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Posts posted by Byleth3H

  1. I quite enjoy having as many characters as possible in a game and so I was wondering what students can be recruited through each house? Is there a limit to the amount of students you can recruit (I heard that in Normal mode you get endless amounts of maps you can grind for stats and stuff to make this easier)? Also is it easier to recruit everyone in NG+?  Does NG+ carry over your recruited characters? Sorry for all the questions. Thank you.

  2. I've got Three Houses in my hands and I'm waiting until the new voice patch to start playing so I don't have to hear Byleth's voice changing half-way through my playthrough of the game. I was wondering when the next voice patch would come out. I feel it couldn't possibly take long with Byleth having so little dialogue in the game... or so I hear. My question is basically the title. Thank you.

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