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  1. 26 minutes ago, VincentASM said:

    A bit late, but I took some screenshots from the video posted on the Nintendo Switch news channel. Sadly, the quality of the video was still pretty low, but it's better than the Twitter and Facebook ones, I think.


    Here's a better look at the two unidentified people in the top corner:


    Okay so the person in top left and top right on red backround is our Totaly Not Evil guy from feb direct, his face looks Fu***  up however.

    In between both screens it seams to be a woman, with a hedgear similar to Seiros in the first trailer and she has a armor pad it looks pink, but i think its red, maybe its Edelgard? In the same screen there is also a whipblade that Byleth has.

    And there is also Reaper-chan on the Rhea's right riding a horse, what a good boy Reaper-chan is!

  2. 11 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Ignace does seem like the obvious shota of the Golden Deer

    I guess Ashe would be the ''smol' one in the blue lions. 

    And in the Eagles....Casper?

    Caspar is actually shorter than Edelgard, and Edelgard herself is not that tall, F.Byleth and Dorathea are toller.

    So yeah Caspar is the "smol" one lol

  3. 13 minutes ago, Druplesnubb said:

    It's possible that they didn't choose Cristina Vee for Edelgard because they chose her for another character instead.

    Yeah iam actually hoping this to be the case, like its just feels like a waste of the great VA.

    Yeah yeah i know its business and all,but still.

    But it dosent look to be this way based on her twitts though....to me atleast.

  4. So a small useless fact i noticed: each house has a "smol gurl must protec" and IS using F.Byleth for each 3 of them.

    There is also a "smol sweetheart boy" in each aswell, and IS using M.Byleth for each 3 of them.

    This brings a few questions, is F.Byleth a Lolicon? Maybe M.Byleth is a Shotacon?

    Found out next on Super Romance of the Three Houses Z.GT!

  5. I fell bad for Claude's back, i mean carrying the husbando game on you're back all alone must hurt like hell, and Raph IS a big boy so....

    If only we gave Lorenz a chance.....ah well Golden Deer is officially a waifu house. Like Claude is a MC so ofcourse he looks good.

    You want a good husbando? Join Blue Liones. Want a good waifu? Join Golden Deer.

    Do you seek balance? Like all things should be? Sweer an oath to the Crimson Emperor!

  6. 24 minutes ago, TheWill said:

    It's pretty unlikely they'd give REDACTED another hero(ine) he/she already does REDACTED

    Dude, say that to Troy Baker, the guy is everywhere and voiced like 3 main characters in games that came out prety close to each other (The last of us, Bioshock infinite, Saints row the third)

    The point is IF an actor is good for the role, they get the role, there is also a thing caled "type casting".

    And like i said it could be someone different.

  7. 17 minutes ago, BZL8 said:

    I'm sure glad I looked it up before saying anything, because how embarrassing would it be to announce that you play a certain role only to find out that you...actually don't after all?

    Yeeeeehhhhhh thats a case allright ,well atleast we HAVEN'T heard that much of Cristina as Edelgard,so we cant really say that she would be better or worse...it still suck because she has great range,and she is great VA in general.

    On side note i now pitch Kira as Edelagard.

    Kira DOES sound a bit kinda like Tara platt actually.

  8. 3 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

    What you're implying (voice actors being siblings, yet their characters get romantically involved) CAN actually happen already. Conception II: Children of the Seven Stars has the main character Wake voiced by Sam Riegel and one of the potential love interests Ellie (who gets pushed quite hard from the get go) voiced by Eden Riegel.

    In all seriousness, though, I wouldn't mind having Sam Riegel voicing a character in Three Houses, either. He's a pretty great voice actor, too.

    Yeah Persona 4 Golden comes to mind too.

    Go wright youre poetic poem Edelgard

  9. 6 minutes ago, DragonFlames said:

    I think Erica Lindbeck's pretty great, too. Her work as Celica, Magilou and of course Futaba has been top notch.

    Personally, if it was Eden Riegel voicing Edelgard, she'll officially be my favourite character in Three Houses. #voiceactorbias
    As far as the Japanese voices go, that spot belongs to Sothis for being voiced by Tomoyo Kurosawa, who was perfect as Christophorus, who is my favourite character in Nights of Azure, the sequel, and Warriors All-Stars.

    Eden Riegel would be a fine "replacement" actually, hell get Sam Riegel to voice M.Byleth or Dimitri while we at it.....for scientific reasons of course......

  10. 1 hour ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    I might be one of the only people picking Blue Lions at least partially because of Dimitri; he interests me so much!!

    Personally i like Dimitri way more then Claude, personality wise, Claude comes across as a Two-Faced asshole, to me atleast. I like the chivalry and general sense of honor Dimitri seams to have. And he's modest too!

    GD does have more interesting characters Backround and personality wise, unlike BL so far ,imo.( Except Mercie, Noble turned Commoner sounds intriging, But SHE is from Adrastia so...Black Eagles keep on wining even in a different house!)

    BUT i will probably still play Blue Liones second as F.Byleth, after my Black Eagles M.Byleth run.

  11. This reminds me of folks at GTAForums, they overanalyze EVRY nook and cranny, EVERY screenshot and trailer, and then make a mockup map based on their findings.

    Absolutely insane, mad, crazy SOB's those guys are let me tell you.

    I also see you changed the "Dunno" to "Hanneman's room?" Sneaky! jk lol

    Nice work on the map!

  12. So i think the Windmill might actually be the greenhouse then, or part of it i suppose.

    And i think we need to pay more atention to the beginning of each char video's, some of them have a small glimpse of the mini map.

    I think Lysythea had it aswell:image.thumb.png.58002a0ff32923b125300b2625b446e5.png

    Hubert also has it,but its just Black Eagles class room.

    Edit; And Raph has it tooimage.thumb.png.f51177746a860b3c732dfaa3e605bb99.png 

    And Mercie has it too! Man everyone has it dammit! (but i reached upload limit on this post so....lol)

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