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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. So, what's so great about TWENY?
  2. Well shit. I planned to start a topic about tarps, but instead I learned that pirate=ninja. Wow. Now if Fireman would fix his image of Quillsh Wammy, we'd be good.
  3. Who the fuck hell are you again?
  4. What makes it even funnier is that Cormag's death quote goes something like this "Damn. My brother wouldn't have gone out like this."
  5. I voted Gerik, even though he doesn't have the con to wield axes.
  6. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Check_sum Now somebody else needs to figure out what the hell this means.
  7. Nintendo made a lot of fuck-ups in Brawl. I would have forgiven them if Tingle was playable, but he's not. Take a hint Nintendo, they's only one Zelda character that you can add in the next SSB as a new character. No, its not fucking Toon Zelda. Its Tingle. Did I already say my favorite lord in this topic? Oh well. I like Sigurd the most. A godly great unit, he's not the cliched 15 year old lord out to save the world, he doesn't activly seek out battle (he mostly gets caught up in it),
  8. IIRC, the only major flaw Impossible says is in his timeline is that Ganon becomes the king of evil twice. But, I'm willing to let it slide, seeing how well the rest of it works together and because crap can happen during translation (yes Ganon Mandrag I'm looking at you)
  9. I'm pretty sure that what type of laguz blood a Branded has determines how much longer they can live. I doubt that a branded would live as long as a laguz of the type whose blood they have. +20 years for cat or tiger blood seems reasonable. I think.
  10. IIRC, its FE6 that's all sieze missions (FE4 as well, I guess).
  11. Pugi. Hand axe+killer axe+lots of uses=Win
  12. It probably had something to do with the complete failure that is the final boss's most powerful attack doing 1 heart. To put this in perspective, the Iron Knuckles of Majora's Mask did, IIRC, 7 hearts of damage if they hit you. And then there's the fact that you could take a crap and 20 rupees would pop out.
  13. The FE4 version, with the castles named would be preferred.
  14. Celice, before someone else tells you, you should only have 1 image in your sig. FE4: Sylvia and Sigurd's conversation. That one guy in Chapter 9 that says "They're here already? But we're not ready yet!" FE5: The throne bonus. FE6: Idoun FE7: Wallace. Bald, cool, and funny. FE8: The game FE9: Not much funny FE10: They wish to consume me!
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