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About FabioManoel1977

  • Birthday 05/05/1977

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game

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  1. I'm loving the characters in this game, the Binding Blade, especially Clarine, The Tsundere Princess , she's so funny! Everything she says is fun to read. I think she's will be the Fire Emblem character that I will like the most.
  2. Thank you very much, gnip, those 2 links are very valuable, for the time being I am truly enjoying Binding Blade, is much more easy and fun than Thracia 776, at least for the time being, I am now in chapter 4.
  3. Thank you very much, Jotari, I will read the walkthrough to get the best ending
  4. Do you unlock a different end or different events playing on hard mode on Binding Blade ? Reading about it now looks like the hard Mode is unlocked after finish the game once, I wonder, If is worthwhile to play everything again ? If we cannot see any new ending or new events I think is a waste of time to play the game again, I prefer to jump to the next game after finish this one...
  5. I finished now the game Fire Emblem: Thracia 776, but unlike the other games, this time I had to let 5 characters die, in the other games I saved everyone, everyone stayed alive, but this time, it didn't work, very difficult game. Is the game Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade that hard too? I spent 4082 turns to finish the game, abused the arenas, and managed to keep 42 characters alive. On the retroachivements site (link) I lost several achievements because if you load a suspended game you disable the achievement in that section, and I had to save like that a few times, I cannot play several hours without stop. I played the whole game without savestates, of course. Then I already finished FE1, FE2, FE3, FE4, FE5, without use savestates, the proof is in the retroachievements site, now I will play FE6: Fire Emblem: The Binding Blade.
  6. Oh, my.... I didn't expect that... But anyway if I don't recruit him I'll lose the achievement...
  7. I am using retroarch, I guess retoachievements only works on retroarch... If I reload a save from chapter 15 I can save Shannan or even If I load the chapter 15 save he will be missing ? I do not want to play chapter 15 again and notice that even doing it the Shannan still missing... Also I LIKE Shannan, I played Genealogy of the Holy War till the end, I know his story... If I cannot recover Shannan I guess I will gave up to play this game. This is so unfair. I tried more than 30 times recruit him, but , Homer always dies before talking to Shannan, now Shannan dies and the game take away from me even the opportunity to try again. I'm patient, I would try more than 100 times if I had to, but now I can't even try anymore. I'm so patient that I maxed out Lara and Lifis' level 20 rogue
  8. Do you believe that imbecile of Shannan jumped at my character in chapter 16B and died and then when I loaded the save to play again he is gone ? He is not present in the chapter 16B, he is gone forever, now is impossible for me to recruit him and get the achievement of "Recruit all 47 characters and complete the game without any of them dying." That is SO UNFAIR, I am doing my best trying to recruit and keep alive every damned character and now it happens.
  9. Thank you very much, Eltosian Kadath, You are a true Fire Emblem master. Too bad I already deleted my save and I will be forced to play all game around until I get the prison again. But when I reach the prison again I will do all the tips that you show to me, thank you very much, for sure now I will defeat the prison easy. That "rescue" option I never used ! Also who wants to follow my progress in retoachevements, my name on retroachievements is FabioManoel1977 (link) I rested my progress on Fire Emblem 5 to try to get tha hardcore achievements again without load suspended game since if disable achievements and I just noticed it when I get on Prison. Like you can see I already finished Fe1. FE2, FE3 and FE4, of course I do not try to complete all achievements, some achievements are so boring that not deserve my effort... But I get all achievements to finish the game without any ally death. I never finished a game with a ally death. Too bad not all Fire Emblem games have retroachevements, just some few, but I will play them all.
  10. Ok... I will stop increase level of Lief on chapter 1... I was doing now "Boss Abuse" with Lief in Chapter 1, I will stop then and progress the game...
  11. Thank you very much for your words, I was feeling like a loser, a incompetent loser for using save states, but it was UNBEARABLE to play without save states. The game in general seems that it was created to create unfavorable situations for the player all the time, and relying on luck all the time is frustrating. The maps are long, with many enemies to defeat and if even one character dies I feel defeated and have to start all over again... It wasn't fun... But the feeling of incompetence and defeat for using save states is still strong in my heart... I think I'll start all over again and this time focus on increasing Lief's level, maybe a super powerful Lief will defeat the prison guards. ..
  12. I played all Fire emblem from FE1 to FE4 without using save states, but, this time I am truly forced to use save states, I am always like to keep all my allies alive the whole game but I guess this game is IMPOSSIBLE to keep everybody alive, specially inside that prison... Sometimes my character is full HP 100% and suddenly one of the prison soldiers kill him with 2 hits while avoiding all my character hits... This game is so randomly, looks like LUCK is the most important thing in this game... and enemies reinforcements not stop, all the time the screen is with 4 enemies... From now on I will use save states to progress the game... I played without using save state to be able to unlock the achievements in retroachievements hardcore mode, but I already noticed that the achievements of this game are buggy, if you load a suspended game all the achievements of that map are disabled, and it is IMPOSSIBLE for me to play for hours a map without suspending a game, for example I released all the children in chapter 3 and the achievement was not unlocked because I loaded a suspended game... And now it's almost 1AM and I still can't finish theprison map, I need to sleep, I need to work tomorrow, I spend all my weekend playing Fire EMblem non stop, and if I suspend the game, the achievements will be deactivated... Then I give up on the achievements and I will play the game with save states, it will probably be even more fun... You guys play Fire Emblem 4 without saving states and manage to save the life of all allies ?
  13. What is going on ? I finished chapter 3 in Fire Emblem 5, I did my utmost to level up my characters, captured enemies to get item, and now I started the chapter 4 without any item and with a all different group of allies... It will be like this all the time ? every 2 or 3 chapters I will lose my old team, and get a new team and start over everything ? Where is that cute priest Safy ? The only character I know is this dirty little thief Lifis and I hate him. I also liked Dagdar a lot, he looks like my dad. I want him back on my team. Is Dagdar gone forever?
  14. Finished Fire Emblem 4, All allies alive, no one died, now I will start to play Fire Emblem 5. I really liked Fire Emblem 4, I even wanted to play again to try to make others couples and create others children, I will try to do it someday in the future.
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