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  1. I like how the 3 Lords, lord promotions, are based of their nations emblems, Red/gold Edelgard (Adrestian emblem: golden two headed eagle with a red BG ), Blue/silver Dimitri( Faerghus emblem: Silver Griffon rider with blue BG ), Claude is bit odd, its Dark Gold( The centre of Leicester emblem is darken gold ),which is why Claude's Lord colors are are my least favorite, its too monotone, in comparison to Edelgard and Dimitri.

  2. I wiil just copy what i typed in the other thread:

    "Guys, Flame Emperor is Edelgard's "Savitar" come now, he even has feathers on him, And he has a axe,and his colors are not just Adrastias, its just Edelgards Noble outfit.

    Edelgard class name is Black Eagles, eagle is a type of the bird. And Flame Emperor's armor is decorate with eagle like feathers.

    It wouldn't suprise me to be honest."

    Basically i think its Future Edelgard.

  3. 16 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    I did a big theory about the remaining crests and I didn't really know where to put it but it mentions the fact that there are multiple archbishops which Thani said so I guess it fits in here:

    There will be 7 Saints of Seiros(including Serios herself).
    The Saints of Seiros are the founders of Adrestia, who founded it along with Seiros herself. Where the 10 Greats were the heroes of the war, the Saints were Seiros’ disciples and advisors. They were likely the ones who founded the Church of Seiros in worship of Seiros after the war.

    There are 6 other hooded figures alongside the assumed Seiros in the centre of the mural, now these can’t be the 10 Greats as there are only 6 and they wouldn’t leave out the remaining four if it’s a historical representation. These 6 figures are the Seiros’ disciples and were given Crests alongside the Ten Greats, Nemesis and another 4 unknown people. These Seven Saints established the Adrestian Empire after the war was won. I predict that we won’t get any more information about playable characters with Saint Crests as the only 3 students with crests from Saints are Edelgard; Ferdinand and Bernadetta; all of whom are assumedly very high up in the Empire’s ranks, as Ferdinand’s family is the dynasty for Adrestian Prime Minister. The remaining 4 crests of the saints belong to the Four Archbishops of the Church of Seiros – of which Rhea bears one of the Saint’s crests, and the other 3 archbishops bear the remaining three Saint Crests. This leaves four crests not belonging to the Ten Greats, or the Seven Saints, discounting Byleth’s of course. And lo and behold, there are 4 crests that are faded out on the mural, so my prediction is that these 4 crests will be the crests of the fighters that fought alongside Nemesis. So if I had to predict what crests belonged to what “faction” I’d say – [Blue is Ten Greats; Pink is Seven Saints; Black is Nemesis’ side; Asterisks are for unconfirmed crests].


    Whether the crest belonged to a Great or a Saint is pretty up in the air, every unassigned crest apart from these 3 were guesses.

    This is most likely the Crest of Gautier, and the Saint’s seem to all be stationed in Adrestia or Garreg Mach not Faerghus, so most likely a Ten Great  


    This can be seen in the Coat of Arms of the Leicester Alliance; so I’m assuming whichever student it belongs to is from Leicester, and, like Gautier, the Saint Crests will most likely, according to my theory, all originate in Adrestia and Garreg Mach, so again most likely a Ten Great -


    This was seen on the balcony of what appears to be Garreg Mach, so not only am I gonna say it’s one of the Saint’s, my hot take is that it’s specifically Rhea’s  -



    To add up, the 4 Dark dragons on the mural could represent the four crest belonging to Nemesis's faction, thus 4 "damaged" crests.

    And Seven holy saints? More like Seven Deadly sins, eh?

  4. 10 minutes ago, WolfWind said:

    Can someone share the translation for Ashe? I can't see the comments that translated it.

    First tweet:

    [Blue Lions] Ashe (CV: Inoue Yuuki) The adopted son of Lord Ronato, the landlord of the Caspard territory in the Holy Kingdom. (cont.)

    He holds great respect and gratitude towards Lord Ronato, who took him in, raised him as his own, and sent him to the Officer's Academy despite him being a commoner. He is a serious young boy, who studies and trains hard so he can become an outstanding adult like his benefactor.

    Second picture: "So that's how it is. ...You're amazing, teacher."

    Second tweet: Video

    "It's all thanks to my adopted father, Lord Ronato, that a commoner like me got to enroll in the Officer's Academy. He's strict but also kind, and a model knight... I want to grow up and become someone like him."

    Via @SatsumaFSoysoy

  5. 11 minutes ago, Azz said:

    I'm assuming Leonie being the only true one refers to how Raph and Ignace are merchant's sons, which generally are higher class commoners. I'm assuming then Leonie is probably a farmer's daughter maybe or smth.

    Merchants arent exactly poor, so the only thing seperating them from nobles is title, which probably means very little in the alliance.

  6. 3 minutes ago, Azz said:

    I think the whole thing about Golden Deer being mostly common people is mainly flavour text and refers to the class as a whole and not just our main eight. I have a feeling Marianne will be our fifth noble from Golden Deer tbh since she is a magic user and the fourth crest has been shown when magic is casted. Also Thani did say that the Golden Deer being mostly commoners is bs so...

    As for opinion on the leaks, I don't mind them (besides the whole Lysithea dying part, but hoping that's just one of the things Thani added), however I think it is important to note, Thani has gotten information mainly from twitter reveals and famitsu correct so they could definitely have an informant, however it's still important to have a healthy scepticism as none of the story elements Thani mentioned have been confirmed 

    Yeah Thani did said that only Leonie is a "true" commoner w/e that means, so i asume that everyone else has ties to nobility.

  7. 5 minutes ago, SatsumaFSoysoy said:


    Flame Emperor {Entei, like the Pokemon lol}
    A mysterious being operating secretly around the great Monastery. Their emotions are impossible to discern through that mask, but it's clear that they're not friendly towards the Church. They, for some reason, employed bandits to attack students who were out camping, but that failed due to the protagonist's intervention. After that, they have come to hold interest towards the protagonist while also staying cautious. What could be their goal...

    Second picture:

    "I'll let them {could be referring to either students or Byleth} roam free for a bit longer. I don't have enough information about that teacher."

    Its a Romen Darth Vader Black Knight!

    Why would he hire Costas( a total jober) to kill the 3 lords? Do it yourself you dumbass!

    This is the reason you're plans will fail!

  8. So how many commoners are in Golden Deer? Like they supposed to have the "most" of common folk, but so far Blue Liones have 3( Dedue,Ashe and Mercie).

    While GD has ONLY one so far! And its Rahp, who is from a merchant family, which meant they werent poor, i assume.

    Leonie is probably a Commoner, again pure conjecture, but that will only make 2 Common folks in GD.

    So is Ignace and Marianne both commoners? Shouldn't one of them have a crest from Leicester Alliance's emblem?

    I also dont know why i am leaving this in spoiler thread lol

  9. 5 minutes ago, Jayvee94 said:

    We now have commoners, nobles, noble-born commoners and commoner-born nobles. I hope this doesn't necessarily complicate things.

    If we have 5 Saints and 10 Greats, there will be six more out of 21. How many crests are damaged?

    Five, but even with that, if we assume that each house has 5 crest each(+ byleth's), it stil leaves one crest unaccounted for...

  10. 2 hours ago, Lord_Grima said:

    New Crests means an update of my chart! (Thanks VincentASM for those in the analysis). (And welcome back after the updates!)

      Reveal hidden contents


    So far, no pattern is emerging. Mercedes' Crest is in an odd spot because she is originally from the Adrestian Empire, but is part of the Blue Lions. So, if I made the Crest of Lamine Red instead, then everything seems to be in regions based of their origins. Just a trend, but with still so many unknown crests it is unlikely to hold up.


    You know looking at this chart, it makes me think that each house wiil have 5 crest bearers.

    And i think that the top 5 crests all belong to the Saints. They lined up perfectly next to each other, and so far 3 ot 5, belong to Black Eagles students.

  11. 4 minutes ago, ayahitaisyou said:

    I'm afraid that chances are slim, in the screenshot of the subquest about Ignace and Raphael says merchant Ignace and former merchant Raphael.

    And in FE, a merchant is usually not noble.

    Yeah, you rigth it was a paralogue mention.

    I will be satisfied with Marianne being one of the "rich" guys.

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