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Lemon Mystery

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Posts posted by Lemon Mystery

  1. 21 hours ago, vanguard333 said:

    Maybe there's a vow of celibacy among the Knights of Seiros, so he left to get married?

    I would think there was a disagreement with the higher-ups, especially if they're corrupt, but I doubt they'd be eager to welcome him back if that was the case. Would the Begnion Senate have welcomed back Haar and Shiharam? Would King Ashnard have welcomed back General Gawain? So, if it was due to corruption, he either must have kept his mouth shut about it, or there was a change in management. 

    This makes a lot of sense. Jeralt doesn't seem to have any similarities with Byleth though, and I am not just talking about the hair. Their clothing is completely different and I think that's intentional.

  2. 1 hour ago, Guest Dia said:

    Why Jeralt left the Church of Seiros ?

    I think the devs will Keep it rather simple :

    Jeralt fought for the church because they followed a , by his view, noble Goal. But things changed. Maybe the methods the church used to "maintain" peace grew more and more "morally wrong". At some Point he could not stand the ways of the church anymore and so he left the church. Before Jeralt left this "Byleth" semms to cause potential Trouble for the church. So the church declared "Byleth" as a great danger who Needs to be eliminated.

    Thus Jeralt took Byleth with him to protect him from the church. -> Since Byleth later becomes a teacher on an academy (ruled by the very same church Seiros) because of his powers , Jeralt will join the church once again . He wants to protect Byleth and wants to know what exactly causes the Changes in the church of Seiros.

    Since the Church seems to be the "World Police" for all 3 nations , it would make sense that they cause Trouble (knowingly or unknowingly)

    Sorry for the wall of text.   


    Why would they accept Byleth to teach at the academy if he was seen as a threat though?

  3. 59 minutes ago, Enduin said:
    1. Get's sent on a mission to eliminate some threat to the Church. Finds it's a mysterious woman who has a newborn or is preggo. Learns some truth about the Church that upends his world, covers up for her and leaves the Church in order to take care of her and the kid and ensure the Church doesn't find out they got away.
    2. He is sent on a mission and either kills said woman or she dies of sickness leaving behind her child. Jeralt is given the duty of taking care of this special child by the Church and leaves in order to limit suspicion about their involvement or the importance of this child.
    3. Simply fell in love with a woman, leaves just to be with her, she dies and he raises their kid. Never questions the Church one way or the other. Nothing special about any of it.

    All three of those could work! To be honest I really like the first one.

  4. 2 minutes ago, Regal Edelgard Axe Master said:

    Maybe it has something to do with his wifes "unknown" death I do believe that's gonna play a huge role especially to Byleths lineage of who their mother is especially to the church.

    I was actually thinking the same! That mayhaps he killed Byleth's mother somehow and felt bad for the child so he decided to protect him after all.


  5. Personally I will be joining Blue Lions. It was between them and Black Eagles but I prefer the characters in Blue Lions (visually wise) more. I'll probably play through every House once and then I'll be able to tell which is my favourite. But so far it's Blue Lions.


    (I mean have you seen Sylvain? ?)

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