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General Spoon

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Everything posted by General Spoon

  1. I thought so. By certain degree, do you mean the part about him having a 'girlfriend' twenty or so years ago?
  2. Am I correct in my understanding that in the first half of FE4, the prince of Grandbell is some 40 year old loser bachelor?
  3. Spoilers: Elphin is Prince Mildain. Prince of Etruia. Western Isles are a colony of Etruia. Ta-da? Spoilers: An axe cannot concieve a child.
  4. Anyways, I vote Chad. Also, does Shinon remind anyone else of Astol?
  5. On the subject of Days of Ruin, I have a theory of where the meteors came from. First, it assumes that the game takes place in Wars World. Now, the theory is that sometime after the events of Dual Strike, Sturm's race decided that they wanted to kill all life on the planet. And what better way to do it than all using their Super CO Powers at once?
  6. Hawkeye, Hawkeye, Hawkeye of the Desert, strong as he can be!
  7. This is a load of shit. Reminds me of those nifty USB Wi-Fi connectors being discontinued. We should petition Nintendo to allow us to send in old, damaged Gamecube controllers for repair.
  8. I had a dream where a movie was being made about George W. Bush. He was played by some guy with a British accent. Laura was played by Eliwood. And Hilary Clinton was played by Kerrigan. I think the movie either bombed or set a new box office record.
  9. On the topic of powerful enemies in this game, we have the Demon King. I remember someone once saying his stats could make Hector break a sweat.
  10. You've obiously got the Internet. Are ROMs monitered well in Iran? They're not in America...or anywhere else, I believe. Though I could be wrong.
  11. Protoss units don't promote. Problem solved. ^_^
  12. This forces participation though. NPCs being killed by zombies prevents people from finishing quests. Also, I hear the plauge has been getting stronger. The time it takes to turn zombie after infection is down to 5 minutes from 10 minutes.
  13. But Blizzard is trolling the game itself.
  14. General Spoon


    Guy rules. We are talking about this guy, right?
  15. Suggestion TLS. Don't sleep in the nude if you don't like changing your sheets.
  16. So, yeah. I'm done introducing myself, thank God. I hate introductions. Oh yeah. I like Chex Quest. And Starcraft. And Pokemon Ranger. And Fire Emblem. And other stuff.
  17. That's right. Blizzard has launched a massive trolling program on WoW. Article Another Article Will edit in more after dinner. Let's discuss this. From what I've seen, a good deal of WoW players are mad. Eh, just go to wowinsider.com for more articles.
  18. I don't know my friend code, I've never written it down. And the only chance I'll have every week to play over wi-fi will be spent playing FE4. Just killed Baldo.
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