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Posts posted by IzzyFresh

  1. 21 hours ago, TrueNoble said:

    Depends on what role you want them to serve in your army, I'd say.

    Contrary to popular opinion, I find mobility to be grossly overrated in this game, compared to older titles, even if you're going for a low turn count. Mixed units are fine, so long as you can coordinate them effectively by taking care to send your horsies and fliers as far as they can go to reach enemies and objectives, while letting infantry push through the more immediate threats. Plus, infantry squads tend to be better at dealing with Demonic Beasts quickly. Training maps and some main story missions don't even need the extra mobility for you to get from one group of enemies or objectives to the next, and you'll even be rewarded with better growths by reclassing your cavalries into infantry for these maps. Generally if you're opting for a more mobile class but not making full use of that extra movement, it's excessive. They...might as well not have that extra mobility, if they don't actually make use of it on a particular map. 

    Basically, a unit on a horse should be able to comfortably take multiple hits on enemy phase. If they can't, then that movement is prone to being wasted. But more on this later...

    Holy Knight is a weird class, being that it is decidedly a damage oriented Faith class, but I liked it well enough on Marianne and as a fun side option for Bernidetta. I also intend to try it on Ferdinand in my current playthrough, since Nosferatu and the Faith damage bonus would pair well with his trait, keeping his topped off. I also agree that Linhardt gains little from the promotion to Holy Knight, even on just Easy Mode for my first playthrough, but now that I have Alert Stance on mine it might actually offer him the makings for a front line drain tank. Maybe... 

    Dark Knight I see as being better for the magic users that can comfortably survive solo, deep into enemy ranks like Lorenz and Sylvain, since they are less constricted in where they can go with their newly acquired mobility, compared to the squishy mages that you might otherwise be tempted to slap a horse under, which will often lean more heavily on ally phase than enemy phase. Thus, again, wasting that great boon that is mobility, and having their stat growths suffer on top of it. The glass cannons i.e. Hubert, Hanneman, Annette, Lysithea, and Dorothea function fine squadding with like a War Master to push through the main enemy front and nuke beasts, while also supporting their more mobile allies from afar with Faith spells or Meteor. That being said, any male unit can acquire the Life Taker talent, which I think Hanneman and Hubert could really benefit from should you wish to have them function more like a Lorenz or Sylvain. 

    This game does not punish you, or suddenly turn every map into a tedious slog if you don't turn every one of your units into a Wyvern Lord or cavalry. It only might become that way f you don't coordinate your units effectively, and shun potentially more optimal reclass options on a map-by-map basis.

    Dude I get that infantry is underused and have some cool abilities, but Dark Knight gets more Damage and more Movement, the two most important stats in this game. There is no reason to go Gremory, since the base spell uses are more than enough. Talking growths when your characters won't get much more levels past 30 is just nitpicking. Bishop MIGHT be better than Holy Knight in certain situations if you are using a character with low magic like Ignatz.


    Mounted units were just poorly balanced in this game. If you want to play suboptimally, go for it, but pretending infantry is better is just fanciful thinking.

  2. 2 hours ago, Altrosa said:

    So what I’m getting is half the Golden Deer kids are OPAF in multiple classes, while the others are better off warming the bench for recruits from the rival houses. No wonder I couldn’t get a good feel on them verses the other classes. 

    Anyone try Marianne as a cav or peg knight? 

    She is really bad as a Peg Knight. Lack of a magic lance on the Golden Deer Route really hurts.

  3. Claude : Barbarossa

    Raphael: Wyvern Lord

    Hilda: Wyvern Lord

    Lorenz: Dark Knight

    Ignatz: Dancer / Bow Knight

    Lysithea: Dark Knight

    Marianne: Holy Knight / Bishop / Dancer

    Byleth: Falcon Knight

    Leonie: Bow Knight


    These are their best classes, and I don't think there is much debate on it. Ignatz is likely the best dancer, but his low charm can make him lose the White Heron Cup, so make sure to drink tea with him to raise his charm. If it's too late make him a Bow Knight and make Marianne a dancer.

  4. Everyone becomes broken when you give them Blow  and Quick Riposte. Those two skills allow every male character to avoid getting doubled on Enemy Phase, and have a strong Player Phase. Raphael probably benefits the most from this, but anyone better than him benefits too.

    Going through a grinding playthrough where you give every one those skills would not be a bad idea to prepare for Infernal Mode.

  5. I hope not. Alot of the characters have messed up perspective in their time skip portraits. Lots of the expressions just look weird if you actually pay attention, especially Rhea, Ingrid, and more. Don't even get me started on how trash a lot of the S support pictures look.


    It's not bad, but after Echoes and how good that looked, this is definitely a step down.


  6. 8 hours ago, Centh said:

    I don't know how this isn't sinking in. Lunatic and a balance patch are two different things. Lunatic is a difficulty. A balance patch is a change to core gameplay. They are not the same thing. Do you want a balance patch? Cool, but there's no info on that happening. There is info on lunatic difficulty coming out. How would lunatic change the difficulty? Changing enemies (skills, weapons, stats, etc), map setups (numbers, health bars, reinforcements, etc), and ease of use for your units (xp reduction, base stats, etc). Slamming these two things into the same conversation is pointless. One is a wishlist for what the game is like. One is educated guesses about a real possiblity.

    I'll pass on the rest of this thread.



    My question was how YOU would rebalance, not how IS will.

  7. 5 hours ago, Natsu_T said:

    Again, this would change nothing. You can fly or ride up to horseslayers/archers, dismount before attacking them, stay dismounted throughout enemy phase for any other units who have those weapons, and then mount your animal before moving on the next turn, only to dismount again. A flyer or rider can be used as an infantry class with 6-7+ move. There is literally no limiting factor on when you can or can't mount or dismount.

    You can't mount, move and dismount again in one turn, so that sort of renders your point obsolete. If you bum rush into a field of Beastslayers, you really cannot mount again until they are all dead or you retreat.

  8. So far it seems the general consensus is to add more Horse/Beastslayers to enemy units, give enemies more accurate, arrow based gambits, and make mounting/dismounting cost an action. I do agree that stats likely wouldn't be touched.

    Another idea would be to remove keys from the item shop, and most keys from enemy units. This would make it so anyone who wants to pick up treasure or take short cuts require an assassin to unlock the doors. Any keys that are required to move forward in a level should be on an enemy that is in a very inconvenient location. If you also have enemies have more stealable equipment then this would be a sizable buff to assassin.


    Stride could also have it's requirements increased to A and carry a heavy heal/damage penality, similar to the Dance Gambit. This would prevent everyone being able to use it, and also make anyone who has it equipped to hit/heal like a weak noodle. Right now it gives decent stats, ranked E, and is by far the best with no drawbacks.



  9. The way the game seems right now, your either a Wyvern Lord, Falco Knight, Bow Knight, or Dark Knight. Every other unit is subpar.

    If you were to design Lunatic mode that rewarded using the other units like Great/Fortress Knights, Paladins, Assassins, War Master, etc, how would you do it?

    My original thought was to make enemy archers more of a threat. Give them close combat to force fliers to dismount to engage with them, instead of allowing them to pick archers off and fly to safety. Any other ideas?

  10. On 8/19/2019 at 6:52 AM, redlight said:

    I was trying to give spotlight more on her combat utility than her Warp since it's blown way out of proportions, but she definitely can make a lot of maps much easier so in terms of LTCing/being efficient I can see her being S tier with Warp.

    It does? Still, her bulk is way too shaky to justify even gambling with Pavise up until I guess you use defense focused battalions.

    Problem with Nosferatu is that it's so heavy that even Lysithea's garbage strength won't salvage the weight alleviation and I'm incredibly worried about her bulk as is. She can alleviate this I guess with a battalion that has a massive def boost, but you can only start getting those around midgame and you've probably already focused on black and dark magic to some point in the story.

    I agree Lysithea's combat is over-rated, its the memes that make people think she is way better than she really is. When you play the other routes and other mages its pretty clear every mage can accomplish what she does combat wise. Annette, Hubert, Dorothea, Hanneman and Lorenz all are very strong and serve the same purpose as her. And using Thyrsus on her is such a waste, since the other half of its effect (Aegis and Pavise) won't save her most of the time. Lorenz, an already tanky and strong mage, uses that extra defence from Thyrsus much more efficiently, and actually becomes a tank Dark Knight.


    Warp is still very useful utility wise, so that still make her one of the better utility units.

  11. TWISTD honestly should not have been included in the story. They ruin the dynamic of the Three Houses, and introduce more questions than answers. Every single plot hole or out of character action is due to their involvement. Its almost as if they had the script for the story, then some higher up said "I don't get it where is Gharnef 17.0?"

    Their actions being performed by Edelgard's father / uncle / past emperors would have made a cleaner story. Her (reluctant) siding with TWISTD for 99.9% of the story despite the horrible things they did to her still does not make any sense when you put any level of critical thought into it.

    If it was her uncle / father / corrupt nobles of the empire who did these acts, it would make far more sense for her to still side with the Empire, fix the "corrupt" church system, then fix her corrupt country.

  12. 2 hours ago, virtu333 said:

    Leonie and Lysithea are probably the best non main characters in the game.

    Lysithea because her beefy magic stat+warp allow her to do crazy things, and she gets great spells early, quickly. Suffers from classic mage issues, but she's pretty differentiated.

    Leonie is a beast - her bases (9 atk, 9 spd, 7 def) and growths (40 str, 60 speed, 40 def) are basically min-maxxed for early game, along with her personal (+2 atk/+2 def) which is very easy to use early. She can quickly start doubling early, killing, and tanking early. Throw on her incredible proficiencies (bows, lances, riding) and she can zoom up to bow knight reqs while also grabbing good authority ranks.

    Sylvain is also pretty good as a wyvern lord but weakness in bows in a game where bows are by far the best 1-2 range option hurts a bit.

    Enemies don't really take advantage of bows that often, it's not that big a deal. If you are really paranoid about it, dismounting is so broken in this game it's not an issue

  13. On 7/31/2019 at 2:11 PM, 0 Def Cleric said:

    She's probably the best candidate for Thyrsus. And really, just give her a Seraph Robe or two, depending on how she grows HP. Her speed plus the natural defense of the Warlock class (12) means that nothing reasonable in the game will kill her if she has ~40 hp, even on hard. That is, if you want to make her a frontliner; she's top tier even without that investment, but it's like a dracoshield-for-Miledy situation; do you want to make an already good unit better or not?

    I'd argue Lorenz is the best candidate bfor Thyrsus. He is tanky and can actually take advantage of the free aegis and Pavise, while Lysithea just dies . He also is not a slouch in the damage department either.

  14. I played Golden Deer, Blue Lions, and currently on Church route so I'm obviously biased.

    She sanctioned a group of villians in the church and indirectly allows them to experiment on Innocents, Kronya turns innocent students into beasts and Edel has no problem with her, indirectly causes Jeralt to die, lures you into a trap by Solon to kill Byleth right after, she uses innocents and turns them into beasts for her army, and there is a certain cutscene in Blue Lions that really showcases how evil she is. Dimitri's mental state makes perfect sense when you see the shit she did/does to him. Worst part is that these groups she helps and sanctions do evil things, and her defense is "I had nothing to do with that", which Dimitri calls her out on.

    I mean I don't really see how she can be seen as anything but evil. Maybe if I play her path I'll soften my stance on her, but she is a such a  monster on the other routes that I may just pass on it.

  15. 6 hours ago, MrPerson0 said:

    I am confused by this. I thought anything you did that raises your professor level (fishing, gardening, eating meals, etc.) doesn't also raise your renown in a regular file. Is this changed with New Game+?

    He is wrong, you don't gain renown from doing those things. Just upgrade your Prof level to A+.

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