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General Spoon

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Posts posted by General Spoon

  1. Noish is pretty damn low as it is. Can't see myself lowering Alec either. Below him are Midir (who is a lot like Alec, but -taking counters, +no enemy phase action, +enemy magnet, +charge, -nihil), Beowulf (who is like an underleveled Alec with somewhat better end results, again Charge over Nihil, but no lances), and 5-mov-lame-availiability-no-skillz Claude. If anything I'd push Aideen up, but that's it.

    Ardan in his own tier...yeah...maybe...he does fetch the Pursuit Ring though.

    Doesn't he need a lover to get the pursuit ring though? Who wants Arden as their father again?

  2. I just hope that dumbass doesn't venture into this topic.


    I'm a Luthern.

    Since we're talking about religion, I have a question for Catholics. Why does the old guy wear a fish hat anyways?

  3. sigh.jpg

    Why is it nobody else thinks this thread has outlived its purpose? I don't think we absolutly need a flame war to close a thread that has obiously outlived its purpose.

  4. I never said it wasn't. It's just some things are illegal, and other things aren't.

    Like how its illegal to use a milk crate for other than its intended purpose?

  5. I smell a biblepusher.

    Not really. I'm for euthanasia if done under very certain restrictions (Orgeon Death with Dignity Act seems the best set of those out there).

    More like me trying to force my beliefs on other people...wait. I don't usually try and do that :unsure:

  6. I play Dota, it's pretty fun. I also play normal ranked games, I'm always Random.

    DotA's community sucks balls. I tried to play it once, and everybody acted like assholes to me. If I asked how to play, they acted like pricks. And after the game, I was almost certainly put on a banlist, simply because I was a noob at it.

    Of course I hate DotA.

  7. And on what planet does that mean you are not allowed to have an opinion and share it with other people? =o

    It's not like we're trying to convince anyone to get an abortion or not, it's just a discussion, and a bad one at that.

    On Gamefaqs, an opinion is a declaration of war. But this isn't Gamefaqs, so we can have opinions.

    I noticed that somebody said that a fetus is not a human. This scares me. If we have the right to decide that an unborn child is not a human, wouldn't that give us the right to say that blacks aren't humans? Or that gay people aren't humans?

    Going off on a tangent, gay activities are a sin.

    Leviticus 18:22

    Do not lie with a man as one lies with a woman; that is detestable.

    1 Corinthians 6:9

    Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders


  8. Oh, we got back on topic after Jyoshua tried to get us off-topic.

    I don't have anything to add at the moment :unsure:

    EDIT: Found something to add. ^People don't brag about abortions. Must be a good reason for it >_>

  9. Aha, you still haven't answered. Are you positing that Chicken's lives are less precious than humans?

    It is generally aceptted that a human life has more value than a chicken life. You can get capital punishment for killing a human. Not so for a chicken.

  10. Let's try it this way.

    A person has determined that another person shouldn't live, and makes the choice to kill that person.

    Hopefully, we can all agree that this is murder, and that this is wrong.

    I'm not going to connect any dots here. I'm just telling you where the dots are.

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