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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Either the mods here can't edit other people's posts, or they don't know that they have that power.
  2. Best Zelda timeline to date Why is it the best? Its backed up with the most logic. IIRC, the guy has a link in the following link to a word document that's over 100 pages backing this up. Following link.
  3. I'd say they're allowed. Anyone could get those moves for this tourney, since you need to have wi-fi for the tourney anyways.
  4. Because Twilight Princess was so great. Oh wait, it wasn't. Nevermind.
  5. Its working now? Meh, $10 says it breaks again within a week.
  6. Ch9 is the one with Hannibel and all the damn mountains.
  7. I DS does have two screens.
  8. What the heck do you want it for Wii? The DS is portable.
  9. I'm sorry, but this idea smells like half-baked fanfiction.
  10. FE4: Gives you mixed emotions of saddness, anger, confusion, and "wtf is this?" at the end of chapter 5.
  11. Halven would like a word with you.
  12. Big explosion over Siberia in 1908. Let's talk about it.
  13. Don't Florida's schools suck anyways? But she knows a lot about foriegn policy. Alaska is right there ;)
  14. Klein was almost killed by a lion. True story.
  15. It was Durban the Berserker. Looking at the script, Roy was halfway to Castle Araphen when he learned it was under attack by Bern. Brenya and Narshen ganged up on Hector and captured him (eventually it seems, as they capture him in the opening scene of the chapter). Hector and Zephial talk, and Zephial has Hector thrown in the dungeon. Brenya leaves. On the third turn, Zephial, Narshen and Idoun talk, and something is said about Dragons, so yeah. Zephial and Idoun leave, and then Narshen leaves to rape Clarine. After the battle, they find Hector in the dungeon still alive. He has bad wounds, and talks about the Dragons that were fought in the past. He talks more, then dies. I'd change it to Hector only pretending to die, to give Roy motivation.
  16. I liked the first gen better. And the end of the first gen was tragic. It was sad.
  17. The name is a misnomer. The coding was shoddy back when it was first made, but its not anymore, but the name stuck. Another advantage of Shoddy: You can save battle logs. Example of a saved (and then posted) log. Rules: Ladder Match, Sleep Clause, Freeze Clause, OHKO Clause, Evasion Clause, Species Clause, Strict Damage Clause SunnyDayMan sent out Moving Mountain (lvl 100 Tyranitar ?). INVALID sent out Roserade (lvl 100 Roserade ?). Moving Mountain's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm! A sandstorm brewed! Roserade used Sleep Powder. Moving Mountain fell asleep! Moving Mountain is fast asleep! The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. --- Roserade used Toxic Spikes. Spikes were scattered everywhere! Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team! Moving Mountain is fast asleep! The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. --- Roserade used Toxic Spikes. Toxic Spikes were scattered around the foe's team! Moving Mountain is fast asleep! The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. --- Roserade used Hidden Power. It's not very effective... Moving Mountain lost 6% of its health. Moving Mountain woke up! Moving Mountain used Substitute. Moving Mountain lost 25% of its health. Moving Mountain made a substitute! The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- Roserade used Leaf Storm. It's super effective! The substitute took damage for Moving Mountain! Moving Mountain's substitute faded! Roserade's special attack was harshly lowered. Moving Mountain used Dragon Dance. Moving Mountain's attack was raised. Moving Mountain's speed was raised. The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- Roserade used Leaf Storm. It's super effective! Moving Mountain lost 39% of its health. Roserade's special attack was harshly lowered. Moving Mountain used Substitute. Moving Mountain lost 25% of its health. Moving Mountain made a substitute! The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- Roserade used Leaf Storm. It's super effective! A critical hit! The substitute took damage for Moving Mountain! Moving Mountain's substitute faded! Roserade's special attack was harshly lowered. Moving Mountain used Dragon Dance. Moving Mountain's attack was raised. Moving Mountain's speed was raised. The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- Moving Mountain used Substitute. Moving Mountain lost 25% of its health. Moving Mountain made a substitute! Roserade used Leaf Storm. It's super effective! The substitute took damage for Moving Mountain! Roserade's special attack won't go lower! The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- Moving Mountain used Dragon Dance. Moving Mountain's attack was raised. Moving Mountain's speed was raised. Roserade used Hidden Power. It's not very effective... The substitute took damage for Moving Mountain! The sandstorm rages. Roserade is buffetted by the sandstorm! Roserade lost 6% of its health. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- Moving Mountain used Crunch. Roserade lost 45% of its health. INVALID's Roserade fainted. The sandstorm rages. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- INVALID switched in Vaporeon (lvl 100 Vaporeon ?). Moving Mountain used Stone Edge. Vaporeon lost 100% of its health. INVALID's Vaporeon fainted. The sandstorm rages. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- INVALID switched in Salamence (lvl 100 Salamence ?). Moving Mountain used Stone Edge. It's super effective! A critical hit! Salamence lost 100% of its health. INVALID's Salamence fainted. The sandstorm rages. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- INVALID switched in Mamoswine (lvl 100 Mamoswine ?). Moving Mountain used Crunch. Mamoswine lost 100% of its health. INVALID's Mamoswine fainted. The sandstorm rages. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- INVALID switched in Shaymin-s (lvl 100 Shaymin-s). Moving Mountain used Stone Edge. It's super effective! Shaymin-s lost 100% of its health. INVALID's Shaymin-s fainted. The sandstorm rages. Moving Mountain's leftovers restored its health a little! Moving Mountain restored 6% of its health. --- INVALID switched in Scizor (lvl 100 Scizor ?). Moving Mountain used Stone Edge. Scizor lost 100% of its health. INVALID's Scizor fainted. SunnyDayMan wins! INVALID: omg lol SunnyDayMan: giga-bulky ddtar >.> INVALID: haha
  18. So, exactly how are things with the economy outside of the Midwest? Must be pretty bad for it to be in the news so often...
  19. I think there's the Maji and Saji archtypes, the Jeigan archtype, and the Cain and Able archtypes.
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