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About JayAristo

  • Birthday June 26

Profile Information

  • Interests
    Video games, anime, cosplay, fencing
  • Location
    United States

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  • Favorite Fire Emblem Game
    Path of Radiance

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  1. What if link was in fire emblem?


  2. Hey guys im new to this site but i have a small group of friends online and we have the idea for a fire emblem fan game, id like to discoss it more on my discord, idk if i should be posting this here or not, i tried to post this in another section but it wasnt working? So im sorry to the admins in advance if this breaks some kind of rule, but anyways i need people to help with the romhacking as well as with story and characters, also i would be paying whoever is romhacking the game, the story is a bit on the long side explanation wise, but there are 7 main protaganists, and they all have seperate views, i know it sounds clunky but like i said, join the discord and ill inform you as soon as possible, thank you!
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