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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. Who the fuck is R-tard? Make sure we can understand what you're saying, or we'll just ignore you.
  2. inb4Sigurd Oh, and why are you having money problems in FE7?
  3. Correct. Because Lyn is the only girl Rath ever met in his life. Ever. I'd also like to see said pic. Why has nobody linked to it yet?
  4. Why no more votes for Glass? The gods fear his name!
  5. Let's see what I can dig up... "You're strong, reliable, ... and slow! You're the one, hands down! Hahahaa!" - Alec (to Arden) "Hrmph. I can live with the strong and reliable part, but leave the slow bit out of it, ok?" - Arden (back to Alec) "I am Glass! The gods fear my name!" - Glass "Craven cur!" - Eliwood "Big words make my head hurt!" - Bartre "Behold! A giant walks among you! My defense is impenetrable! Come! Break your weapons against me!" - Wallace "This is a message from Lord Nergal. 'I await you on the Dread Isle.'" -Denning "Thunder! Thunder, hear my cry!" -Aion "I won’t give up... Not here... Not in this place... I’ll keep going, even if I have to crawl..." - Innes (death quote) "You don't look particularly sorry. You look rather pleased with yourself." - Moulder (to Colm who has set his package on fire) "Where there's life, there's hope." -Brenner (whoops, wrong game) "Bah... I am in NO way inferior to this so-called Demon King."-Innes (final battle quote) I vote for this one: "I am Glass! The gods fear my name!" - Glass
  6. Oh, its (not surprisingly) based on a book. I should check it out sometime.
  7. Yes! Gay marrige is banned in California. Now the gays will learn to become heterosexual, and get married to members of the opposite sex like normal people should (if they choose to get married). That was not sarcasm, btw.
  8. I thought it was good. Though I can't remember the name of Lina's little sister. Or the Mayor. I felt the "It's my job" line was epic.
  9. Oh wait, Sylvia exists. Forgot her.
  10. I vote Wallace. I also nominate best enemy reinforcement(s).
  11. Do you want a damn cookie or something? <_<
  12. No. Wild World was fun because it was portable.
  13. Hey look! I've poked a hole! Yay?
  14. Skill doesn't matter as much when there's a bunch of lances flying around and you use an axe.
  15. I think Niime is the most viable druid. By viable, I mean staying back and using psychic, berserk, sleep, etc.
  16. Question: How many of you have seen Leo's marksmen outfit? I have. It looks awesome.
  17. http://www.ramza.altervista.org/galry/pikablu/ Of course, Ramza is too damn lazy to finish it.
  18. I dunno if mine is too big. I'll wait and see what happens.
  19. Fargus is sad he only has one vote. Come on people! Vote for Fargus! You can even see his chest hairs! I vote Fargus.
  20. Though I think we can all agree that Gonzoles is better then both of them >_> Edit: Didn't know above post was there when making mine.
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