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Posts posted by SubwayBossEmmett

  1. I’d say Monsters start off interesting and quickly become tiring and formulaic by the end of the game because they run the concept into the ground (barring Crimson Flower which takes a break from them until the last 2 maps)

    The late late Maddening monsters are basically garbage because they’re so uninteresting to fight and generally have pure asinine latent skills such as 

    -51% miracle proc SS final boss on 4 hp bars (also has vantage)

     -Wrath Vantage AM final boss asking you to just heavily out stat it. Who also can attack twice on player phase with quite large crit rate

    By lategame maddening they have multiple HUNDREDS of Health Points bars and its just.... who thought this would be fun...

  2. 34 minutes ago, eclipse said:

    Given how often she verbally smacks Innes, it sounds like she sees him more like Ephraim than anything.  She's far more playful with Lyon.






    1 hour ago, Icelerate said:

    I'm glad you enjoyed it. In that case, I'd like you to eventually read my Radiant Dawn character analysis as well once you have played the Tellius games. You might enjoy them as well. 

    Yeah I haven't played anything from Tellius yet, but I've heard so many strong opinions from Radiant Dawn both good and bad I'm excited to try it out when I get around to them!

    i dont know if i edit something if it will let someone know they've been quoted so i'll double post just this once

  3. Haven't posted on Serenes in awhile but I really really enjoyed that write up about Eirika, I've always liked her a good amount and felt people wrote her off a bit too much so I was glad to see a much closer look taken at her.

    2 hours ago, eclipse said:

    Sounds like Eirika gives her brother/Innes a hard time, nods along with L'Arachel, and probably would've married Lyon if he hadn't gone insane.

    I mean honestly that's very likely, she holds Lyon on such a pillar even moreso than her brother or anyone else in the story. It's certainly what makes Lyon's downfall so tragic because he did have friends that loved him unconditionally.

  4. 23 hours ago, Alastor15243 said:

    The main thing I like about Lewyn!Arthur is that on top of eventually getting a mount and having no difficulty getting there, it also means you have Forseti in your party in time to fight Ishtar, and not just barely afterward.

    Two things:

    When is it easy to train him? He should be watching Seliph hoard chapter 6 to himself and Chapter 7 should be dedicated to Leif. 

    Also iirc I think Faval can kill Ishtar as base after being recruited so she isn’t really much of a threat. Also Brave Sword Seliph or Ares and his holy weapon are stronk 

  5. 51 minutes ago, hovah said:

     im currently on Genesis and want to blow my brains out figuring out how to do it

    >currently on Genesis



    Sorry that maps sucks, I hope you're not stuck on it too long regardless.

    For the lord chapter thing, their total levels need to combined to 50 to send you to one map vs another. You can read it all here https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Four-Fanged_Offense

    The map is Fog of War and the boss is pretty tricky and moves in HHM, but on the flipside you have to fight the other boss of the other map later on in one of the most frustrating maps in the game/series called Cog of Destiny. Oh god you don't even know the pain of Battle Before Dawn do you? I pray for you, and you should let everyone know how your experience on that map goes.

    Oh and uh the unit in map with the lesser lord levels is a bad general and the other one is a solid Warrior but eh you don't need the Warrior either. Limited deployment slots mess with HHM's possible fun levels imo.

    Oh and for recruiting a unit that actually matters, when you get to Pale Flower of Darkness look up how to recruit Harken. You get either Harken or Karel and Karel is bad while Harken has like the best offenses in the game bar one other guy.

  6. Eliwood is an interesting case because he actually promoted into a good unit with a mount in FE7 with the heaven seal, but he's pretty far back at the moment and unless you really wanted to feed him kills or something his stats will be meh. So if you feed him kills and use the first Heaven Seal he'll be find unit. With those offenses in 23, it would be hard to spoon feed him a kill.

    You are completely fine ignoring them however, but you need to be a bit careful for like a few other maps like the endgame.

    Edit: Wait this is a first playthrough AND Hector Hard Mode?

  7. Fates: Xander/Laslow+Leo/Odin+Odin/Laslow Are like the best support triangle in Fates imo.

    Awakening: uhh not serious but I love Owain/M!Morgan, but for actual Supports Henry/Ricken is a great support. I remember liking Cherche/Gaius a large amount where they don't candy or Wyverns is impressive. Chrom and Olivia is great too but you know hidden behind the game if you want their actual S support lol. Tiki & Nah is actually really good too honestly, as long as you get over Tiki lore shennanigans.

    Lots of parent-child support are great in Awakening, less so in Fates but there's still standouts with the best Ophelia & Soleil support with their fathers.

  8. Basically every FE game has featured what is essentially a god as the final boss of most games outside of few exceptions and it all comes down to execution. Like for instance Fomortiis, once he takes his beast form has literally nothing interesting going for him other than his (albeit pretty cool) design. FE is at it's peak generally when people are having interpersonal conflicts between actual people [Arvis/Lyon/Black Knight] rather than giant imposing figures that have no ounce of rational to them.

    That's not to say stories can't work with a big final bad doesn't deserve to exist. People can still be manipulated or fall into evil and exploring it is cool, and having an imposing final boss makes more sense for FE because 1v1 personal duals ALWAYS SUCK.

    Ironically if Fates wasn't.... Fates... CQ!Takumi would be a pretty cool villain as someone who did nothing wrong and is trying to become the hero of his own story and falling into further insanity to try to protect his home.

    Edit: In fact, I still consider Awakening's Grima in monster form to be a fine antagonist. They're evil, smug, and directly teases&taunts the cast all good stuff for a final antagonist which puts them above a number of other things in the series that are just generically evil. They like already won in the past and are about win again, they deserve to be smug.

    What's terrible is how absolute dogshit Validar is as an antagonist and human Grima Robin being really weird. Like cool we literally killed the villain in chapter 5 but not really, way to set him up as a large source of conflict and intimidating. Validar stands for nothing, looks inhuman, and is actually our dad and we see him die like 3 times in the game technically while having no real personality traits at all. I'll defend Awakening like the foolish fan I am where it deserves Validar is absolutely among it's largest fuck ups.

  9. It’s certainly something in concept that’s cool but frustrating in exucution. Maybe just removing your Jagen at a certain point (maybe when they’re falling off in use or they’re supposed to clearly be your best unit intentionally) and actually kill them it would be fairly impactful.

    I think I heard a certain game in the series almost does it but I’m not entirely sure. 

  10. Your points for the other games you call mediocre make sense [even if I disagree with most of the games you categorized as such], as I have held the opinion that being truly mediocre is among the worst things you can be as well, but I don't understand why you can't just jump into a game within a series you like and clearly have played a lot of with 9 or 10. I haven't personally played them yet but I want to, 10 in particular seems to tell a unique story for the series in the earlier parts.

  11. 17 minutes ago, Kai the glove eating night said:

    >Fire emblem three houses, along with fe7, 8, 11, 13, and birthright are the worst games in the series. Not because they are outright poor in quality, but because they are neither good nor bad. They have nothing to keep you from playing other games that get a reaction out of you. 

    >I can't find a reason to play 9 and 10. They both look boring and I don't know why I would play it when I can play something else. 


    I'm not one to call people's opinions in these bait but I feel like the way that you call a bunch of games middling and not worth playing, but 5 lines later say 2 more games aren't worth playing and act like they're separate categories.

    It makes this post feel artificially made to make people mad.

    Also FE7 exists just to reuse a lot of things from FE6 for a quick game to be maid in response to the growing popularity of Roy obviously

    edit: not to mention basically no one who actually enjoys 4/5 want remakes of the game for fear of OCs and IS writing. Conrad/Faye are easily among the worst characters in SoV and they're the new people

  12. 1 minute ago, Etheus said:

    I echo these. Plus, I have a softspot for Bernadetta. She's perfect girlfriend material. 


    On a related note, I have a newly acquired disdain for Hilda, because she reminds me so strongly of my recently acquired ex, with her tendency to shift every burden on to others. Much hate. 


    Maybe people like Hilda because she grows out that....

    Did you not fight her in Crimson Flower or notice her position in Golden Deer

  13. 2 hours ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    Oh its even worse than that. After the whole Anthony mess the siblings all acknowledge Corrin is hopelessly naive but collectively decide that its cute and that Corrin doesn't need to change because they'll be there to clean up the mess.  

    To be fair Rev is mega ultra terrible and no one should acknowledge it's existence unless it is to make fun of it

    3 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    It seems this is an unpopular opinion so I'll say it. "Mary Sue" shouldn't be maligned as a invalid point of criticism. I understand some of the criticisms; the term has meant different things to different people and some misuse the term to slam characters they don't like whether or not the accusation has any merit. I view it as a short-hand for characters who are overly loved, skilled or centralize a plot on them without good reason. Corrin is a Mary Sue because they are adored or hated by the entire cast for no reason other than to be the most important person in the narrative. Alm is a Mary Sue because he is promoted to the position of the leader for dubious reasons and always succeeds, no matter how reckless or inexperienced he is. He always makes the right decisions, which is bad for a story where he's supposed to mirror Celica instead of being better than her in every way. It's fine if you want to disagree with this take on the characters but to disregard the argument entirely because of the term "Mary Sue" is to be the real killer of a discussion.

    "It's fine if you want to disagree with this take on the characters but to disregard the argument entirely because of the term "Mary Sue" is to be the real killer of a discussion." This is basically the gist of why I don't like using the term in discussion anymore because it devolves everything into defining what a Mary Sue. It's basically the ultimate denouement of a character in discussion.

    I agree that "characters who are overly loved, skilled or centralize a plot on them without good reason" are bad for stories (and I still think the same for Alm and Corrin most of the time) but to use the existing Mary Sue term just cheapens the entire argument for people because it's such a different term to each person. I just think for the sake of discussions it's just better to avoid using the term so you can actually discuss the character.


    3 hours ago, NekoKnight said:

    I think you should check out the Dorothea x Ferdinand support again. Dorothea hates him because she thinks he's like every other noble who abused or ignored her when she was a street urchin but switched over to adoration when she was the hot thing in society. She remembers Ferdinand as another person who showed her scorn when she was down on her luck but was all smiles after she made something of herself. Dorothea has a lot of baggage concerning other nobles that she pinned on Ferdinand and she tells him that in the support. Staring at a girl in a fountain isn't the bee analogy, she's saying she thought he was someone who only gravitates to what's currently beautiful. She thought he was fake but the A support resolves that conflict when Ferdinand said he's always thought she was beautiful.

    I actually really like their C and B support, I just think the literal action that Dorothea hates him for is one of the worst they could have thought off. The act of a boy watching a girl bathe has nothing to do with being a commoner or a noble, it's just a boy staring at a girl.

    It really undermines the real resentment Dorothea has for him, because she has a lot of reasons to hate Nobles even just within their A support and they just do something so off tangent to anything related to nobility. Which Dorothea literally lists reasons why she does hate nobles in general.

    >"I could've died. Then the right person overheard me singing. And suddenly I was in the opera. I was a songstress. And my goodness...did the nobles like me. The people who used to spit on me and call me an urchin? They praised my voice and my beauty. A nobleman who had once kicked me, gave me the most gorgeous shoes. I almost asked if it was a joke."

    I actually was disagreeing with someone about this a bit ago and came up with two similar situations that really would still fit the general structure of the A support without making Dorothea look petty and still reflect what type of person Ferdinand is. 

    1. What if it was just Ferdinand as a child finding Dorothea covered in filthy in an alleyway and ran away leading to Dorothea to believe he wanted nothing to do with her and poor people alike when in reality it was him trying to find help for someone clearly in need of it, but when he returned with an adult/money she was gone.

    2. Have Ferdinand shout for help near Dorothea where a miscommunication between them arises where he is shouting for someone to help her get taken care of while she believes he is shouting for someone to remove her from his sight. I believe this would have easily emphasized the type of person Ferdinand is in the support without undermining Dorothea's resentment of nobles.

    I really like the second idea it came up with because it would heavily contrast the ideas of optimism and cynicism these two have towards nobility in general from the same action.

  14. I’m not sure how this opinion is received here (because I like never see anyone talk about Sacred Stones on this website for some reason) but I think Ephraim is quite a good lord and seeing someone call him a Mary Sue* or whatnot it really makes me do a double check if we’re playing the same game, or maybe you just played Eirika route. I think the point of Ephraim is that he is actually really good at fighting warfare, like too good at it. That’s why he can beat Grado quickly but having it work in the story is because the story isn’t about beating a kingdom you’re fighting. 

    Ephraim is aware his nature is not kingly and he’s fearful of not being an adequate King for his country...

    Hold on... isn’t that the same as Lyon? Someone terrified of becoming King the story shows how they go down different alleys reflecting these large weights they have? And how Lyon and Ephraim both respected each other for the traits the other had really driving home their idea of not feeling complete as individuals?

    I mean honestly if Sacred Stones didn’t have someone like Lyon as his villain but a character and Ephraim was a character who never reflected or worried about what he was supposed to do and the game ended after beating Grado+a secret enemy with little build up, he would be a terrible lord. Sacred Stones is not about the war between countries though, it’s about the Twins and Lyon.

    *Also just don’t use this word in discussion, it just kills arguments. I’m sure I’ve thrown that word around for Alm and kinda want to take it back. 

    Also to stay hip with 3H Ferdinand and Dorothea’s A Support is really stupid, and they could have done literally anything else to explain why Dorothea hates him instead of looking at her bathing when he was a child having nothing to do with nobles or their nature. Like seriously are we just supposed to believe this lingering resentment existed for almost a decade because of this? It really undermines the good C and B support build up Bee metaphor because staring at a girl in fountain has absolutely nothing to do with a Bee. 

  15. On 10/11/2019 at 1:26 AM, NSSKG151 said:

    L'Arachel in Sacred Stones. Sure I could probably use Natasha or Moulder as my healing unit but I'm willing to spend 30 minutes in Chapter 14 buying Barrier staves from the secret shop and having L'Arachel spam them so she can gain levels and catch up to the rest of the group.

    Me: Man what scrubs use the FE8 trainees they’re just deadweight when they join.

    Also me: Oh boy time to use L’Arachel!

    (Ross is pretty solid though tbh)

  16. Hey I think Endgames in Fire Emblem are very interesting things and I feel like they can really serve to inhance an entire experience with a proper send off as a final challenge or to finish off a story. 

    So I'm curious what eveeyone’s favorite Endgame maps are why they are whether it be for challenge/music/story/aesthetics.  

  17. 13 minutes ago, Edegard1902 said:

    I was playing blind until now but this was completely BS. I'm doing it now and the lack of reinforcements is great but the crappy hitrate against the Dragon masters is really racking up my turn count so I had to restart again. I want to finish the game so I'll just get through it. Are the chapters after this map even worse?

    21x is a map that you just should rush through, literal manaketes hiding in chests, probably the largest "fuck you" I've seen in the series

    22 is cool final map but feels just a bit long for me but maybe you'd like it. Zephiel is tough

    23 I personally dislike this map as well, feels like a scrambled mess of status staves/long ballista/Wyverns

    24 Hope you saved your divine weapons/hammerine because there's nothing but dragons in this map where you need to sieze 8 times. Cool in concept tedious execution, basically FE6 in a nutshell for me.

    25: Idunn, easiest final boss in the franchise in a small room, where 0% growths roy almost two-shots her and she can't retaliate at range like every other dragon in the game. Only the Binding Blade deals effective damage.

    I generally find the map quality in this game pretty frustrating, I'll never understand why the FE sub reddit considers it one of the better games in the series outside of enemies actually having stats relative to FE7 and 8.

  18. image.png.224cb1b6bb3b4b031b23c2cc021b1e54.png

    A huge thing I did not know the first time I played this map was how reinforcement zones worked, you should just flat out avoid them. This link helps explain the map quite a bit https://www.fireemblemwod.com/fe6/guiafe6/ENG_cap21.htm

    Honestly the first time I played this map without a guide it was probably among the most grueling/frustrating experiences I've had in fire emblem, but if you know how to basically cheat how the devs made the game you can just ferry units over mountains or just blitz past the reinforcement zones. FE6 should not be played blind, too much bullshit in this game at times.

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