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Everything posted by tacticdave

  1. Yeah, thats what i was going for. It will look like a myrmidon, but its actual class is gonna be called Page, and its gonna have stuff locked to it. In the mean time, i have a question thats going to affect how i make this hack: Should i write the story first, then work on the mechanical aspects (class/map making, etc), or should i go the other way around and get the non-map stuff made, then go through and make the maps and story later?
  2. Most of the Yggdra/Blaze Union Sorties (aka, the character battle themes) In particular: Yggdra Union (psp version) Yggdra Sortie Milanor Sortie Cruz Sortie Roswell Sortie and Russell Sortie Oh, and Imperial Admiral Sortie And Gulcasa's Sortie And Aegina/Lucienna's Sortie Blaze Union: Zilva's Theme Sisker's Theme Garlot's Theme Gulcasa's Theme Aegina's Theme Leon's Theme Jenon's Theme (this would be my theme) Balderus' Theme Thortie's Theme Russell's Theme and Rapis' Theme And one from Gloria Union A Destroyer Clad in Gold (Yggdra's Theme) Just youtube them all, since there are so many.
  3. Except wouldnt that then mess up the myrmidon class for enemies, Npcs, and other, non-important Myrmidons?
  4. Ignore. Computer accidentally Double posted.
  5. Ack. Mappy wont load any tilesets. Did i mess up somewhere? More info: I downloaded Mappy from FEShrine, and downloaded/extracted it to a folder. I click "New Map," and a blank screen comes up (like the instructions show) and when i click "Import," that works fine. but when i load the Import, it wont load. Nevermind, i figured out what i didnt do. I forgot to set the map to 16x16 pixel tiles. Had me scared for a second that i might have a virus or something.
  6. WOW! that was taking forever to load. Thanks for that though, ALS. Never mind that. Internet was being stupid
  7. thanks, Octavian. Btw, how do you Quote people? I know theres probably instructions here and stuff, but im busy modding right now, and it doesnt help that my internet cuts out every now and then, thus making searching on this site a chore.
  8. ok, quick question (i know, already) anyway, i changed Lyns sprite to a Myrmidon, but when i move over her, she switches back to her normal sprite. How do i fix this? And i removed all of the tutorials on normal, but the RNG is still like it normally would be for the tutorials. Is it basically gonna be stuck like that, or can i set it so the game will draw random numbers for those maps? and, uhh... is it possible to change which characters are what class? IE: make Kent into a Fencer (Custom Class) or Sain into a knight? Just so you know, i do have the FE Ultimate Hacking Guide (by Blazer, i think), but i may have missed something while reading it, or because its covered in a later chapter, and i havent read that far. So, ummm... Think of me as an Ewan or something. Great potential, but poor at the start, and almost useless when you first get him (ok, maybe a lvl 3 or so Trainee Ewan)
  9. well, ok. i see your guys' points. maybe id better get the hack a little further in before i start asking for help with graphical stuff. I was mostly asking this right now because i thought i wouldnt get answers back so fast, and had a little more time to work on it. call me naieve, cuz its not that far from the truth. And i kinda (well, aside from the animation) meant to ask if people had some of this... uh... just laying around. Admittedly im not that far along, so, ill edit the wishlist i have. And i might as well mention it now, but i dont mind if some people want to help with other parts of the game, either. My story is non-existant at this point. im kinda at the spot where im deciding where exactly i want to go. (Hence, i dropped the animation request for now.) You guys have made me realize something very important: If i want to ask for help, i should at least be a little farther along. So, i guess ill use this for questions until im at the point where im fixing animations and stuff.
  10. Yay, my first post. I will post my wishlist here, but its mostly for my convenience, so that i dont forget it. *a custom weapon sprite for a sword. The sprite will be for a Sabre (as in, a Cavalry Sabre) (if someone can do this without too much trouble. I may just hijack another sprite) *I do have a custom animation in mind, but i'll leave that for later anyway, thats all i can think of for now... If i have more trouble, i'll post here. Oh, one more note: I'll pm my email if you want to send me stuff. I dont like to give it out. I dont like to get junk
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