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  1. I am certainly interested in all different facilities the school is going to have.

    Like that arena  thing from feb direct, where Ferdinand and Sylavin had a sparing match, will you be able to bet on student fights? And win rewards? 

    Byleth: "5000 gold on purple haired Shut in!"

    Bernadetta: "Wha-what!?

    Byleth: "Come on girl make youre daddy rich! Eviscerate that pink-haired bimbo!"


    Bernadetta: "AHHHHHHHHH No no Danger!!!"

  2. 18 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Probably, since your level is retained but you'll keep the level up stats, etc. I was legit about to say in that last post that you can swap back as much as you like from previously used classes.

    Watch them pull a Xenoblade X and the startig Noble/Commoner class is actually the best class because it will be able to use ANY class skills.

  3. 18 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Doubt it won't happen tbh. All this talk has me inspired to make a predictive class list might do it later.

    Also just a reminder, you can actually go back to a class you already unlocked,at any time without using a seal.

    I wonder if you lose stats if you do that, like you in tier 3 and go back to tier 1, will you lose bonus stats from tiers 2 and 3?

  4. 8 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    They might add stat boosts from previous tiers on top of that then, by adding the stat boost of the parent class, say you promote to Paladin from Noble, then the stat boosts from Soldier and Cavalier are added to the Paladin ones. Or they could just follow the Echoes class system where no matter the level the class base stats stay the same, but then again promoting won't reset the level here so Idk.

    We need a New game+ option PRETY badly here lol

  5. 3 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    Yeah I doubt the classes will be in a tree format though. Like you can promote to Cavalier(Tier 2) as your Intermediate class but you can still promote to a Halberdier(Tier 3) as long as your ranks in Lances are high enough, it doesn't lock you from going Cavalier - Paladin - Gold Knight after you pick your Tier 2 class.

    That way the lords and Byleth can have 2 personal classes and they can still go to other classes in between. Say Edelgard promotes to her Advanced Class(Tier 3) and she maxes it out before getting to the point in the story where her Master Class is unlocked with Axes and Armour; so she becomes an Axe Paladin to wait until it's time to promote.

    Skiping tiers maybe a thing yeah,( but wont we lose stat boosts if we do that?)

    Also i think the class Edel was in at the end of Feb direct, is her unique Tier 3 class, it looked very regal.

  6. 4 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    In the trailer where it shows Edel promote to Brigand it does say in the text on the right: "Required Items: Intermediate Seal" which says to me that they are required to initiate the promotion and weapon rank conditions being met only furthers your chance of passing it(the reason Edel passed is because she had a C in Axes)

    Yeah i looked again at Feb direct,you NEED a seal to take exam.

    I totaly forgot about seals actually lol

  7. 19 minutes ago, HappyHawlucha. said:

    That's a LOT of Seals though, Trainee Seal for Tier 1, Intermediate Seal for Tier 2, Advanced Seal for Tier 3 and Master Seal for Tier 4. We need Master Seals to make a return in one way though.

    I thought that seal just gives you a 100% pass rate?

    And there maybe a way to pass without one, like meet level and weapon rank conditions or something.

  8. 43 minutes ago, SpiceMan said:

    I definitely believe that the level 5 and level 10 classes are different tiers. Look at Monk and Mage. They are proficient in the exact same weapons yet one is unlocked later which to me clearly shows a gap in power between them. Similarly Myrmidon and Soldier seem greatly inferior to Mercenary and Cavalier which wouldn't make sense if they were same tier classes that just were unlocked later. Why would they give cavaliers more move, swords and Super canto and say it's just as good as the soldier. Yes every fire emblem isn't 100% balanced with it's classes but why would they choose to bring back super canto if it wasn't just superior to soldier in every way.

    I think there will be 5 tiers. For example Noble - Myrmidon - Mercenary - Hero - Vanguard. Or Commoner - Fighter - Brigand - Warrior - Berserker.


    Exactly this, and plus famitsu refers to lv 10 classes as "intermediate",while Noble/Commoner and Lv 5 ones are "trainee", and i assume each new tier is going to get bigger and bigger.

    So maybe its like "trainee>intermediate>advanced>master"

  9. 1 hour ago, Kuki said:

    Hi guys! Not sure if I'm allowed to post here or not (please correct me if need be), but Cipher just recently released a new batch of 3 Houses cards, with new dialogue for the House Leaders I believe. 

    Does anyone know what it says?

    Here's the original link with more pictures: https://imgur.com/a/q9XnRaE


    I like how Dora is the only non-main to get a card lol

    They know!

    And that Edelgard one with the banner looks great, she about to go all Wallhart!

  10. 10 minutes ago, Cysx said:

    She could also have both, with what appears as equipped being the last combat spell you used; in her case a reason-based one. It's very rare for staves to remain equipped on the character after all, healing magic could work the same.

    For what it's worth, we don't see it very well, but, her light grey cape makes me think of some sort of holy class on this shot:

    Apparently she's not greyed out as a result of consuming her turn already either, as her lifebar would be darker and the light blue circle on the ground would have disappeared.

    I really like the look of armor units in this game.

    Hopefully next Famitsu gives us a better look at them.

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