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Ice Sage

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Status Updates posted by Ice Sage

  1. hey Bindi how's RF4? i was gonna ask in the fe4thread but decided to write here lol

  2. Hey eCut! how are things going? school semester done?

    1. eCut


      Mhm! I finished on the 17th. Things are going well, too busy still, but well~! How are you doing? :)

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      glad to see things are well~! i'm doing GREAT. birthday is tomorrow so i'm gonna chill with my friends and family :)

  3. yo~! how's it going Sask? got skype?

    1. James Bond

      James Bond

      Oh yes, I do... nap.stat it is...

      if you have problem finding me then tell me.

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      awesome :D mines icesage48 but it shows up as anthony sometimes. i'll add you~

    3. James Bond
  4. heya Specta how's everything? i hope things are good~! :)

    1. Specta


      things are just absolutely fantastic, man

      how about you?

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      its going great! just trying to get a job right now~ everything else is is grand :D. i'm glad to see things are well!

  5. yooo! how's everything bro? i hope things are going good :D

  6. yo~! i finished playing Radiata Stories that game you recomended for me in my old rpg thread. whew it was fun! okami was another one i had a great time with :D how are you?

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      I picked Human path first lol. i'm gonna try non-human next. I really enjoyed this game~ its a shame not so many people played it :(

    3. Silver Lightning

      Silver Lightning

      Ahhh, Human path. I'll admit it was more fun to play overall in regards to gameplay, but the story crushed me, especially at the end. I enjoyed Non-human path story more because of it, so I hope you'll enjoy it when you get around to playing it. And yeah, it really is a shame that hardly anybody has played it; I remember it won the contest the year it came out for "Best Game That Nobody Played". >_<

    4. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      yeah the story was depressing =( the gameplay was fun. i'm probably gonna enjoy Non-Human much more. I need a happy ending haha

  7. Hey CR! how are things going? hope they been well :D

    1. Ciarre


      Hey! It's been going great. Tons of snow and ice though. What about you?

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      doing alright! starting medical school next month~

      i'm happy to see you're doing well :D

  8. Hey Shin! hope things are going well for you these days~!

  9. yo bro! how's everything? hope things been going well for you :)

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. General Horace

      General Horace

      That sounds awesome!

      I'm actually moving out West to study Orthopedic medicine starting in January here.

      Do you like having your birthday so close to Christmas haha?

    3. General Horace

      General Horace


    4. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      that sounds cool bro! good luck with that :D

      I do like having my birthday close to Christmas lol. i remember back then when people asked me if i used to get presents on both days haha

  10. Hey Boron how are you these days? i hope things are well~! :)

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      doing alright. been really busy and kinda depressed but i'm getting though the day. finally starting medical school next month tho! :)

    3. Sunwoo


      Ah, good luck and have with that!

    4. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      thanks~! hope things stay awesome for you Boron~ :)

  11. yoo! how've you been bro? I hope things are going well~!

  12. Hey Tang hope things are going well for you~ how are you these days?

    1. Tangerine


      I'm okay, gearing up for Christmas! How're you?

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      Doing okay! finally gonna start medical school next month and i'm reuniting with friends on my birthday so life is well~

      Glad to hear you're doing okay :) Christmas~

  13. happy birthday bro

  14. Happy Thanksgiving! hope it was great bro :)

    1. ZemZem


      Haha, happy Thanksgiving to you, too! Mine was fine. :)

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      glad to hear~! :D

  15. Happy Thanksgiving! hope you had a good one :)

    1. Vashiane


      Aww, thank you! I did, and I hope you did too. :3

      ... And if you don't celebrate Thanksgiving I then hope you had a good day!

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      it was great! thanks :)

  16. Happy Thanksgiving bro. hope you had a good one :)

  17. Happy Thanksgiving! hope you have an amazing one bro :D

    1. Jedi


      It was pretty good. Thanks

  18. Happy Thanksgiving! hope its amazing bro :)

    1. Nightmare


      Thanks, to you too!

  19. Happy Thanksgiving! hope its amazing bro :) Nice avatar by the way~

    1. Refa


      Hey, Happy Thanksgiving to you too! I hope it's filled of delicious foodstuff...and stuff. Also ditto on the nice avatar thing.

  20. Happy Thanksgiving! hope you have an amazing one Sylveon :D

    1. Tao


      Thanks, you too!

  21. Happy Thanksgiving! hope its amazing Boron :D

    1. Sunwoo


      Thanks Ice, and you too :P

  22. Happy Thanksgiving! hope things are going well for you! hope its amazing :)

    1. Thor Odinson

      Thor Odinson

      Thanks! You too c:

  23. Happy Thanksgiving! hope you have an amazing one Fre :)

    1. Freohr Datia

      Freohr Datia

      Thank you Icey!! =o Hope you have a happy Thanksgiving too!

  24. Happy Thanksgiving! hope its amazing bro :)

  25. Happy Thanksgiving! hope you have an amazing one Integ :

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