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Posts posted by JaphethMario21st

  1. 11 hours ago, Critical Sniper said:

    Oh lol Lowen's hair on Kent looks so funny XD. Hello,m have a nice time here. But how is it that Binding Blade became your first FE and not Blazing Blade? did you mix them up?

    I always get Blazing Sword and Binding Blade, mixed up. Because of Roy's personal weapon has fire effects.

    Why they didn't call that Blazing Sword, that would make a bit of sense.

    And thanks for the message, Critical Sniper as well as the comment of my profile,.

    5 hours ago, DiogoJorge said:

    As someone who currently uses FEBuilder, I do recommend it. It's more fun than using the nightmare tools, that's for sure, since FEBuilder has a much better interface and feels less "raw" compared to Nightmare

    I agree, FEBuilder is better and it's user-friendly. Well at least for me

  2. 11 hours ago, Von Ithipathachai said:

    Welcome to the forums!

    If you're looking to make your own fangame and haven't devoted too much time to learning how to hack yet, I would recommend using SRPG Studio to make your game.  It's not very pretty (and it costs $60), but it's highly flexible, allowing you to put in as many custom classes and weapon types as you want.

    Thanks, Von. Actually I am devoted to learn about hacking. I've learned how patches work, how events work, how to create new classes, etc. But thanks for the offer.

    8 hours ago, Ycine said:

    Welcome to the Forest,JaphethMario21st!

    You started FE last year? What got you into trying it out?

    Have a nice day and enjoy your stay!

    Thanks for the comment, Ycine.

    Well originally Fire Emblem is supposed to be side-game. I was supposed to finished Mother 3, but then I got stuck and don't feel like grinding levels, so I decided to play Fire Emblem for an hour. And for some reason, my hands just continued playing Fire Emblem. Eventually, I realize that I finished Lyn mode and started Eliwood's side of the story. 

    Plus, I played Jeanne D' Arc on the PSP, so there's another reason why I'm attached to the series.


  3. Hello, my name is JaphethMario21st.

    Last year, I've become a fan of Fire Emblem, starting off with Fire Emblem: Binding Blade.

    And currently I have five FE games beaten, or at least beaten the last chapters. And those are Binding Blade, Sacred Stones, Awakening, Blazing Sword, and Echoes. Currently I am playing Path of Radiance. 

    I've been lurking around this website, downloading custom animations, since for some reason, this newbie wants to create a hack of his own. But it's time I create an account, so I can interact with people, get to ask questions, etc. 


    So anyways, thanks for reading and I look forward for the future.

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