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About geradgerard

  • Birthday 05/18/1993


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    When i was just around 11 or 12 years old i went to Costco and being the avid video gamer i was, headed straight to the video game section. There i discovered my first Fire Emblem; Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Throughout the years i would play the two other FE games for the GBA. After two years of beating POR over 15 times a FE for the Wii was out. i didn't have a wii at the time so what i did was i bought the game. a few weeks = later i convinced my mom to get me the wii. and my love of FE only grew.

Previous Fields

  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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Newbie (1/14)

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  1. If you can get me a quick overview of the whole menu, I'll make a team and figure out all the particulars. Seems like making teams is much easier now though, a lot of my units are getting 3-5 stat ups at a time. My Unit is doing the best by far.

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