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Ice Sage

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Status Updates posted by Ice Sage

  1. Man this is gonna take some time to get use to

  2. the middle was alright. endgame was insane lol

  3. no problem! :D

    Lunatic is hard at first, but it gets easier later on unlike fe12 lol.

    fe12 at the end was hard imo

  4. that should be fun xD good luck with it! :D

  5. haha i'll try to finsh lunatic +! :D

    go for severa xD

    i'm pairing mu with lucina this run

    gotta make morgan really good lol

  6. yeah. it was fun xD. lunatic + tho nah lol counter on chapter 3 made me almost ragequit haha. i'm on chapter 14 now

  7. Tiki on my first, Cherche on my second. i'm trying lunatic + now. so much RAGE lol

  8. lol yeah

    who did you pair MU with?

  9. i think i used marth in my first run. i didn't use anyone else iirc

  10. mhm yeah xD. L'arachel had a berserker and and trickster as well. i do like that they did that

  11. cool lol. i've been using nanna as well. now i just gotta wait for ishtar lol

  12. did you play any of the dlc bro? so fun using old units again lol. I got Leif and seth right away haha

  13. Severa, Inigo, Lucina, and Morgan are my favs lol for first gen mine would prolly be

    Chrom, Vaike, Cherche, MU, Sumia, and Stahl

  14. Ah, yeah xD She's one of my favorite kids. Inigo is amazing as well imo lol

  15. glad to hear. i'm just trying to get a job now haha. my friend works at synergy so i might get a job there. glad to see everything going well for you bro!

  16. haha, nice. I Think the last time i did an all nighter was back in February lol. school going well?

  17. Happy Birthday Imp!

  18. haha I know how you feel. I can't sleep as well. I usually fall asleep at 3 or 4 =( lol

  19. how are things going bro?

  20. Happy Birthday! :D

  21. yeah =/ I still fleamen are the worst tho. makes me rage lol


  23. Ah, I understand. I have trouble with it as well lol. It's really hard. It took me years for spanish xD

  24. Its been good! Since I know Spanish already, I've been trying to learn Italian And Japanese xD. all other classes are fine. Some homework here and there.

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