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Posts posted by Yatagarasu

  1. Some people have found names in the game data that would indicate what characters we are getting.
    But even if that's true, can't Nintendo change their mind? Especially with months between the 1st and the last DLC.
    If they just put names but haven't started to work on the characters' models yet, it's easy to make changes.

    All the Emblems we know are protagonists in their own games (except Tiki but she's special).
    So it would be weird to have retainers or random units as DLC Emblem.

    We won't get Eliwood (looks too much like Roy) even if he's the main character of Blazing Sword, which is somehow sad considering we may get Hector. Another option would be Ninian, but we already have a dragon girl.
    If I was in charge I would put Nils, because he's a fun character and because nobody expects him I guess 🙂

    OR we could get the older version of Hector from Binding Blade^^

    For the Sacred Stones emblem it would be between Ines, Lyon, Joshua and l'Arachel?
    We already have an archer emblem with Lyn, and Lyon isn't exactly a Hero in his game...
    And with the many Sword user emblems Joshua won't make it.
    I like l'Arachel, so maybe? Tana (not a leader but still a princess) would be an interesting choice too as a Pegasus Knight emblem. 

    For PoR/RD it could be interesting to bring an unique class into the game, one of the Laguz, for example Tibarn or Nailah.

    The Gaiden emblem is a mystery. There's no way we get both Alm and Celica.

    Fates emblem should be Azula. Don't you dare give us Ryoma.


  2. This game has been out for years and my question might come late...anyway😅
    I have always wondered how to unlock some of the late game support conversations, especially Vaida-Merlinus and all of the Renault's support conversation.

    Renault joins at chapter 30/32 so even if you spam the end phase button to unlock the next support level there won't be enough chapters left to get to the A rank.
    I think it's the same with Karla since she comes 1 chapter earlier but the preparation map is only 5 turns (minus 1 turn for her to appear)
    As for Merlinus, it would be possible for him to reach A rank with Vaida if he didn't leave the group before the final chapter!

    So, out of curiosity, how do you unlock these supports without cheating?




    About the designs...in my opinion, the simpler the better.
    Some NPCs (Anisse and the generic villagers) and boss (e.g. the armored knight woman with short, blond hair seen in some gameplay preview) honestly look better to me than some of the playable characters🙂

    So far, I like Vander's design (Who doesn't), Citrinne's, Chloé, Amber's, Lapis' and Louis' the most.
    Veyle looks good too, I assume she's some kind of dragon or shapeshifter.
    Zelkov's design is just what you expect for a thief. Not "great" but it does the job.
    Fogado is Claude's lost cousin😁 His design is nice.
    Timerra...she's pretty but I'd prefer normal eyes and fewer balls on her hair.
    Panette would be perfect without all these marks on her face (see my signature and tell me she doesn't look a 100% prettier)
    Idk about Mauvier, his design is OK but he looks a bit too generic for a playable character.

  4. My guess is, if any character essential to the story dies in classic mode, the story cannot progress and it's game over. 
    This would apply for the main "lords". Retainers would have plot armor: They would be "severely wounded and unable to fight" but stay alive for the sake of the story.

    I wonder if characters who died in battle still appear at the Somniel afterwards. This could be awkward.
    Like, that guy was pierced by a spear in front of my eyes and can't help anymore in battle, but he's totally fine for a swimming competition or a cup of tea in-between chapters 🙂

  5. These aren't technically sprites, but my previous works on FE3H styles portraits where accepted on that section so I guess this is OK to share on here 🙂

    Fire Emblem Engage hasn't yet launched at the time I'm posting. I follow the hype and discussions here and there on the Internet, carefully avoiding leaks and spoilers, and I noticed that many people aren't really fans of the character design for this game. I myself am a bit disappointed with some of the official characters' outfits and overwhelming accessories, especially when it seems that we cannot (so far) change the outfits displayed during battle. I hope a future update would allow us to bring the Somniel outfits to the battlefield, or add a couple new hairstyles... But it's just a minor complain especially when the combat animations look very good. I do not play Fire Emblem for the graphics anyway 🙂

    But I wanted to discuss this: What changes would you bring to the characters' designs in Engage?
    For my part I would:

    -lessen the number of accessories (straps, daggers etc. are fine but there's sometimes too many ribbons, extra jewelry, etc.)
    -get rid of the tatoos / face stickers / glitters on some of the characters
    -avoid unrealistically long hair (Celine, if you read this, you're cute looking and all, but you'll just trip over your hair in battle.)

    -give the characters from Lythos, Firene and Brodia more medieval looking outfits.

    I invite everyone to post your images here and show what changes you would bring to the characters from Engage, if any.
    If you cannot edit portraits or draw your own, a description is fine 🙂

    Here are my modified versions of Panette and Hortensia, what do you think?
    I personally think that Panette looks sooo much better like this ❤️



  6. Good evening everyone!
    It has been a while since I last visited the forums😅
    Anyway, here are some new custom characters portraits for the gallery:

    Class: Commoner

    A  merchant's child who often visits the Garreg-Mach monastery when his parents have business there.
    He is the Gatekeeper biggest fan (Who doesn't love him?)




    Holst Goneril
    Class: General

    The head of House Goneril, and Hilda's older brother.
    He loves fashion. It seems that many 3H players want to see what he actually looks like...


    Well...his face face will remain a mystery 😅

    Class: Myrmidon

    A young mercenary from the Kingdom. She fights to support an orphanage. Loves to gamble.



    Class: Swordmaster

    A highly-skilled Kunoichi from the Kingdom. Swift and agile as a cat.
    A decisive woman who also is thoughtful of her comrades.
    (Just noticed after uploading that the bottom part of the ear has a color that doesn't match, I'll fix it later)



    So this is it, 4 new portraits in the gallery 🙂  Feel free to give critique, as always !

    Here are 2 bonuses: The first one is an early stage of Faline's portrait. As you can see I used Ferdinand's hair on Petra's portrait...
    Using a true noble's hair is sufficient to make anyone look even more noble, this is now proven 😛 I found the mix kinda cool so I saved it^^
    The second was supposed to be a female thief but I couldn't find something satisfying enough to finish her hairstyle so I gave-up for now.




  7. On 9/6/2019 at 3:13 AM, EdelgardHresvelgTargaryen said:

    Could you make one for Edelgard's mother?

    This could be a good idea! Are there some dialogue lines in Three Houses (story, supports) where we learn what kind of person she was? 
    I'll definitly give it a try for the next ones 🙂


    I don't know if this is the appropriate section for this since they are portraits and not "sprites"... still I used the same process as for creating GBA/DS style portraits (i.e using parts from different existing portraits to make new ones) so I guess it's not really different...Moderators are free to move the topic to a more appropriate section if there is one.

    Anyway...here is my first attempt to create some custom portraits. Some look better than others, there are a few odd details or color here and there if you look closely...please feel free to comment and give critique.

    Young Alois
    Class: Fighter

    A young squire who served Jeralt when he was still a Knight Captain. 
    (Sorry I just noticed the eyes color isn't right.)



    Class: Priest

    A young lady who recently started to work at the Garreg-Mach monastery. Always ready to help others, unfortunately quite clumsy...





    Class: Swordmaster

    A young Lady from the Kingdom. Loves to travel accross the continent to hone her sword skills.




    Class: Pegasus Knight

    A Pegasus Knight in training. Cool and detached.




    Class: Dark Mage

    Wait...that guy looks way too young and cheerful to be a Dark Mage, right??




    Guillaume the Gentilhomme
    Class: Sniper

    Stories abound about that mysterious man. Some say he came from a faraway continent, other say he was once a thieft converted to the teaching of Seiros, now trveling the land and helping the oppressed. However, all agree to say that he always acts very...noble.




    Class: Wyvern Rider

    A noble from the faraway land of Medon. Came to Fodlan as part of the study-eschange program. May look cold at first, but actually friendly, modest and polite to a fault.



    I'm working on some other portraits but I'm running out of ideas..
    If there are any kind of character you want to see (Alois with Edelgard hair, etc.) feel free to suggest on here or by private message.
    Once again, feel free to comment and give critique!


    I actually tried Alois with Edelgard hair, he looks like a Hippy grandpa 🙂 The back of his hair was too hard to match though, so I gave up midway.


  9. I just finished chapter 18 and my current professor level is A, but some parts of the monastery don't seem to be unlockable yet.
    That large grey area right of the Knights' Hall, as well as a large batiment next to the Training grounds,  won't let me go through.
    Do you need to get a S professor level, to achieve particular quests, or to beat the game once with certain conditions to unlock these areas?

    Also, look at that guard playing with the dog while YOU can't 😅


  10. I won't go too much into details in case some people haven't reached that part in the pre-timeskip yet, but I liked the fact that Byleth tried to use the divine pulse during a cinematic. We all know video games in which tragic events happens at some point in the story, and the characters could use their special items/abilities to save someone, go back through time etc. and fix the whole situation but they don't, while it's unlimited when the player is in control.  (eg: Phoenix downs in the Final Fantasy series...). Well, the result was what it was, but at least we can't complain and say "He has that power, so why didn't he try to use it?"

  11. Missed targets, only 1 to 3 stats up when leveling up...my Felix was so bad in the early game that I ended up not using him a lot. 
    I'm proud of my Ingrid who has amazing growth and can surprisingly crit. hit quite often. Maybe it's just luck, but still.
    Also my recruited Raphael who can take Giant Birds by himself with a wooden training weapon😁 Toe to toe with Dedue, too bad his resistance sucks.


  12. I started my first game with the Blue Lions but tried to recruit some characters I like from the other houses. I'm in the middle of chapter 7 and recruited 4 characters from the Golden Deers so far (actually quite easy if you invite students to meals/missions/tea or give them mountains of gifts from the new merchants, one of the characters even asked to join my house by herself after reaching a B rank support with the protagonist. Is polishing your skills really that important for recruiting?). And then, I recruited Hilda last chapter. As I like her to be in my team but do not plan to use her a lot, I wanted to have her focus on Faith to create a Serra lookalike see how far she can grow in a field she is weak at. I reclassed her to her Noble class, which is supposed to be able to use some magic, however she does not have any tome attached, and I can't either have her take the monk exam since her magic abilities are inexistant. So I was wondering if there was any way to teach her Faith beside the weekly instructing ? I have plans for my other characters as well so I don't want to waste lessons on her, and the only other Faith users in my team are Mercedes who already is a Bishop (A rank) and Flayn (who is an absolute weakling at this point), so seminaries would be an even bigger waste...I somehow got a healing staff in a paralogue, but you cannot get or buy magic tomes in 3H right?

    Also, I spotted Anna during one of Ashe's support conversation 😉 

  13. Good morning/evening to all of you!
    I've been visiting the Serenes Forest website for a decade, though never signed up to the forums.
    I'm a 25yo Fire Emblem fan from Europe, living in Japan (Which by the way means that on the 26th at 0:00 I can start playing Three houses some hours earlier than the rest of the world 😀

    I got into the FE series when I was 12, with Sacred Stones. I played about half of the FE games (All GBA titles, Path of Radiance and Radiant Dawn, New mystery of the Emblem and Echoes that I both liked a lot.) I never played Awakening (Not a fan of the graphics and character's armors design) but I played Fates:Birthright and it was OK, though I don't consider it like a real FE...it looks more like a rip-off to me. Blazing Sword is my favorite game, I played it countless times and I must say it hasn't aged!

    I'm really excited for Three Houses too! My first play will be with the Blue Lions but I'll try to recruit Petra, Raphael and Leonie into my house. I'd like to recruit Marianne too but if she requests a high level in magic it might be challenging. We shall see...

    My English is not perfect, and I'm not sure I will be really active on the forums, but I'm pleased to meet you all.
    And yes, my avatar is DImitri with Masamune Date's helmet :P

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