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Ice Sage

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Status Updates posted by Ice Sage

  1. insomnia is the fuckin worst >_>


    1. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      one of the greatest

    2. riariadne




  3. Happy Birthday~

  4. Hey Lumi! so which assassin creed game is your favorite? i love 2. i still need to try out 1 lol. I got bored of revelations, but im gonna try it again. Ezio is def the best :)

    1. Thor Odinson

      Thor Odinson

      I like Brotherhood the most. I'm also the best at it out of all the acs. 1 is interesting. The controls could be a little clunky due to age, and some may find the missions more repetitive, but it makes sense for altair's story. I think it's still good. Not as enjoyable as Brotherhood but Brotherhood is pretty much my favourite game now.

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      Ah, yeah Brotherhood was awesome. I loved capturing the Borgia Towers! lol and i liked traning other assassins. its was a great game. I heard 1 had some repetitive mission, but yeah i should give it a go. See how altair's story goes. Thanks Lumi!

  5. Hey Eclipse! how's everything?

    1. eclipse



    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      lol awww :( sorry to hear that. i hope things go well~!

  6. fuck the hulk hogan doesn't respect the legend no good man

  7. yooo how've you been Raven?

  8. eCut! how's everything?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      Ahh, it was pretty good :) Some work but it was all good

      Do you have skype eCut?

    3. eCut


      Yes, I do! TheeCut~

      I am not on Skype a whole lot though, just fyi, but feel free to add me. ^_^

    4. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      sweet! mines icesage48 i'll add you~

  9. Hey Tangerine! how are you? I really can't wait for the next breaking bad lol. do you have skype?

    1. Tangerine


      I'm okay, how're you? I have Skype, but I don't give it out, haha. I'm always looking forward to the next episode too :P.

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      pretty good! just been hanging out with friends and family this summer. how was yours? ah, skype. i understand :)

      haha yeah i just saw the new one =P just keeps getting better~!

  10. Hey Vash! got skype? what is it?

    1. Vashiane



  11. Yo Acacia you got skype?

    1. Acacia Sgt

      Acacia Sgt

      Sure I have, search me as "acaciasgt".

  12. Happy Birthday OldMan!

  13. Happy Birthday~ hope its a great one!

  14. Happy Birthday~ hope its a great one

    1. Integrity


      my birthdays all rule!

  15. Happy Birthday Fruit

  16. didn't see the friend request til now... sorry about that >_< Sf didn't give me a notification :/

    1. shadykid


      huh that's weird

      oh well who cares!

  17. happy birthday Rey

  18. Happy Birthday! have an amazing one~!

  19. Nice Ethlyn pic. she is indeed amazing!

    1. Ethlyn


      Thank you :)

  20. that chris g vs neo match got me hyped lol amazing match :D

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      chris made the comeback

      won all his games yesterday. 6 wins lol

      yipes and neo are done :(


      heres da top 8!

    3. Fei Mao

      Fei Mao

      Ah I see, thanks for the link. Grand Finals will be hype for sure.

    4. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      np :D

      and definitely! hype~

  21. Hey Vashiane! how are things going?

    1. Vashiane


      Fairly swell for a Saturday. :)

      And I can't respond to a question without asking about you. How are you doing?

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      pretty good! i see you're enjoying the fe4 thread

      we all get silly on that thread so much lol

  22. how've you been Dio?

    1. Icon of Sin

      Icon of Sin

      Not much. Trying to find a job in July isn't exactly easy, still stuff missing from the move over and there's work to be done with the floors around here.

    2. Ice Sage

      Ice Sage

      ah, true. trying to find a job as well. New House? nice.

      glad to see everything is well bro :D

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