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Posts posted by hkchun

  1. Well, it actually doesn't matter where you ask, 'cause all that needs to be done is a few colors need to be changed back to the originals ^^ I can edit the colors for you, but I have finals next week, so I'm studying for them at the moment. If you can wait until the end of next week, I could take a look at it in more depth. Most of it is just locating the data, but like I said, my programs are a few years old and they don't work on my newest copy of Windows. I'll have to look around and see if there's an updates, and that might take a few hours :(

    But everyone here who has edited GBA colors before can help you, as the process is exactly the same. So if someone would like to step in in the meantime, it would be nice. It might also be better to make a thread at the forums at romhacking dot net explaining what you need help with. Sometimes the people in a chat room aren't as helpful as the rest of the people who hang out at the message boards :) The process should only take five minutes, especially since you've given us a save file with Celice available.

    (I sent you the email with the archive. Good luck! I also have an older version of the Ayra hack if for some reason you can't find that either)

    EDIT: So I have some unfortunate news. I was able to get the general area where Celice's palette is, but it looks like the palette is compressed for one reason or another. I saw parts of his new pink palette around $CAF10. I don't know if the compression is a generic LZ format (there's a few repeating compressions Nintendo used in some of their games) or if it's something unique. So it's not just a five minute job. I think you should just play with the pinky guy :E

    Argh, that sux :(

    I made a post at Shrine of Seals, it's a Fire Emblem site so I thought it'd be better than romhacking.net.

    Btw, thx for the archive you sent, although the patches in it seem to be out of date :(

  2. Wow, that's a quick reply!!

    Glad you're enjoying the patch :)

    I found it at a Japanese site I think.

    And I added the save file for chapters 5~7(or maybe 5~6, either way Celice should be playable) to the original post.

    And btw, do you have the newest Narga patch?

    Mine seems to have a bug, at chapter 7 and 8, when Shanan comes out the game crashes, and Sigurd has a weird portrait and class :(

  3. Hello.

    I'm kinda new here so I'll really appreciate any kinda help.

    I attached a file(it's a zip file containing the ips file and save file for Celice) for FE4(Genealogy of Holy War), it's like the inflation patch, but a very new one.

    Characters can use guns and rods, and there are new characters like other patches.

    It was updated August or September of 2011, so I assume it's one of the newest patch for FE4.

    The only downside is that Sigurd and his son's portrait is PINK for whatever reason, and I really can't stand this :(

    Could some be kind enough to change the portraits of Sigurd and Celise to original ones?

    I assume this is an easy task for expert hackers.

    Feedback to fantasy7707@hanmail.net would very much be appreciated.

    Thanks a lot.


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