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Ice Sage

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Posts posted by Ice Sage

  1. diddy kong! I didn't enjoy him at first after playing him for a while he become really fun to use. He probably has the best neutral in the game with that banana. Fast, great throws, banana, dtilt, and aerials, and a command grab, diddy's moveset is really solid. while hoo hah has been nerfed, it can still kill and he still has a lot of other kill options. banana> fsmash, dtilt> usmash, dtilt > bair, bthrow, dtilt > dsmash, and utilt. the only thing i don't really like is his recovery since it can explode and you're dead. Even after the two nerfs, i'd say diddy is still a top 5 character. neutral and combos are really good. Diddy's MU spread is great. From what i remember the only ones where diddy players say diddy is at a disadvantage are Cloud, Sheik and Rosa.

  2. Ah, my favorite character to use in this game. Cloud is amazing. I can't really think of a bad move he has. all his moves are solid. bair, fair, and dair all auto cancel which is cool. dair auto cancel can lead to many things. Limit cross slash, uair, nair, bair, Finishing touch which now kills around 70%. his grab game is weak, but it can lead to some stuff. you can do dthrow to cross slash mix ups. limit cloud can do dthrow to nair, and ftilt at around mid percents. his recovery is meh but you can work around it. it can be tough to punish sometimes if he is recovering high.The nerfs didn't really do anything to him tbh. I'd put him in the top 5-7 range.

    oh cross slash can lock which is cool

  3. [3:34:39 AM] Jedi: I always viewed forts as having food and supplies

    [3:34:47 AM] Jedi: thats why you get some healing per turn

    [3:34:49 AM] Refa: i always viewed them as having free samples

    [3:34:57 AM] Refa: that's why the healing blows

    [11:58:57 PM] IceSage: Ah, Nightmare i know how you feel

    goddamn cockroaches

    [11:59:10 PM] Nightmare: God damn cockroaches ;_;

    [12:00:02 AM] Refa: they don't even need the roach part of their name the first half describes it perfectly

    [12:00:22 AM] IceSage: lol

    [12:00:27 AM] Nightmare: Hahahaha

    [12:00:31 AM] Nightmare: 10/10 Refa

    [12:00:35 AM] IceSage: amazing

    [12:00:36 AM] Jedi: lol

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