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General Spoon

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Posts posted by General Spoon

  1. Um, NO AI is as clever as Thracia's, none even close.

    Fighting on the map where Cya's leadership makes it a living hell, I use Pahn to steal a unit's weapon. One the following enemy phase, said unit goes to the shop and replaces the stolen weapon with a killer weapon ;x

    If this is true, those enemies are pretty damn smart.

  2. What makes you say that? I may have voted for him if he had hooked up with Elincia. I've always felt that Sigurd gets overrated.

    If anything, he gets underrated. Lord character, awesome bases, level 1, premomote status, good growths+Major Baldo, can use swords and lances, and gets a fucking silver sword in the fucking prolouge. If he has any problems, its that you have to be careful to not overuse him.

  3. ...

    If a girl hits on you, would you hit her, just because you are not interested? Then you shouldn't hit a homosexual for the same reason.

    Problem is I'm not homosexual. So if gay people find me hot, all I can say is:

    You lose!

    I did say I'd warn them that I'm not gay. Something to the effect of:

    Homo: Hey dude, I think you're hot.

    Me: Hit on me again Homo, and I'm gonna kick your ass.

  4. Oh, you will hit a guy for no reason, but not a woman? Good logic there. <_<

    Why would a lesbian hit on a guy?

    And, how would I know she's a lesbain? (lesobien? lesbiaone? spelling?)

  5. Why isn't any of the Gamefaqs admins on the list? They hate Animal Crossing and have got together and agreed to not split the AC: City Folk board (or at least rumors like this will spring up if inaction continues). And that board needs a damn split.

    EDIT: I vote Mao because of eye-slits.

  6. Tingle is the only Zelda character left that has any chance of being in the next Smash Brothers. Seeing as Nintendo has shown time and again that they care shit about what Americans think, don't be surprised when he shows up in the next Smash Bros.

    Back on topic, is the damn thing working yet?

  7. Reblestar: Tactical Command (GBA).

    Due to low development costs, this game's price tag is virtually non-existant (got it for about $10 at K-Mart a few years back, I think it was $5 off). It falls into the RPG genre, with your characters and the enemies taking turns. Units spend Action Points (APs) to do anything, move, shoot, reload, etc.

    To shoot an enemy, it helps to see it. That's right, lines of sight. Wall in the way? Throw a grenade at it, and walk through the hole.

    The plot is complete and utter crap, and should be ignored. The gameplay is where its at. And the gameplay is solid.

    Only problem is loading times of maps, and sometimes lag when playing. Yep, lag on a GBA game. Those development costs were pretty damn cheap.

  8. Let me put it in this way.

    Why should I pay for it, if I can get it for free from the internet?

    Yes, I'm stingy like that. XDXD;;;;;;;;;

    This. Free>Not Free (in most cases)

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