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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. DotA sucks. Try playing Swat Aftermath, made by Redscull. He's got a forum about it, and it has more members than we do. Link Basically, you are on a team whose goal is to complete objectives to win the game, all the while not letting the zombies kill you. The specifics of the objectives vary between difficulties, but the objectives are to reduce rads to the safe level, restore power to Racoon City, and rescue the required amount of civilians. On the Nightmare (second hardest difficulty) and Extinction (hardest difficulty, has yet to be won) difficulties, you must kill Nemesis after finishing the other objectives. Give the game a try. And use nanites. Its like mana shield on steroids. And your hero has 500 health, and normal enemies hit for at least 100 damage.
  2. Your opponent isn't gonna sit around after using his duel strike. He'll smash into your sorry army that's been beat up by the SCOPs. Once your turn rolls around, your air force is useless, if not mostly screwed. They've been beat up, have lost half their fuel, and have double fuel use for a few turns. What can make it back for refueling will be out of the fight for a bit. Meatwalls can easily be broken with this power. An Andy and Jess Duel Strike would be the best way to minimize damage to what's left of your army. Of course, it can't save your dead units. And it won't fully heal the really beat up ones. Now, if the enemy has some recons prepared, they can start the duel strike with Drake as soon as its their turn. If they don't, they may not want to start it until after Drake moves, due to fog. In any case, this duel strike is very powerful. In addition to the two turns duel strikes provide, you get to do 4 damage to all enemy units, get rid of half the fuel of all enemy units, and increase their fuel use for a few turns. Edit: Your navy will take a hit too. Mostly your subs.
  3. In Duel Strike, if someone could get off a tag power with Drake an Olaf, you could kiss your air force goodbye. And four health on all your units. And a bunch of fuel.
  4. I expect something stupid. This thread has proven my point.
  5. Even gamefaqs lets users delete their own posts. They don't have pms, or some other nice stuff, but thats not the point
  6. WTF is this with people migrating? And what does FESS stand for? Is it really that much of a shithole that there's coming here? And why the creame cheese are we being mean to the poor people coming from this board of asshats? Somebody want to fill me in over PM?
  7. I voted Serra. She uses staves. A bit off-topic, but why is this Lord Glenn person an adim? He just joined two days ago.
  8. I think that Robert Clotworthy should have voiced someone. Tibarn or Ranulf, maybe?
  9. Watch out though. Hydralisks might be burrowed, and pop up to surround you.
  10. I'm just gonna toss this in here. Its not every day you get a lord you have to be careful to not overuse ^_^
  11. Off the top of my head, for good pre-promotes, there's Percieval, and there's Niime (she starts with an A-rank in staves and a bunch of magic). Oh yes, and who could forget Sigurd? I think I'm forgetting some...
  12. Devouring presence? Rich Boy Pablo sent out Binks! Go, Rutger! Rutger used Killing Edge! Binks used Steel Axe! Binks attack missed! Rutger used Killing Edge! A Critical Hit! Binks fainted! Rutger gained 100 exp points! Rutger grew to level 21! What? Rutger is evolving! Congratulations, your Rutger (Myridon) has evolved into Rutger (swordsmaster)! Rugter learned +15 crit!
  13. Its not obivous who R-tard is if none of us can figure it out...
  14. Maris does have the distinction of being a lefty. Not many of those in Fire Emblem games. Don't believe me? Check out her sprite. It may look like she's a hunchback, but look closer. She's using her left hand instead of her right.
  15. Wild Mountain Thief appeared! King Shaagel sent out Cross Knight! Cross Knight used Steel Sword! Its super effective! Wild Mountain Thief fainted! Cross Knight grew to level 20! Congratulations, your Cross Knight has evolved into Eltshan! A wild Sigurd has appeared! King Shaagel sent out Eltshan! Sigurd used Lachesis! Eltshan is not obeying orders!
  16. If you wonder why ingame characters find he annoying, think about being having to listen to her all the time. Not just when she supports.
  17. Do you seriously want us to buy that he has 25 strength? Especially when he only gains +1 Strength from promotion? List his HP too, why don't you?
  18. I know that. I'm sorry, but I need the money.
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