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Ice Sage

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Status Updates posted by Ice Sage

  1. really? nice bro you're really good! old games are pretty hard for me except like megaman, donkey kong, sonic and mario lol. contra, castlevania, and ninja gaiden are just hard xD

  2. ah cool cool. mines gotta be contra 3. good thing for the konami code or else i never would've gotten far in these games lol.

  3. ah Bal how are things going?

  4. before you made the topic, i was gonna ask how things were going on your profile. lol xD. nice talking to you again Tangerine. you're a great person :)

  5. Charlie your a contra fan right? which one is your fav? they're really hard xD.


  7. i know bro xD

  8. i understand xD hope your bday is good!

  9. its next month lol but thanks!

  10. Happy Birthday CR! how's it been?

  11. bro i have power! :D add me on skype Icesage48

  12. Happy birthday bro!

  13. Hope everyone has a good thanksgiving today! :D

  14. defintley bro!

  15. yeah still don't have power in my house :/

    but once i do i'll defintley will be here more often! its been a while :D

  16. doing alright :) just recovering from sandy bro. how about you?

  17. good to see you doing well bro :D i hope you have a good thanksgiving!

  18. once i get power i will bro! haha

  19. thanks eCut! i appreacite it! :)

  20. just recovering from sandy still but besides from all that, i'm doing alright :D times are hard but we just gotta though it.

  21. hey eCut! how's it been?

  22. you guys still go on IRC?

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