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Absolute Zero

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Posts posted by Absolute Zero

  1. 26 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:
    55 minutes ago, Absolute Zero said:

    I guess I'm just trying to understand why you think a build designed to handle only 2 units is somehow any good for a mode like Arena Assault.

    Because that's what an Arena Assault build does. Arena Assault allows you to counter pick your opponent's team, meaning it is valuable to have a unit that is guaranteed to win against a handful of common threats.

    You see that unit on your opponent's team, and you know that you are guaranteed to take that kill.


    Fair point, thank you for the explanation. 

    28 minutes ago, Ice Dragon said:

    63 neutral magic bulk (71 at +10 merge) that negates both Litrblade's effect and Litrraven + Triangle Adept's effect says otherwise.

    Failing to activate her skill in one round of combat (and surviving) means she can be Repositioned out of reach and ready on the next turn or Danced to hit someone else with a fully charged Luna.

    As a reminder, an Arena defense team only needs to kill one of the player's units to be considered successful.

    Another fair point, I totally neglected her magical bulk.

  2. 17 hours ago, XRay said:

    Most archers I currently see are BH!Lyn and sometimes BB!Cordelia and TOD!Jakob. There is no point in having a build that targets weaker archers if they are not even seen in the Arena.

    Ok then what is the point of running an enemy phase build if it only counters 3-4 units that the player phase build reliably kills without sacrificing Roy's utility (Especially since firesweep bow is fairly common for 2 of them)? My whole point is that building the enemy phase build that way overspecializes Roy to the point of being useless if there are no archers (or fliers, I guess) on the enemy team, and it's overkill unless you are running +0s against +10s for some reason. You don't want dead weight in Arena Assault that's why I offered a much more versatile build. It doesn't handle those two units you designed the build specifically for as well, but it's not useless if neither of them are on an opponent's team. 

    16 hours ago, XRay said:

    That does not work against BH!Lyn [+0, +Atk, Mulagir, Luna, Swift Sparrow, Heavy Blade] nor buffed Blade mages +0 with Heavy Blade. Fortify Cavalry is a requirement to tank those, but if BH!Lyn got Hone Cavalry, even Fortify Cavalry will not save LA!Roy.

    Even a neutral atk LA! Roy one shot's neutral def/hp Lyn before she can get the second shot after hone cav. Again, with an Atk boon and hone cavalry Roy (at +0) can one-shot BH! Lyn up to +4 at = def/hp, and up to +9 at -def/hp, the two most commonly taken banes.

    And no one would ever use a 3 charge special and heavy blade with mulagir, Lyn doesn't have the defenses to run a set that requires a trade to proc her special. It would also keep her from always proc'ing against units that can't counter.

    As for heavy blade heavy buffed units, yeah no one can reliably tank those (unless they ignore buffs), but the deadliest in the meta right now are fliers and get blown up before their special goes off, and a fair few of the non-fliers are squishy enough to get one-shot by Roy after hone cav. 

    I guess I'm just trying to understand why you think a build designed to handle only 2 units is somehow any good for a mode like Arena Assault.

  3. After about 60 orbs on Love Abounds, got a +Atk, -Spd LA!Hector! That's probably my luckiest IVs in a loooong time. I still have a spare Nephenee around from my absurd luck on Dauntless Crimeans too. Hmmm double wrath shenanigans is pretty tempting. 

  4. That guard bow set is kinda niche, neglecting his fantastic res by running bowbreaker, and moonbow is a pretty big waste of the fantastic damage LA! Roy gets from Iceberg/Bonfire. QR + Iceberg suffices against most archers, and anyhow straight wrecking bows is something Cecilia already does better anyway.

    I think a more generalist tank build is better for him with the guard bow, considering , and he doesn't need bow breaker to deal with other LA! Roy or BH! Lyn. With an Atk boon and hone cavalry Roy can one-shot BH! Lyn up to +4 at = def/hp, and up to +9 at -def/hp, the two most commonly taken banes for high merge Lyns, and anyway both BH! Lyn and LA! Roy get blown up by quick riposte Iceberg 

    Imo a Guard Bow set should look something like:

    Enemy Phase Tank (Horse Emblem Arena Assault/Generalist)

    Roy @ Guard Bow+

    Atk+/ Res+/ Def+ Spd- 

    Refinement: +Res/+Def

    Assist: Reposition/Flex

    Special: Iceberg

    A: Distant Defense 3

    B: Quick Riposte 3 / Cancel Affinity 3

    C: Cavalry Buff 3 / Flex

    S: Distant Defense 3 / Quick Riposte 3

    With this set Roy reaches either 48/48 or 45/51 defenses on enemy phase, capable of shrugging off ranged attacks with ease, tanking doubles and firing back a nasty extra 24/25 damage iceberg on top of his already amazing base atk. +Res is probably the more useful refine as mages are more common and tend to output more damage per hit than bows. After fortify Cavalry Brave Bow users running Luna need to hit 54 Atk to kill neutral def Roy (-25 from Luna + 3 x 4 = 37>36) At +0 vs +10, at +Atk with Death Blow only Bridelia and Leon have the Atk to hit that 3 damage per round baseline necessary to Luna kill LA! Roy with a quad unbuffed) (Other LA! Roy cannot quad unless they have hone cavalry or non spd- and you don't). They have to hit 57 if they are packing moonbow.

    Obviously like any horse unit Roy performs best with access to Cavalry buffs, both hone and fortify being of great use to him. Also with fortify support you have the option of shedding a distant defense layer to run Cancel Affinity and QR as a seal, which allows Roy to tank and defeat TA-Raven mages, only leaving Thani/Keenwolf, and the rare Non-TA Raven tomes as a magical threat.

  5. 1 hour ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    you lose kills on Halloween Jakob, Close Def Sigurd, Fury Ayra and Steady Breath Vanguard Ike as well by dropping Glimmer, and this is +0 vs +0 too (fighting enemies with up to +5 merges over your units is quite common). It's not the end of the world, but the the first two are quite annoying.

    Ah I was running my maths at a +6 buff that's why I missed those guys. Yeah if you're not packing Dark Aura or Attack Tactics support you definitely want to be able to handle those guys. 

  6. I think dragon fang is worth a mention (IMO it's his best option) in conjunction with Heavy Blade, as it only costs Alm a couple of KOs against a few bulky blues, and gives him massive OHKO potential, allowing him to retain his offensive presence even with Double Tiger offline. With it charged he picks up every almost every kill he forfeits, even with Double Tiger offline. And with a +6 atk buff only Shiro, Subaki, and W!Robin avoid the OHKO at neutral, with Lukas and Effie also surviving at +Def. It also has the benefit of allowing him to 1-shot any TA Nowi build when charged.

    And if both Dragon Fang and Double Tiger are online, pretty much everything dies. (He one rounds every neutral unit in the game after a +6 attack bonus)

    If you only need 1 KO out of Alm on any given turn Double Tiger is online, Draconic Aura and Glimmer are probably better options but Dragon Fang allows Alm to make use of dancer support and snag multiple kills, or stay out on the front line and snag an OHKO on enemy phase. Overall it makes Alm less tied down to needing full hp and gives him a little more flexibility in how you use him. 


  7. So I've pulled 2 more Celica from the legendary heroes banner (both -atk, which makes 3/4 of my celicas -atk rip). Gonna merge them to my +1, +def, -hp, But I want to make sure that +speed, -atk isn't any better than +def, -hp. Considering the Atk+3 seal is available it seems like it might be. A quick check on the calculator (LnD/Moonbow/Atk+3 Seal) puts them at about equal performance, with +spd doing a bit better against fury boosted units. Any thoughts?

  8. On 9/24/2017 at 2:18 PM, MrSmokestack said:

    The Black Knight is a great user of that combo. If you’re not hurting for merges on Brave Ike or you don’t use him often in arena, I say go for it. Black Luna gets silly with CD reduction and the Black Knight has the Atk, Spd, and Def to make use of Wrath.

    There’s also Wrath Brave Ike, but Black Knight does have Distant Counter on his sword for coverage against ranged.

    Hmm, I guess the question is then is a +1 Brave Ike worth more than steady breath inheritance? I do use Ike almost always in the arena, but I've managed to stay in tier 20 without him being merged, so I'll probably go for it since it seems like a pretty darn fun combo. Now to decide whether to keep the +HP, -Spd Ike or the +Spd, -Def one lol. 

  9. First pull from banner jeez. Both Nephs are plus res lol but hey 2x of my favorite PoR unit and one's not minus attack! And Elincia is +Spd, -Def lmfao this is by far my best session ever.

    Luck was so good I went Yolo with the last five orbs to see if I could nab Oscar and finish out the banner and got a second Tana. 4 golds for 20 orbs kinda want to know the odds on that one. Well I certainly get to hoard orbs for a while now.


  10. 20 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:

    If you bait with Celica, it's Life and Death 3 with basically no in-battle downside AND +6 Def and Res. She gets a total of +16 stat boosts on turn 1 for free, then it goes away until Renewal kicks in or you heal her.

    +22 actually. Haha we just need hone/fortify mages and she'll be unstoppable.

    -Owl looks neat. I wanna see an armor mage with it.


  11. 1 hour ago, MrSmokestack said:

    I make regular use of Fury in my Arena runs, even after the balancing update. I find that the defensive edge it offers, like keeping Nino from getting oneshot by enemy Hectors and Takumis, far outweighs the recoil; it's much easier to work with a 1 HP unit than a dead one, after all.

    Reading one of your posts made me give fury 3 a try on my +spd -hp Nino over LnD 2. Gotta use a def buff to make up for the -hp (1 hp shy of getting into desperation just from fury, hp -1 seal pls)  but being able to trade to get into desperation is faster than ardent sacrifice and having access to draw back has pulled my ass out of the fire a few times, so thanks for that!

  12. 1 minute ago, GinRei said:

    That 6 from Fury isn't damage, so it can't kill you.  That's an important part for fights where you would otherwise take exact lethal.

    Yes I am aware, was just trying to counter their point that fury causes Xander to take more damage than no fury. Sorry if that was unclear

  13. 46 minutes ago, Katrisa said:

    But after looking things over Fury Xander does appear to have the widest counter coverage set, at the cost of coming out maimed

    Fury doesn't change the damage a unit that always gets doubled takes (-3 def x2 = 6). What it does is get him out of his crap ass speed tier and since he has access to movement based buffs (from a free unit, no less) he can get to a decent 33 speed with fury, where the six damage will usually be less than a second hit. QR almost always breaks in one round unless your packing TA which as already has been stated is overkill on Xander.

     On a slightly different note I think as a stand alone no hone cavalry Heavy Blade Wary Fighter is a silly combo that makes him a pretty good frontliner (anything that doesn't die can't get a second hit in, bulky enough to engage a couple units). Too bad heavy blade is so resource intensive.

    EDIT: Xander can't inherit wary fighter I'm dumb.

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