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General Spoon

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Posts posted by General Spoon

  1. Personally, I won't EVER call Adventure of Link the >BEST< Zelda game ever... but it's certainly not the worse (those spots remain filled by the terrible CD-i games, shame on Phillips for EVER releasing those), and I occasionally pick it up and play it because it's such an important milestone in the Zelda Universe, but, overall, I didn't think the game was all that great, and will probably be only worshipped by the cult followers.

    I doubt you've played the CD-i Zeldas. I haven't either, but at least I don't complain about games I haven't played.

    And I fully intend to give them a shot someday.

    Also, IIRC, don't hookers restore your health in GTA? Well, Zelda II did it first.

  2. What does Oifaye (and the people after he speaks) say at the beginning of Chapter 9 in FE4? My patch has him saying that he'd like to say something, but it hasn't been translated yet. Then somebody else says that if they skip this stuff the screen will go black. Then Celice says that they should use filler, and that they just did.

    So, does anybody know what was said there?

  3. Needs these (and some more):

    -FE4's map sizes

    -FE10's number of maps

    -FE8's overworld map thing

    -FE8's branching promotions

    -FE10's three tier system

    -Wind, fire, and thunder magic

    -Holy Weapons (like in FE4)

    -FE4's Castle Towns

    -FE5's Capturing


    -Great story/plot

    -FE4's roads that actually do something


    -FE9's support system

  4. I know a guy who dropped a DS down a flight of metal stairs and the DS only got a slight dent. But to think a Game Boy suvived the Gulf War? Wow, Nintendo definitely builds their things to be durable... :blink:

    It's called The Brick for a reason. I've also heard stories of it being run over (by a car) and working. And I've heard somewhere that one was dropped in water and came out fine.

  5. The American Super Nintendo seemed the most fragile of all the Nintendo systems (omitting things like the VirtualBoy) :(

    DS Lite would like to have a word with you. (I'm looking at you, you damn shoulder buttons, hinge, don't think I've forgotten about you either)

    Slightly off-topic, didn't Nintendo only stop repairing NESes a year or two ago? And then its only because of a lack of parts.

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