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Posts posted by AlexKostrov

  1. 10 minutes ago, Etrurian emperor said:

    "...in the last chapter Edelgard and Arundal have some passive agressive combat about who's going to backstab the other first."

    Yes, i shoud have adress that. I remember this, but my point was that the route didn't SHOW us that. They build up that hatred to Arundal, and then...... Title screen. We only get words on the ending that they delt with them. 

  2. So, I've been playing Three Houses for about two weeks non-stop, and I got some questions... 
    Spoiler warning for the game here, and also forgive me, if grammar would be bad. English not my main language. 

    After playing Two routs, GD and BE, I kinda get the feeling that the game doesn't like El. No, not because she is a villian. Well... Not all that. My points:

    - Her route is short. And clunky. I consider it almost a miracle, that i liked it the same as GD route, despite how rushed it was. And it the only one like that. Even Chearh route is longer. 
    - She didn't have a confrontation with Cult. I mean, come on, she has the most connection to them. They tourchered her, and killed off (indirectly) her family. And yet, nothing? Also, Byleth in this route kinda forgets about them. They killed his/her father, and now El sided with them, and he/she doesn't mind? Also, it would made her significantly less evil in the eyes of players, because we would see that she isn't fond of their methods not just on words. 
    - She is only one lord who dies on screen in every possibility. For example, on BE route I let Claude go, and Dima was killed like normal unit. Edelgard? Turn into monster (BL route), gets beaten, and then try to stub Dimitri in the back, like some lowlife traitor, only to get impeled. That's kinda harsh.... And also the reason I still didn't start the BL route. 
    - With other lords, if you chose them, you stay with them. With El you can kill her if you like, and her class stays with you. 
    - Depite being one of the main villians of the game, her motives ain't cleer in other routs, but her's. Thanks to that I'm gonna need to explain to my friends why I fell in love with Daenerys Crestborn. Myeh...
    - Her face on S-rank art is kinda weird... And all other cheracters get wounderfull artworks. 

    That's all I can think off right now. My point is that despte being one of the most popular cheracters in the game, in game itself she has much less care and love put in her route and image in other routes. Because of that I have to deal with harassment on fact that I willingly S-rank her after GD route. I understand that she is moraly wrong. And I made my choice being aware of that. But the game itself is given the impression that I made the choice it would not be preapered for, starts to panic and throw some half-beaked storyline at me. 

    But maybe it's just me, and my opinion could be wrong. That's why I want to know that other people think about that. Thanks.

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