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Posts posted by Crimson

  1. seldom. every time i choose a character to use for a chapter there's nearly always some statistical reason for it, like if i want them to engage in more battles (a low win or battle count), bishops doing extra damage to monsters in fe8, myrmidons for their relatively high tendency for critical hit rates, pegasus knights for their ability to travel far in one turn.

    btw is it statistical if thieves can pick locks and steal from foes? huh.gif because when they can no longer level up anymore i usually save them for lockpicking and stealing. just curious smile.gif

  2. Well Well i suppose i should welcome you too , you seem to be a rather intresting human being .

    And you like listening to Video Game OST ? Thats the well only Music i listen to XD .

    You should really really play at least Fire Emblem : Path of Radiance imo its the best FE to date and it has awesome music to boot ^^ .

    And why wont you tell us your Gender ? I suppose you are Female because you're the "Fairy Queen" XD .

    PoR...I want to play it but can't find it in any stores nearby, even with my dad's help Facepalm_emote_gif.gif so for now i shall stick to the classics

    And yeah I am indeed a girl but upon seeing the banner below my avatar i was like what?!? blink.gif the character in my banner is waay too masculine, a tough knight when i expected a pretty gal! so i sorta tried to cover up my gender laugh.gif but now that you've guessed right I am going to show it again freely ^_^

  3. Hello

    What are your fave characters from FE6-10

    Who's your fave Brawl character.

    WElcome to the "Funny Farm"

    Try a draft and have fun.

    here are my favorite FE characters:

    fe1 : Merric. love it when one of the hero's best friends is a male mage cool.gif

    but being a pegasus knight, Sheeda's awesome too

    and Gordon too!

    fe6 : haven't beaten this game yet, but probably Fa, from what I've heard of her smile.gif

    fe8 : Myrrh, she's basically an adorable girl and a powerful unit at once. i also like Marisa and Joshua (swordmasters ftw! cool.gif)

    haven't played the more modern games, as i said before i tend to be inclined towards classic gaming

    as for Brawl characters I love to use...

    -Falco (i love to fight Jigglypuff or Mr. Game and Watch with him)

    -Marth (especially when i fight Captain Falcon in red = his evil clone Blood Falcon)

    -pit (and beat up snake)

    -Toon Link (again i love to beat up Mr. G&W using him)

  4. Hi there everyone and I'm a young lass who likes to play games all the time.

    Well one reason I play Fire Emblem games is the music! especially the SFC and GBA ones! those are epic!

    Well aside from fire emblem games i also like mainly classic gaming, but i don't mind with certain modern games...

    -classic JRPGs (especially those of the SNES era, especially the classic Final Fantasy games biggrin.gif)

    -Super Smash Brothers (melee/brawl)

    -a few shmups (again, great music!)

    -Castlevania series

    -Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past (totally addicted to it in elementary school!) and Wind Waker

    But, being a busy student I don't really have a lot of time for gaming as I used to but welcome everyone! biggrin.gif

    Hope you all have fun!

    BTW, I'm also on YouTube! (see signature smile.gif)

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