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Posts posted by SHEmperor

  1. 14 hours ago, Seazas said:

    Fuck a "Revelations route"

    Byleth comes in way too late to affect anyone's lives. Divine Pulse canonically only works by a few moments. The characters and their ideals are too damn drastically different and a chance at making it work long passed before Byleth ever showed up.

    Intsys agrees since there is NO GOLDEN ROUTE. Not even with the new DLC on the way with a "secret 4th house". Just wait for the spinoffs if you want the characters happy and working together that bad. 

    Sothis sacrifices  herself to rewind all the way back.

    Also, Golden route has 2/3 lords die and a good portion of students die

  2. For me, it's either all canon or not canon. I am kind of hoping for a DLC route where Byleth and Sothis doesn't join the monastery and everything plays out without them.

    Rhea gets kidnapped?

    Dimitri goes full mad king

    Edelgard goes full cold

    Claude dips

    Those who Slither in the Dark gets nukes and nukes everything.


    Also, a black pill route where you completely side with Slither in the Dark and everyone has to team up to defeat you

  3. 5 hours ago, axlorg89 said:

    It is weird I admit. Isn't really explained on other than Claude being one of her targets, but to say it indiscriminately is weird. I guess in the case Kostas got captured, she wouldn't want her plans to be outed specifically. In any case, there's no proper explanation.

    It's always possible that Hubert hired them to kill some nobles. To me, it's implied that that moment was perfect for killing both Dimitri and Clause at the same time.

  4. 17 hours ago, dragonlordsd said:

    What Timlugia said. There's this scene where she's like "we must hunt down all the dragons and eradicate their kind from the world, starting with those two."

    One thing I'm really quickly realizing is that there are a TON of scenes that you only get under very specific conditions, so a lot of people are disagreeing over things that happened.

    I actually do want to see where she says this because I never seen her state this ever. Does she do this if she kills Flayn or Seteth in their last fight? Plus, it seems contradictory to when Edelgard


    simply asks Rhea to step down from the Church in the final chapter

    How do you procc this dialogue? Also, if this actually has happened, this definitely looks alot worse for her even if Slithers lied to her. There's no real defense for this besides slithers tricking her with false info.

  5. 7 hours ago, Timlugia said:

    Problem here is that Byleth is the true target, not Jeralt. so by helping TWISTD, Edelgard is also helping them to kill Byleth


    Had Sothis not intervened, (which Edelgard didn’t know exist) Byleth would surely die. 


    It it really makes me feel she’s a hypocrite, calling Byleth a friend and close ally, yet knowingly sending him to his death. Like I said, it’s her character, as long as she can get her end goal, she would do anything including backstabbing Byleth if need to be. (Or blew up Bernadetta as suicide bomb)

    It's hard to tell whether she made it a trap or not, but I would assume not. The revenge sort of acts as a microcosm of Edelgard's own revenge plan on TWISITD.

    Even Edelgard's speech before follows her own philosophy. She pretty much tells you she won't be there to cry with you but she will be there to help you move forward. Something akin to her own beliefs and tries to help you by giving TWISDIT's location and something goes awry similarly to a later part in Edelgard's story. I think it makes more sense for her to help you get revenge rather than try to kill you.

  6. 31 minutes ago, MrPerson0 said:

    Was that really talked about in the BE path? Or something only mentioned through the texts in the library? If the latter, I can see why no one really brought it up in general, since what the Empire does has no bearing on the Church and vice versa (seeing that they haven't sent a lord to Garreg Mach in over 200 years). And when did I move goalposts? It's common sense that a judicial system is not normally in FE at all, especially when people asking for one need to realize that these people (Western Church, Edelgard, etc.) committed many atrocities and were out to kill anyway. The Flayn and Seteth paralogue really showed how far gone the Western Church truly are when they started exclaiming that they know how to worship Saint Cihol and Cethleann ...in front of those very two people, and were willing to kill if necessary.


    Because if they didn't have the crests, Fodlan would have been overrun, and there would be no Edelgard, Dimitri, etc.

    Which paralogue? IIRC, the Alois and Shamir one takes place before the timeskip, and the Hilda and Cyril one can only be done on a non-Edelgard path.

    It's a Edelgard paralogue but it's mostly to ward off Almyran invasion.  You can assume that they invaded either to avenge Claude or Claude lives and he tries to take back the alliance using Almyran forces.

    Or, you can just assume they tried to invade after the Alliance broke off. I like to think that considering this happens after defeating Claude and Claude's relations to Almyra that there's more context to this paralogue than it seems.

    Edit: Also, rereading the paralogue, it explains why the Almyrans didn't try to invade any time soon afterward. They experienced many casualties in this fight and backed off for a good amount of time.


  7. 9 minutes ago, Timlugia said:

    In the similar vein, I also found her ending mentioning zero insurrection quite unrealistic. Same as how Almyra didn’t invade to avenge their prince.


    There's a choice to spare Claude in the BE route if you defeat him with Edelgard or Byleth and Almyra does do an invasion in a paralogue irregardless of whether you spare Claude or not.

  8. On 8/9/2019 at 4:48 PM, AbsoluteZer0Nova said:

    Well of course that's all the more why Gilbert mentions how he and Byleth have to help Dimitri be brought back on the right path again as him being alone did him no favors. Also you need to keep in mind in the BE path when Edelgard is about to kill Dimitri she says he would have made a good ruler in a time of peace which would have been the case had she not declare war. 

    I think this is referring less to the war happening atm and more so the Duscur Massacre.

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