that she's probably screwed, then she starts gaining levels...and then it gets easier...and then she promotes...and then it's a joke.

    Her speed skyrockets again now that she doesn't have that stupid second tier cap, she's starting to dodge more and more reliably, starts doubling some stuff, and she's just OHKO'ing crap with Luna left and right. I tense up a bit as the dragons come, but all they end up doing is giving her two chances to proc Luna consistently and crumble beneath her feet without so much as really hurting her. When she is hit, her defense is pretty much making it easily healable through the very occasional concoction use. And before I know it, she's basically killed tens of laguz, if not close to one hundred (I don't even know, I lost count). I literally let Izuka spawn the living crap out of them for 20-30 turns. Been a year, but it's kind of hard to remember something so stupidly fun and awesome like that.

    Edward has been trained in HM before, although he relies on luck with his speed growth and you couldn't do it on the very fastest playthroughs. Look at my playthrough for details. I can't remember any fast playthroughs that use Aran. I vaguely remember smash doing one... but I could be wrong, and I don't recall the quality.

    I doubt that efficiently training Meg is possible.

    I have raised Meg in a maximizing BEXP/CEXP run (which was the one I was doing last April; essentially means beating all turn count caps and actually using t1 DB units), and she's really nice if you get her 15/-- or slightly above by 1-E, which is really doable. It's hard to describe, but she dodges a fair amount like Edward, but you don't have to worry about her dying because 14-16 DEF late first tier means she can take a hit or two comfortably. As for stupidly high efficiency playthroughs, I'm not sure. You'd probably make it impossible for any tier 1 DB unit to get enough levels in part 1 to be self-sufficient in part 3 (as you've essentially said) if you were to blaze through it at theoretical minimum speeds. So I wonder why Meg is so much lower on the tier list (and more universally despised) when she's very arguably right on par with Edward and Aran, the three of whom I think should basically be in the same tier and are equally usable.

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