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Ice Sage

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Status Updates posted by Ice Sage

  1. i am extremely late :/damn sandy. hope your birthday was good JB!

  2. Yeah you're right about that. Thanks jedi! So hows it been?

  3. Yeah xD i still dont have power tho :( i blame sandy

  4. Man im late. Happy late birthday bro. Hows it been?

  5. yeah going well :D

  6. school, work, the usual, but i'm doing well. need to get back at this FE stuff xD

  7. oh man its been awhile huh jedi? how's it been?

  8. Happy Birthday eCut :D

  9. Happy birthday~ have a good one

  10. Happy Birthday Fox~ have a good one!

  11. is addicted to megaman x and contra 3 xD. so fun

    1. Jedi


      EXTREME, I should play those again myself

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      haha yeah bro. i didn't get the hadoken tho :/ wanted to make sigma look like a joke xD

  12. yo Happy birthday~

  13. yo Happy Birthday~

  14. happy birthday!

  15. Yo Happy birthday bro

  16. Yo Happy Birthday! have a good one~

  17. Happy Birthday

  18. feels like crap :/ sigh..

  19. is having a Godnite

  20. i was wondering which mod changed their name xD

    i like it as well xD

  21. lol sorry bro i'll go on later. i got class in 10 minutes. i'll prolly be back in like 2~3 hours.

  22. not that much, but from what i can remember one piece, techi murio or something like that xD

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