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Ice Sage

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Status Updates posted by Ice Sage

  1. yeah. gohan angers was awesome

  2. yeah :( sad moment

  3. i only re watched goku vs freiza and gohan vs cell favorite moments xD

  4. nah me neither lol. been listing to some good old rap and rock for a while haha revisiting old anime like dbz and yugioh as well. you seen those as well? definitely dbz? lol

  5. yeah that's true. i heard some serious songs from him. pretty good, just that his troll songs. haha funny stuff xD and catchy too

  6. heya! so im assuming you heard basedgod? his music is so bad and hilarious xD

  7. Hey Arch! just wanted to say Elibian nights is getting better and better. i wonder who those characters are? =P keep it up!

  8. Happy Birthday!

  9. Happy Birthday!

  10. Wrote it Jedi :D

  11. ah yeah i'll write that.

  12. haha xD. your videos are awesome. liked the thracia playthough.

  13. No problem! :D

  14. definitley gonna get it. gotta try it out. Thanks Vincent! :)

  15. i will definitely try to get it. been meaning to xD. looks good and i love the music too. the one in your signature hasn't come yet right?

  16. Your signature got me curious about Ys. xD how is it?

  17. no problem :). i look forward to your hack! keep up :)

  18. cam you're up in fe4 draft

  19. no problem bro. hope it was good :D

  20. no problem Eclipse~!

  21. Happy birthday~ have a good one!

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