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Posts posted by W.W.R.D.

  1. uh

    you have one frame


    that's why you get one frame in the animation

    it's almost like this should be painfully obvious

    Blazer demonstrates insertion in his tutorial with one frame and it inserts fine, it just doesn't move for obvious reasons. But i get the error message as soon as I try to load the animation from script.

    I'm assuming that the problem is that you named it standingpng.png instead of standing.png. You don't actually write the png. (Or that is what it is downloading as)

    I changed the name of the animation and i still get an error message.

  2. I keep getting errors when I try to insert my first custom animation into my Rom using FEditor. As of right now the animation is just a standing one and I am using the script given by Blazer in his Ultimate tutorial. Any ideas what is wrong?


    /// - Mode 1

    C03 -

    C07 -

    3 p- standing.png

    /// - Attack Frames




    /// - Frames after hitting but before stopping to wait for HP depletion


    /// - RETURN TO BASE

    3 p- standing.png



    ~~~ -

    /// - Mode 3

    C03 -

    C07 -

    3 p- standing.png

    /// - Critical Frames




    /// - Frames after hitting but before stopping to wait for HP depletion


    /// - RETURN TO BASE

    3 p- standing.png



    ~~~ - Mode 5

    C03 -

    C07 -

    5 p- standing.png


    4 p- standing.png


    4 p- standing.png


    3 p- standing.png


    ~~~ - Mode 6

    C03 -

    C07 -

    5 p- standing.png


    4 p- standing.png


    4 p- standing.png


    3 p- standing.png


    ~~~ - Mode 7


    2 p- standing.png


    3 p- standing.png


    2 p- standing.png


    2 p- standing.png


    ~~~ - Mode 8


    2 p- standing.png


    3 p- standing.png


    2 p- standing.png


    2 p- standing.png


    ~~~ - Mode 9

    3 p- standing.png

    C01 -

    ~~~ - Mode 10

    3 p- standing.png

    C01 -

    ~~~ - Mode 11

    3 p- standing.png

    C01 -

    ~~~ - Mode 12

    C03 -

    C07 -

    3 p- standing.png

    /// - Attack-That-Will-Miss Frames



    /// - Frames after hitting but before stopping to wait for HP depletion


    /// - RETURN TO BASE

    3 p- standing.png



    ~~~ - End Animation Data

  3. I have been having issues inserting a map with the towns and docks tile set. The Object Set i am using is Towns & Docks(0x10), The palette is Town: Ship & stone road unusable (0xB7), and the tile configuration is Towns & Docks(0x12). So the tile set is 1000B712. When I try to export I get an error message.

    When I export the map I get a message saying "I have used over 1024 block structures, only use this .MAR with FMP1.0 compatible editors/libraries"

    When I open up the game the map is scrambled and i cant alter anything in nightmare to fix it. Any ide what the issue is?

    The BMP of the map is posted below its dimensions are 20x15.

    Thanks for any help.

    Chapter 1scrn.BMP

  4. My maps have gotten buggy lately and it doesnt seem like the problem is related my map insertion process but with the event script I am using. The script had been applied earlier to another map and not caused any issues, and when I assemble it I dont get any error messages. I used a clean rom and inserted a test map without issue. Then when i applied the event changes that had previously worked I either got a messed up map or the game loops to the main menu.Should I just start a whole new event file and use that?

  5. I removed the line disabling the tutorial and now the game is working... I am going to reinsert the line and test to see if this is the issue. I have no idea why but after reinserting the line the game works fine. Thanks for the help...I am sure I will need more soon enough.

  6. when I open up the ROM after using the event assembler I get a black screen and nothing happens, after a while the chapter screen appears and then the game loops to the main menu. when assembling i get the message that events end at offset 0xD800CD, but in nightmare I am using the pointer 0x8D80000 could this be the issue?

  7. I am new to hacking and following Arch's bootcamp videos on youtube in order to learn how to make events. I inserted a map without any issues but have not been able to get the game to work after changing the events for the prologue.

    There is an attatchment of my event text file, and I am using the template included by nintenlord with his event assembler. Any help would be very much appreciated I cant figure out what I am doing wrong. Thanks again.

    Prologue Events.txt

  8. I currently attend Richard Stockton in New Jersey where i major in Economics and minor in Philosophy. I do many things including play on a sports team, im the president and founder of a libertarian club, and am an ambassador of my school. After Stockton I plan on attending Columbia Law School and then going into corporate law

  9. I have just started doing my first events and have been referencing both the Ultimate Tutorial by Blazer and Arch's Event Boot Camp. However when i attempt to use the assembler i get an error message. It reads "Unhandled exception has occured" and "Matches are disjoint. I have attatched the text file i have been attempting to use. Thanks for any help and sorry if a similar question has been answered before.

    Chapter 1 Events.txt

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