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Posts posted by Naoko_Akamori

  1. 3 minutes ago, Vince777 said:

    Dancing battalion can affect more than one unit at a time but I feel it's better used on another unit so that two units can refresh (and this way you can even refresh your dancer). 

    Oh, neat! Thanks for letting me know. I could put it on Mercedes or something then. 

    Alright, so swap out the Dancer Battalion for the School of Sorcery Volunteers then. 

  2. So, I've been trying to do a little bit of planning for Maddening/Infernal, and deciding what I want to aim for with each of the characters in the Blue Lion House (Plus my draft pick, I'm sure you can imagine who that is). I decided to start out with the one who's giving me the most trouble, share what I was thinking of doing with her, and get some feedback/suggestions. So, without further ado, Annette. 

    Class: Dancer

    Battalion: Blue Lions Dancers (Possibly School of Sorcery volunteers or one that grants Stride)

    Accessory: Not really sure. White Dragon Scarf maybe? 


    - Rally Movement

    - Rally Speed (Swap out for Reason 5?)

    - Rally Resistance

    - Special Dance (Once I get this, I can drop Rally Speed because it's basically Rally Speed/Luck/Dex in one skill plus extra turns)

    - Movement +1

    I've got to have a Dancer on my team, and with Annette's natural affinity for Rallying, she seems like a good fit. That being the case, I worry that by doing that I'm kind of squandering a valuable offensive resource. She's got access to good, low weight Wind Magic, as well as an axe that does Magic based damage (Though using that kind of has the same problem of Marianne using Blutgang). I'm wondering if it might be a better idea to make someone like Ashe my Dancer, or possibly go with a mixed approach to Annette that still lets her use some of her spells/other features? 

  3. 7 hours ago, Jakkun said:

    I'd consider giving Dimitri Battalion Vantage and Wrath, as long as you don't heal his battalion he can abuse both of those skills for multiple maps consecutively after setting it up once. Slap a Gradivus on him or Retribution Gambit on him and nothing will be able to get a hit in on him.

    So maybe something like:

    Lancefaire/Mov+1/B.Vantage/B.Wrath/Lance Crit

    I'd probably drop Lance Crit for Lance Prowess, since I feel like he's going to have pretty good crit either way. But that is a neat combo. Plus it's entirely unique to him. 

  4. Specifically, the combination of Battalion Vantage and Battalion Wrath Dmitri gets at Authority rank A. Someone mentioned that that combination alone would essentially turn him into a monster, especially with someone else using a Retribution Battalion on him (So he could just counterattack from any distance). My current abilities I want to go for with him are;

    - Deathblow

    - Lance Crit +10

    - Movement +1

    - Weight -3

    - Lances 5

    But I was wondering if swapping out Weight -3 and Lance Crit +10 for Battalion Vantage and Battalion Wrath would be better? 

  5. 55 minutes ago, PPPPPPP270 said:

    Making Dimitri a cavalier/paladin is pretty good. As it gives you a lot of needed riding EXP to get A+ riding before the timeskip. Having +1 movement at the start of chapter 13 is extremely satisfying and useful as his personal classes have godlike modifiers. 


    Alright, so I'm looking at something like this... 

    - Get Axes to D+ (Instruct in Axes, Goals Axes/Lances, Group Task Riding: Probably with Marianne to work on their Support)

    - Once Axes are at D+, work on Riding (Instruct Riding, Train Lances/Authority, Group Task: Riding)

    - Once Riding Budding Talent is unlocked, train Lances/Riding (He'll ask you to do it anyway). Group Task: Riding

    I don't need the Group Task slot for any other characters besides Dmitri and Lysithea. 

    Class-wise, I'll probably stick him in Brigand until Death Blow and then hop over to Cavalier for Riding EXP as mentioned once that becomes a Strength. I like having Lords who can yeet themselves across the battlefield.  

  6. 1 hour ago, SpiceMan said:

    I Personally wouldn't bother training Dimitri in Heavy Armour, as a paladin he never had problems doubling and when he encountered faster enemies he was mostly able to one shot them anyway.  Are you aiming for Great Lord or Paladin Dimitri by endgame, because if you plan to go Brigand/Cavalier - Paladin - High/Great Lord then he will not have any speed problems. He will have a 50% growth and plus 4 speed bonuses purely for being in the class, and you can always dump one of your many speed rings on him for a nice extra. If you want to stay a Paladin however for the extra movement then speed might be a bit more of a problem, though I have personally never attempted to keep him as one because Great Lord just kicked so much ass.

    Also Don't ever solo focus. You waste 1/4 of your experience when doing it and it can hurt a units skill ranks in the long run. Just train his Axes alongside Lances or Authority or Riding (But only after he gets his talent so you can maximise gain).

    So overall I would say if you just go for Death Blow on Brigand you should be fine but I would not recommend getting Weight -3 as it takes to much time away from other ranks and ultimately doesn't change much, at least from my experience. 

    Alright! I was planning on going High -> Great Lord with him, yeah. Probably dipping into Paladin a little bit to pick up Aegis just for that little bit of extra protection. 

    Also, thanks for the info about solo-focusing! Lances/Axes it is then, and then Lances/Authority until he gets his Riding talent. 

  7. So, for my Blue Lions playthrough (That I want to experience on a harder difficulty), I need to train Dmitri in Axes, Heavy Armor, and Riding - as well as Lances and Authority when he's feeling up to it. The problem is, I'm not sure how I'd be able to fit all of that. Axes only have to go up to D+ before I can start taking the Brigand certification (And since it's the only requirement, I feel like it'd be pretty good odds of him passing). Heavy Armor has to go up to C for Weight -3 (Which is doable), but Riding has to go up to A+ (And I'm pretty sure I HAVE to instruct him for his Budding Talent to unlock). Especially since he becomes unteachable for a little under half of his route, I'm just really worried about fitting all of this in, and somehow managing to still leave time for him to get a decent score in Lances and Authority (Knowledge Gem, most likely). 

    So far, my strategy is...

    1. Train him in Axes first. It's the thing he has a flaw in, I only need to get it up three ranks, and I can instruct/set it as a goal to get a reasonable amount of experience per week. I feel like I should have that done by maybe Chapter 3 or so. Axes would be his ONLY goal, for the 1.5x boost. 

    1a - While doing that, have him do weeding as his weekly chore so that, even if it's not a lot, he's still gaining at least 'some' Heavy Armor experience. 

    2. Once he hits D+ in Axes, spam the Brigand exam once he hits level 10, and switch his goal over to Heavy Armor while I work on Instructing him toward unlocking his budding talent in Riding. Keep him in 'poke things with a stick' mode throughout all of this. Use the Knowledge Gem, possibly do a bit of grinding with a rusted/broken weapon and a decent Avo. Battalion. Pray he doesn't murder everything like Felix does when I try to train him in anything in combat. 

    3. Once his budding talent  unlocks and he hits C in heavy armor, switch him over to Lances and Riding. Instruct him in Lances, and see how far he can go through the rest of the game at that point. 

    Is that a viable strategy that won't leave him underperforming in other areas? 

  8. Oh, I forgot Felix's Authority - it's 3500 to bring him up to B rank for the Battalion I want to get for him. I'm also considering dropping something (Maybe Bow Crit +10?) for Weight -3 to help offset the Aegis Shield a bit. Though, I suppose I could always just unequip it against the swarms of Swordmasters and Assassins in later auxiliary battles. 


  9. I want to do a 'full dive' (Max supports, talk to everyone, immerse in the story) playthrough of Blue Lions on the harder difficulties when they come out. In addition, I want to play on NG+ and bring over some awesome skill and class proficiencies for my units to really excel, basically to see if the hardest the game has to offer can stack up to the most optimized units I can build. Now, I've been able to do this with pretty much everyone EXCEPT for Dmitri and Dedue. Since I can't have them without having Blue Lions, obviously. 

    So, my question is... If I were to skip every cutscene, talk to as few people as possible, do no supports, advance past all of the battle text, and basically just power through while getting what I wanted set up on Dmitri, d'you think the experience would be fresh my second go 'round, especially since the maps will have changed quite a bit in how they're executed? 

  10. Hey guys, 

    So, I figured I'd post the team I'm working on for my Blue Lions run, which I'm going to be playing for the first time when Maddening difficulty comes out. I've done a bit of preparation of a NG+ file to try to make this the best it can be (Well, except Dmitri, he'll be fresh). I have planned Battalions, Abilities, and Accessories for mostly everyone. I'd appreciate your thoughts and feedback. 

    1. Dmitri: Final Class - Great Lord

    Promotion Path: Soldier -> Brigand (Death Blow) -> Paladin (Until Mastering Aegis) -> High Lord -> Great Lord

    Battalion: King of Lions Corps

    Accessory: March Ring


    - Lance Prowess 5

    - Deathblow 

    - Weight -3

    - Movement +1

    - Lance Crit +10 

    I'm set on the Battalion and Accessory for him, but not the abilities. Because he's the only unit I can't prepare beforehand (Without doing a run of the game on HM to set up anyway), I have to be careful with what I train him in so he excels where he needs to. 

    2. Bylass: Final Class - Enlightened One

    Promotion Path: Myrmidon -> Mercenary -> Swordmaster (Till Level 30) -> Enlightened One

    Battalion: Indech Sword Fighters (For Retribution)

    Accessory: Critical Ring


    - Swords 5
    - Darting Blow
    - Deathblow (Replace with Swordfaire)
    - Sword Crit +10
    - Vantage

    I'm doing a Church playthrough now where I can unlock a few more things for Byleth if I want to. Basically decided to go for a Sword Lass approach this time 'round - I've tried doing the Sword/Magic hybrid, but since I'll be doing this on the second hardest difficulty I figure it's safest to focus on one. 

    3. Dedue: Final Class - War Master (Or Fortress Knight)

    Promotion Path: Fighter -> Brigand -> Fortress Knight -> War Master

    Battalion: Duscur Heavy Infantry

    Accessory: Speed Ring


    - Axes 5
    - Fists 5
    - Quick Riposte
    - Pavise

    - Deathblow

    Sorry for the weird formatting there, but... Yeah! Dedue's another one of those "Really can't import anything" guys, so I figured I ought to play it safe with him. That said, I feel like Dedue can be played VERY safe. Only real problem I can see is getting his Authority high enough for his special Battalion, but I feel like that shouldn't be 'too' hard since it's not a weakness for him. I'm considering dropping either Axe or Fist proficiency for Weight -5 though.  

    4. Felix: Final Class - Bow Knight

    Promotion Path: ??? -> Assassin -> Bow Knight

    Battalion: Fraldarius Soldiers

    Accessory: Aegis Shield


    - Bow Prowess 5

    - Bow Crit +10

    - Deathblow (Into Bowfaire)

    - Movement +1

    - Close Counter

    Felix can take Deathblow without having to deviate into axes because he's got Brigand mastered in my master-save. This time 'round, I'll be benching him and focusing Authority for him to equip the Fraldarius Soldiers - because extra crit. I might swap them out for something that gives him more hit though. 

    (Also, yes, I'm planning on using most people's unique Battalions for flavor. Don't worry, this trend stops now)

    5. Sylvain: Final Class - Wyvern Lord

    Promotion Path: Fighter -> Brigand -> Wyvern Rider -> Wyvern Lord

    Battalion: Kingdom Wyvern Corps. 

    Accessory: Rafail Gem (I'll be doing most of the Paralogues on this run, at least the ones that are available to BL students)


    - Axes 5

    - Deathblow (Into Axefaire)

    - Alert Stance+

    - Axe Crit +10

    - Weight -3

    I might even try for Weight -5 on Sylvain, but we'll see. It depends on how much Renown I end up with to go around buying skills. It might also be a good idea to try for something from a Cavalry line like Aegis. Sylvain's probably the hardest one to come up with abilities for, so I'd appreciate a lot of help with that. 

    6. Mercedes: Final Class - Bishop

    Promotion Path: Monk -> Priest -> Bishop

    Battalion: Kingdom Priests

    Accessory: Healing Staff


    - Faith 5

    - White Magic Range +1

    - White Tomefaire

    - Renewal

    - Movement +1

    Merci is going to be learning horses in my last prep save, and probably Authority too, but we'll see. 

    7. Annette: Final Class - Dancer

    Promotion Path: Monk -> Mage -> Dancer

    Battalion: Blue Lions Dancers (Possibly School of Sorcery volunteers or one that grants Stride)

    Accessory: Not really sure. White Dragon Scarf maybe? 


    - Rally Movement

    - Rally Speed (Swap out for Reason 5?)

    - Rally Resistance

    - Special Dance (Once I get this, I can drop Rally Speed because it's basically Rally Speed/Luck/Dex in one skill plus extra turns)

    - Fiendish Blow

    Anne is... tricky. Her abilities are a bit of a mess right now, because I want to mostly use her as a support unit, but in doing so I worry that I'm squandering one of my precious few magic resources. At the same time, I WILL be bringing in Lysithea, aka "She who nukes", so I probably don't have to worry too much? 

    Speaking of...

    8. Lysithea: Final Class - Dark Knight

    Accessory: Thyrsus

    Battalion: Ordelia Sorcery Corps., some magic one. 

    Promotion Path: Monk -> Mage -> ??? (Warlock? I guess?) -> Dark Knight


    - Fiendish Blow 

    - Reason 5

    - Movement +1

    - Weight -3

    - Darting Blow

    There's some flexibility here. Darting Blow could probably be dropped for Dark Magic Range +1 once I get it. Because she is definitely absolutely positively not supposed to be getting attacked during enemy phase, Fiendish Blow is perfect on her. Now I just wish I could change her hair, because that purple hair... cloth... thing looks silly on anything not-a-Mage. 

    9. Ashe: ???

    10. Ingrid: ???


    1. Give the setups I have so far a look, and let me know what you think. Anything I missed/should go for that'd work better? I tried to operate under the assumption that I wouldn't be getting most characters' main weapons to S+, so I shouldn't put the -faire skills on because that would encourage ignoring other important things. For characters who have masteries from other playthroughs, that's a little easier to do. Something else I'm thinking of doing is getting Weight -3 for Felix to help counteract the absolute AS killing of the Aegis Shield a bit, but we'll see. I can just unequip it if he's up against a lot of stuff that could pose a problem. 

    2. For places where you see a lot of ??? (Sylvain's abilities, Annette's accessory, Ashe and Ingrid's entire... thing, suggestions for what has worked on HM so far and on Maddening for those of you who have played it would be great. I'm thinking about Ashe as a Bow Knight or a Wyvern Lord, and Ingrid as a Wyvern Lord or Falcon Knight. Someone recommended Holy Knight for her as another Healer - that might be worth doing too.  

    So far, Renown-wise, I'm looking at... 

    Byleth - Pegasus Knight, Brigand
            Felix - Brigand
            Lysithea - Pegasus Knight

    (2000 Renown for class masteries. Could be more if I decide to go for ones for Sylvain, Ingrid, or Ashe)

    Purchase Skill Level: (Total Renown- 18000 )
        Bylass: C-rank Axes (2000)
    Lysithea: C-rank Lances/Faith/Heavy Armor (5500)
    Felix: A+ Riding, B-rank Swords (6500)
    Mercedes: A+ Riding (4000)

    And obviously some more if I were to go for Weight -3 for, say, Sylvain, Felix, etc. 

  11. 9 minutes ago, Shadow Mir said:

    Then getting S+ in Lances is completely unnecessary, since said class has innate Lancefaire.

    True! They do stack, which would be nice, but that miiight be overkill (Looks at Claude and his 50+ damage bow hits). 

    Deathblow and other useful support skills it is!

    I'm going to probably post a more complete thread of what I want to do with everyone, for more critique of accessories/abilities/battalions. 

  12. 12 minutes ago, ApocaLips said:

    I’m going to shortcut this and say you should go for deathblow. Even if you make a beeline for S+ you’re still only going to get it near the very end of the game. Getting to D+ axes isn’t too bad even with the weakness, and you’ll have deathblow for about 3/4 of the game. +6 str on player phase isn’t so far off from +5 damage that the difference in availability is worth it.

    Thats not even considering the fact that being hyper-focused on S+ lances can make you miss other important skills, like authority for the primo battalions and heavy armor for help with weight, which lords are usually in an excellent position to get because they don’t have to meet master class requirements. You’d be sacrificing some of that by gunning for S+ lances for a benefit you’ll only get near the end of the game. 


    Right now, I'm looking at these abilities for him. Would you recommend Weight -3 instead of Aegis? (That also means I don't have to sit in Paladin). I was just going to go with C Authority because that's all I need for his unique Battalion, which is like... +10 Attack, +10 Crit, +5 Hit?

    - Lances 5
    - Lance Crit +10
    - Deathblow (Swap out for Lancefaire)
    - Aegis
    - Movement +1

    So if I were to not focus too much on S+ in Lances, I'd end up with something like... 

    - Lances 5

    - Lance Crit +10

    - Deathblow

    - Weight -3

    - Movement +1


  13. So, I'm going to be starting a run of Blue Lions on the harder difficulties when they come out, and I was wondering if it'd be worth going for Axes on Dmitri to get Brigand and master it for Deathblow, considering this would be my FIRST playthrough of BL, and axes are a flaw for him. 

    I know I could theoretically do a prep run of it and just get the class unlock, but I don't want to do that if I don't have to. It'd be time spent either way, and it'd also spoil at least the maps for me (I know they're all mostly the same as those seen in other routes, but the enemies/bosses would be different at least. Basically, I want my playthrough on Maddening to be my first full-dive into the story, especially since this is supposed to be the most story-rich of all of the routes. 

    So my main concern is whether or not it's possible to get Dmitri's axes up to C (Or, more likely, to D+ to at least be able to 'attempt' the Brigand exam), and then get his Lances up to S+ and Riding up to A+ on the same save (With grinding of auxiliary battles/doing Paralogues)? 

  14. Basically, tl;dr

    1. My options are to either gimp my units by focusing on skills that won't help them at endgame, or spoil all of the maps in the second half of my chosen route (If not the story) and get access to skills like Deathblow for non-axe mains without 'earning' them. 

    2. I don't really want to do either, so for units whose strength growths are already through the roof, is it really as necessary as it would be on someone like Ingrid? 

  15. I'm planning on what I want to do for my playthrough of Maddening, and I have a few ideas for the kinds of characters I want to make. Without getting too much into it, I was planning to play to everyone's strengths (So, Felix as a Swordsman, Dmitri as a master of the art of poking people with a stick). But there's a few class abilities that lay off the beaten path for certain characters, like Deathblow for Dmitri and Felix, that I'm wondering if I'll 'need' - or if those would trivialize the difficulty too much/not be worth getting. 

    (Basically, think "Galeforce on EVERYONE" from Awakening, except now it's Deathblow on EVERYONE)

    The issue I'm running into is that there's no way to go about doing this that I'm 100% happy with. I can either...

    A: Deviate from their strengths to the point where I can't get S+ ranks in their best weapons, leaving them without access to some of the better skills (Like Lancefaire and Lance Crit as personal skills for Dmitri).

    B: Run a playthrough where I go out of my way to get those skills and then transfer it over with NG+. I DO plan to use NG+ for Recruitment/Professor Level, but I feel like class masteries and skill boosts and stuff kind of takes some of the fun out of the experience. I don't want to completely render Part I irrelevant. Only kind of. 

    The way I feel about this is kind of how I feel about the whole Flier Emblem thing. I'm trying to find a happy medium between absolutely making the game trivial, and teeth-grinding frustration.
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