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Posts posted by Always_tired

  1. These are just some of my overall thoughts. 

    Thoughts on Blue Lions.


    I hope they implement the memory prisms like in shadows of valentia. Mainly for Patricia she's important for Edelgard and Dimitri. Like at least something more than just characters speculating. Cause she seems really cold and heartless not going to lie. And something more on TWSITD cause they never really figure out who they are.

    For Black Eagles (both routes)


    I hope they expand on TWSITD because they are really lame. Maybe a couple new chapters of Edelgard defeating them or how they affected her when they experimented on her. They could also do the memory prism to flesh out the TWSITD more maybe humanize them alittle idk. I also hope we get DLC on Sothis cause she is just kind of there. I know she's the goddess but like that's it. Maybe some chapters fleshing her out or a dlc focused on the past to explain the Nabateans more. Also maybe a memory prism for Rhea, Jeralt and Byleth's mom. To explain the whole process better. It would be a cool flashback rather than just text.

    Golden Deer.


    I think the Golden Deer had a good mix of story overall both Church and TWSITD. I guess my main gripe is still TWSITD maybe just expand them more. More backstory on Claude would be nice just cause he's my fave. It would also be cool to see the casts family and how they interact. 

    What do you guys want story wise from the DLC?

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