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Posts posted by Karuu30

  1. we’re in book 8 an we still can’t have a demote with decente skills and not just the same skills from previous ghb or demotes. sighh. though laurent being colorless is certainly interesting if we somehow get an arcane colorless tome soon.

    and finally we have the new speedy version of the arcane axe, yayy. 

  2. can we talk about how awful Ginnungagap’s kit is for inheritance purposes? i was expecting they’d come with tempo 4, that would have go better with lethality. 

    not to mention fatal smoke 3 is still 5 star locked, and they didn’t give us a new boost 4 skill either.

    and the arcane dagger… well, wasn’t expecting much since the arcane weapons have not been great lately, especially rearmed sonya’s.

  3. Girl what even is this banner💀.

    Claude and Fuga are good representation for the whole wind theme, but Dagr? Catria who already has three alts? And Kagero being the lead in the duo when she was with Nina just a year ago, and she seems to be better than the thief’s duo? 

    Easy skip, but the new skills look interesting, especially the new inheritable bow. I wonder if L!Claude will get Deep Star as part of his remix? 

  4. For the male category, one of the Brodian brothers will take a spot in the top while the others remains in 5th or something similar. Personally I wish for Diamant to win.

    Not too sure about Alfred and/or Sigurd. I can see the support, but Felix is still around and might end up making it harder.

    Poor, always in third place Bernie. I really hope we don’t see another 3H winning even though it can just be wishful thinking. Her support is for sure nowhere as strong as it was, and with Yunaka being a menace in the women’s category, she’ll probably drop from 3rd to 4th or 5th.

    Also, I hope next CYL’s midterm results won’t be a mess like this year and go back as they used to be, not alphabetically.

  5. We can get M!Alear as a free reward as long as we log in during a certain period of time. Nice I guess?

    This banner is bait, clearly. CYL is so close and yet I might fall for it and try to go for the spark.

    A new speedy arcane bow, and an absolutely not needed arcane beast unit. Diamant looks… interesting, will have to take some time to read all the description of his weapon.

    Lapis is shown at the end of the banner, as an immediate demote. Probably no prf an of course it had to be a girl.

  6. she could’ve been this month’s ascended hero, or even the rearmed bringing an arcane blue tome/staff.

    doesn’t matter if they only added the crown, the long cape and a new version of her og tome, i already love her design.

    however, she’s still no sothe or m!corrin, so yeah. existing between the summer banners won’t help her either.

  7. 5 minutes ago, Othin said:

    Remaining seasonal-locked students: Caspar, Dorothea, Ashe, Lorenz, Raphael, Ignatz, and Leonie. I guess we'll get similar Black Eagles and Golden Deer banners in the future, then another one to clean up the stragglers? This is going to take a while.

    Rearmed Dorothea and Ascended Marianne coming, I can see it.

    Cause there’s no way they’ll try to sell a GD banner with OG Lorenz, Ignatz and Raphael.

    That aside, the way they handled getting the 3H students in the normal pool has been atrocious imo.

  8. I did not expect this. On the good side, we finally have OG Felix, Rhea and Sylvain. And he has an axe, I assume they’re saving Lance of Ruin for an ascended version?

    On the bad side, no arcane green tome/dagger. I thought they’d wait a bit before repeating weapon types.

    Ingrid was not my first pick for a 3H rearmed hero.The Warriors outfits seem to be exclusive to ascended/rearmed alts. 

  9. Don’t have much to say aside from what everyone have already said. Y!Tiki alt, Ganglöt as the rearmed as expected (with no follow up on her weapon, though), and the girls as demotes (weird to say that).

    One of them should have had a prf, or both even. Hoping they’ll be fast so they can at least be viable merge projects.

  10. Wondering who else is left from Awakening? Laurent and Validar come to mind, there’s Kellam too.

    I do like the design of the new Robin, but feels weird to have an arcane breath first before something more common like a lance or an axe, which many heroes could benefit from.

    Also, not Cervantes being added as the ghb. It feels so out of place lol.

    Eir seems tempting, but we’ll likely get the new Veronica soon so, perhaps it’s better to keep saving.

  11. I barely recovered from pulling for L!Xander and now this. Didn’t expect this banner to have units I wanted, especially Duma and Mila. They really had to throw a savior skill on them, of course.

    Also, they couldn’t even give Naga her prf skill or a prf weapon? I feel so bad for her, lol.

  12. Ascended heroes are making even lesser sense now, if they ever had some of that, which is not surprising. At this point they’re just giving any popular female character an ascended alt.

    The banner itself is weird, to put it in some way. Might try to pull for Shez, though.


    Edit: rearmed heroes are translated as “mysterious heroes’ in Spanish, and I find that funny.

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