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Posts posted by Sitruk

  1. On 8/4/2019 at 12:29 PM, Armagon said:

    So i've only played the Crimson Flower route and while i have heard about Edelgard being more villainous in other routes, i think there's a reason for that, which i'll get into later. First of all though, i'm definitely going to echo the fact that she's a very well written character. I haven't seen her in the villain role yet but when she's the protagonist, he's one of the series best Lords, if not the best. Her motivations make sense and she has this sort of villain protagonist vibe where she believes she's doing the right thing and shows you why she thinks she's doing the right thing but it may not actually be the right thing. It's all a matter of perspective, which, if Crimson Flower is any precedent, is what this game's about. No one's truly right or wrong, no one's truly good or evil (no, Those Who Slither in the Dark don't count).

    On the subject of Edelgard being more villainous in other routes, i think that has to do with Byleth not being there. Again, i haven't played the other routes but i'm gonna make a comparison to Walhart here. I don't remember who said it in Awakening but it's said that Walhart was the kind of person Alm could've become if he didn't have a compassionate person at his side (Celica). In all routes but Crimson Flower, Edelgard is the Walhart. But in Crimson Flower, Edelgard has her Celica in the form of Byleth, and as such, she is Alm. Now of course, Edelgard and Alm, as well as Byleth and Celica have distinct personalities but you get the point here.

    I've been seeing a lot of this on Twitter, particularly from people who started with the Blue Lions. People who utterly despise Edelgard because of her actions in other routes and refuse to see her route and that kind of upsets me because the point of the game is to see everyone's perspective.

    On your point about Byleth’s effect on her progression, she states multiple times throughout the path that if Byleth hadn’t sided with her, she would have shut her emotions away completely, becoming just like some of our other Villains, Zephidel and Hardin, whereas with Byleth around, she can trust someone who isn’t Hubert, which allows her to have an actual emotional support system, which is why (I’m guessing here, only finished Crimson Flower), she is so different between stories.

  2. On 8/4/2019 at 11:32 AM, Tenzen12 said:

    She is pretty good villain. I am not completely sure if best, but certainly one with most screen time to be flashed out, which certainly help.

    That said she is basically Zephiel 2.0.

    I agree with this, but she has more of a reason to want this than Zephiel, not saying that Zephidel doesn’t have them, it’s just that Edelgard’s reasons are logical to me, especially having played Crimson Flower first.

  3. Hey, don’t know if this has been mentioned yet, but Death Knight (Jeritza) is playable in one of the Edelgard storylines (the one where you side with her over Rhea), so he isn’t DLC, as you have been listing him.

    EDIT: if it’s on purpose, since he’s limited to one variation of one story, which has at least 2, potentially 4 different variations (only played 2 of the storylines so far, joining Edelgard, and Claude’s, and only finished Edelgard’s, so far)

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