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Posts posted by hovah

  1. As someone that always has a soft spot for Fe13 because it was my first this really makes me happy to see, gonna try it out in the near future. Looks like some really amazing work, especially removing the god awful STR. I would be interested in hearing what other people think of the patch in comparison to the base game and how it feels after a full run. 

  2. starting this mod, but would be great if the feature pictures could get reuploaded 🙂 no info to go on atm


    edit: just completed a full run of the game with this mod/hack, and i am really happy with how it turned out. Was my first ever playthrough of fe6 as well, did it on hard and it served a good challenge. 

    Ray, Dorothy, Geese, Roy, Tate, and Fa were absolute beasts, total powerhouses. Like seriously, Ray with some a few boosters turned into my tankiest tank and also my hardest hitter, slapped boots on him and he was absolutely unstoppable. 525775194_ScreenShot2019-11-19at04_10_38.thumb.png.627bb1809f74349a0d418cb16e7fb733.png


    Dorothy was the player phase killer god. Maxed str/skill/speed early into promotion. 1526557406_ScreenShot2019-11-19at04_10_03.thumb.png.86c14684e578cd1edff606c199ab36ac.png


    And im happy i had to use up all my uses of divine weapons, by the time idoun died there was only 2-4 uses left per weapon. Felt really good since they came in clutch against the OP manaketes that were almost unbeatable without them. 


  3. 1 hour ago, Paper Jam said:

    I've found on Hard mode in general, once a unit starts falling behind, it's very hard for them to catch up. If you have been ignoring Lyn and Eliwood to the point where they are much lower level than the regular enemies, you probably might as well just bench them as much as you can.

    The only chapters where their deployment is forced (after Genesis) are Unfulfilled Heart (where they are in the middle of the map, and all of the enemy reinforcements come from the edges and corners), Sands of Time (where they start in an area that should remain safe, and if it isn't safe you'll likely lose anyway), and Light (see Unfulfilled Heart).


    Someone who is on HHM has most likely already beaten the game at least twice, and should therefore know about Pale Flower of Darkness. Nonetheless, this is good advice, to which I would add that I have found Harken to be much easier to get in Jerme's chapter than Kenneth's. You do need to have somebody from Eliwood's entourage (Lowen, Marcus, Isadora, or Eliwood himself) deployed in that chapter to talk to him though.

    Ill keep that in mind, ill see if i get anything from the next 2-3 levels or so, if those fail as well im dropping Eli. And as i told Subwaybossemmett, i patched my rom so i skip both LM and can do HHM on my first run.


    6 hours ago, SubwayBossEmmett said:


    Sorry that maps sucks, I hope you're not stuck on it too long regardless.

    For the lord chapter thing, their total levels need to combined to 50 to send you to one map vs another. You can read it all here https://fireemblem.fandom.com/wiki/Four-Fanged_Offense

    The map is Fog of War and the boss is pretty tricky and moves in HHM, but on the flipside you have to fight the other boss of the other map later on in one of the most frustrating maps in the game/series called Cog of Destiny. Oh god you don't even know the pain of Battle Before Dawn do you? I pray for you, and you should let everyone know how your experience on that map goes.

    Oh and uh the unit in map with the lesser lord levels is a bad general and the other one is a solid Warrior but eh you don't need the Warrior either. Limited deployment slots mess with HHM's possible fun levels imo.

    Oh and for recruiting a unit that actually matters, when you get to Pale Flower of Darkness look up how to recruit Harken. You get either Harken or Karel and Karel is bad while Harken has like the best offenses in the game bar one other guy.

    It has been very fun up until Genesis, took me a few hours to crack that one, watched a LTC video on it after i was done and man was that harder than it had to be.... Rath with bravebow+killer bow seems like it makes that map way less of a headache. Hawkeye and my super RNG lucky raven was my ticket out. 

    (if anyone interested about my current deployment) Hector, Lowen,Legault, Lucius, Fiora, hawkeye, Raven, Marcus, Heath and maybe Eliwood now. (Units dropped a long the way for various reasons, but still used quite a bit: Oswin, Sain, Guy, Florina, Erk. Super sad to drop oswin and guy but just cant see where they would fit in the deployment, oswins movement feels like a pretty big detriment, and Guy has almost capped skill/speed but 10-11 str at lvl 12)

  4. 3 hours ago, Interdimensional Observer said:

    There are a handful of maps where you have to field all three lords, but there is always enough room on the maps for you to put them in safe spots away from danger. Use them if you want, but you don't have to.

    Chapter 24 Hector Mode oddly varies based on your three lords' combined levels. 49 or fewer levels between them sends you to map 50 levels total or more between the three sends you to a different fight. You'll be fine regardless of which you go to, even if I'd say one map is a little better than the other.

    Oh? how does that map work? im currently on Genesis and want to blow my brains out figuring out how to do it, my combined levels are 20+10+5 (H,E,L) atm so i guess that level 50 map is not in sight. What am i missing out on? 

    32 minutes ago, SubwayBossEmmett said:

    Eliwood is an interesting case because he actually promoted into a good unit with a mount in FE7 with the heaven seal, but he's pretty far back at the moment and unless you really wanted to feed him kills or something his stats will be meh. So if you feed him kills and use the first Heaven Seal he'll be find unit. With those offenses in 23, it would be hard to spoon feed him a kill.

    You are completely fine ignoring them however, but you need to be a bit careful for like a few other maps like the endgame.

    Edit: Wait this is a first playthrough AND Hector Hard Mode?

    Yupp i patched the rom so i can skip lyn, and do HMM on my first run! I like to challenge myself and also minmax as much as possible, so this was the only way to go personally, im relatively new to the franchise but done all the recent stuff on lunatic/maddening (awakening and up). 

    Also i think i could feed eliwood if that is the case, since he is already really tanky, maybe he could work out as some sort of tank/chip damage dealer, if hes gonna be fielded anyways might as well. 

  5. Hey guys, currently on my first ever FE7 run and i just got to chapter 23 HHM, and i have gotten 3 chapters where eliwood and lyn are required to field. Will this keep recurring? i kept both barely touched since their growths got completely rng-destroyed (eliwood lvl 10 with 7 str and 15L 12D...) 

    So my question is as the title suggests, is it possible to completely ignore Lyn and Eliwood in favour of other units, or will i get completely gutted in later chapters by doing this? (such as them being forced into combat by themselves etc.) 


  6. Hey guys! (sorry if this is the wrong section, kinda new to posting) 

    Im playing FE6-8-9-10 in my near future(first time runs), and was wondering if people knew of any solid (no major gamebreaking bugs) patches for those said games. I ask this because generally i enjoy challenging myself and know that more often than not FE games fall kinda flat on difficulty without self imposed rules.

    Something like these two posts below are what i would be looking for!

    (im definitely not "too lazy" to look for myself, i have been searching pretty rigorously, but havent had much luck in finding things that dont alter the game into something completely different, ala full on hacks for example. i want to keep the basegame as is but modified, so to say.)

    Would appreciate any sort of tips/help greatly!



  7. Hey, so i have a general question regarding this hack, i've never before played FE6-7-8. (only played all recent games, awakening and up) Difficulty is no issue since ive done maddening/lunatic runs, im on the 2nd chapter for this hack now, and it feels like im ruining my first experience with the game by playing the mod before a genuine run, but since i haven't played it i wouldnt know. What would you guys have done? play the hack/mod or a normal run first? 

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