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Posts posted by Atomicdude777

  1. On 2/18/2019 at 7:09 PM, Zonan said:

    A quick question about weapons: are special effects randomized? For example, can the "eclipse" effect or "luna" effect get put onto other weapons? I got a devil axe in my run, and it could backfire as usual, but I was watching Mekkkah's self randomizer stream, and the runesword didn't self heal. If it matters, I was playing with weapon stats randomized. 

    There is another randomizer that is an external app you can find for FE8. it will randomize your rom and has a lot of options. Plenty of the same options but also some different ones. 

    If you patch your rom with this self randomizer patch then pull it up in that randomizer there is an option to randomize weapon effects. So you can get iron lances with the eclipse effect. It didn’t mess up my game at least through chapter 2. I wouldn’t recommend running any of the other randomizer features from that on the patches rom since it will already randomize. But if you want random weapon effects there is a way

  2. I hit a snag when I captured some enemies in a chapter 3. The level never ended it just said 0 enemies left to defeat. I want to play with the capture mechanic more but I cannot stand the “776” mode. RNG hell. 

    Are there any other seeds that give units capture? Or I guess are there any other special seeds?

    Ive tried a bunch of key words such as “hector” “gaiden” “boss rush” but nothing interesting

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