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Luckless Lux

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Posts posted by Luckless Lux

  1. I think we'll definitely get an in-depth trailer during the direct as well as a Treehouse segment after the fact. It's a perfect opportunity to hype up the game before release.

    As for what I'm hoping for in terms of information, I hope an explanation on how what house choose affects the game is probably the elephant in the room. Would it be like Eliwood Mode vs. Hector mode where there are only slight variations and the focus is on one particular lord? Would it be like Sacred Stones route split where you follow one house for a while or at different points in the story? Would it be like Fates where the entire story and who you recruit are contingent on the house you pick? Is it a combination of some aspects of two or three of them? Is it something completely different? Will anything significant change at all? We don't have confirmation on anything regarding how the choice of house affects the story.

    I'm also hoping for the mechanics on class changing and proficiencies works. Particularly how much proficiencies affects the passing rate into a new class or learning a new weapon. Also wondering if there's a limit to the amount of a certain class you can have and the classes available to you.

    A big contention point is how IS is going to handle the support system. I can see three likely paths. The least likely of which is that you cannot marry the students and there is no marriage at all or relationship undertones between teacher and student. However, this is post Awakening FE and I doubt that would ever happen. The next likely is that you can marry the students but it's explicitly stated that because this is a noble/military academy, that the students are of legal age, but given how FE likes to keep its ages nebulous, I think the most likely scenario is that you can marry the students and their ages aren't confirmed. If anything from the Fates children and the Bridal Sanaki debacle has showed me, it's that IS is willing to do these things for the sake of publicity and sales no matter how morally reprehensible it is. 

    Finally, even though this isn't related to Three Houses itself, if we do get a Smash representative from this game, I think it will be announced at E3. I think the spot is between Byleth and Edelgard but I'm not sure who's going to get in if we get a new FE rep. Even though Edelgard is the most marketable of the main characters and can have an interesting moveset with an axe and possibly magic, Byleth has the distinction of being the main character. Who gets in is a toss up to me.

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