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Posts posted by Rienfleche

  1. I have really bad luck with Armorknights and Bishops.

    One time I made Serra a bishop and she had 7 Magic by level 1 Bishop.

    On the other side of the mage spectrum, my dark magic users usually turn out good. I tend to get really good sages, too.

  2. After you promote just dump all the bonus exp. on him so you could get perfect stats AND you have a chance versus Naesala XD.

    No, Naesala is too fast. Double attack 25+ Damage= Game over. You should just let Reyson and friends come along for the ride. I don't think anybody is gonna look down on you for not killing Naesala in 19.

  3. But Fiora is a morally pure individual! Kent said it, so it must be true!

    Fiora because Florina is frail and I find that she's harder to raise.

    Farina comes too late to arena abuse. Although looking at her averages, she looks like the best, oh well.

  4. Kent>Rath>Sain>Isadora>Lowen>Marcus

    Kent's high accuracy and speed but low strength makes him suited to axes imo. He needs the extra power and doesn't mind losing some accuracy.

    Rath is pretty good, he does a lot of criticals, and even though he joins late, he's pretty durable.

    Sain is always a sword user when I use him. The swords are accurate and because of his high strength, he can still kill stuff despite swords being the weakest of the three weapons.

    Isadora, I use her a bit and she usually turns out okay. If nothing else, she comes with an angelic robe.

    Lowen, Terrible growths, terrible bases.. Atleast he has 38 level ups and a promotion ahead of him ><

    Marcus is my rescue slave.

  5. if we're talking about technicalities, then it would NOT be a first playthrough, even if it was your first time playing it.

    and this thread is not about if you can recruit him or not. its about who you would choose to kill Pelleas IF the option for recruiting him is not available

    Right, sorry.

    I think Micky should kill him because that makes the most sense.

    Especially with the later boss conversations.


  6. Are we talking perfect playthrough or just finishing the game? Because I found the first 10 chapters quite easy and I'm kind of having trouble saving the villages and not dying in the first chapter of Eirika route. Then again, it's probably because i haven't been leveling up anybody specifically...

    Oh yeah, getting all the villages in this game is crazy hard.

    The only way I can save them every time I try is by making Vanessa a Falcoknight way early with the tower.

  7. I would say Hugh.... I used him once and he got 50 HP and like 19 defense without items. (Although his Magic tended to lag, a bit.) Thing is, he costs 10000 and doesn't get hard bonuses. If he was free and came with bonuses, maybe.

    (Also, bonus points for having the member card.)

    However, because of his drawbacks, I'll say Lugh, since he's the only one who is always good.

  8. I hated strategy until I played Fire Emblem. It just brought me in. Plus, it has the story quality of a novel, and it pulls it off succesfully but not in a way that you have to read it. I also like raising characters, like in Pokemon.

    That sums it up pretty well. I like the music, too. It was actually my cousin that got me started on it because he let me borrow FE7. It's been like 5 years since then and I still can't get enough. Although I must say, when I first heard PoR was on the Gamecube, I was heartbroken because I didn't have a gamecube, I stopped playing for a while because I didn't want to buy a GC just for that game.

    Thank goodness for the Wii's backwards compatibility.

    The console games just added more to the already awesome series.

  9. But no relationship except Bartre/Karla is canonical.

    PentxLouise is canonical :P

    But Oswin was like 40 in FE7 and there wasn't any mention at all of Wendy or Barth. How would they be related?

    Oswin be in his thirties (Hector/Oswin B Support)

    Farina couldn't marry Dart because they don't get an ending together. I think Farina's support is made for just Hector only in order for her to be the mother of Lilina?

    I'm pretty sure they do get an ending, although it isn't romantic, per se.

    And if you want my theory.. Hector is secretly EVERYONE's Father.

    Fir just Thinks that Bartre is her Dad ;)

    I would say that Hector is Klein and Clarine's Dad, too, but

    Louise is already pregnant in Fire Emblem 7

    and besides, Klein is Pent's Blonde clone.

    Yeah, back on topic, 5 Bucks says that Hector is Wolt's Dad, too.

  10. you do have many valid points, i give you that. but i'm afraid i have to disagree.

    1.) maybe Ashnard gave his people the opportunity to go up in the social hierarchy. regardless, this doesn't make him a good king, since all he really cared about was releasing the dark god. this is evident when he abandoned his people and moved out to Crimea.

    2.) in the current society, listening to a child may be ridiculous. but you have to consider, the majority of the population were probably not educated much. and as it is shown all the time in history, uneducated people tend to be more faithful than people who are educated. a theocracy with a child as a ruler is really not that far from reality (look at King Tut, for example) they really believed that the apostle was chosen by the goddess (and in a way, they were with the obvious exception of Sanaki)

    3.) Ramon. do you not believe it to be the action of a good king to try to close the gaps between the peoples of a continent? do you not find it inspiring that he actually tried to bring down the barriers that separated Beorc and Laguz? doesn't that make Ramon a good king? and in all truthfulness, Ashnard didn't target Crimea because of its decision to support Laguz. He targeted because it was the weakest nation that it could invade (Ashnard wasn't about to invade Begnion, was he?) and his purpose was to bring the continent to war. it would have been more effective if Daein attacked Crimea, since that could possibly bring Gallia into the war, and eventually all the Laguz countries except Goldoa

    you have many good points, but left many loopholes open.

    ...Yeah, you're right. I just wanted to point out that not everyone would look down on Ashnard's rule.

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