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Fire Emblem Dude

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Everything posted by Fire Emblem Dude

  1. Your honor I must object to the prosecutions assertion that my client was at the scene of the crime during the night of the murder. The reason being is because my client was found sleeping with the prosecution's mother and as Evidence, I would like to provide images of the acts in the courtroom.
  2. Banned because I'm an asshole admin
  3. Thanks man, sorry I didn't see the original notif
  4. Before I look like an idiot, is this the 4th chapter in Lyn's route or Eliwoods route?
  5. I have nothing to say about the comment I just wanted to say I like your Title thing
  6. I'll have to check with some friends who know more about this than I do, but I think I can say a few things about what you said. 1: I think it should be important to note that the Bible is a collection of books, and the collection could have different contexts (Such as Psalms being mostly poetry and songs). 2: I believe that it depends on the interpretation of Genesis, since Young Earth Creationism wasn't on the rise till recently and that an older earth and the Bible wasn't mutually exclusive, heck i've seen people talk about how the global flood could also have been argued to be a regional flood instead. 3: I think it's kind of inaccurate to say that the Egyptians would have recorded an event in history where their Gods effectively got spit on by another God, in fact we see this today with the Japanese where they tend to stay away from talking about World War 2, or anyone who would rather deny an event if it would spare them humiliation, it's why if someone would admit to something that isn't advantageous or an outright negative gain for them to admit, chances are it's accurate. Such an event would have been way embarrassing, but the jew migration i'll have to get back to you on that. 4: On the book of Maccabees "The book is held as canonical scripture by the Catholic, Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox churches (except for the Orthodox Tewahedo), but not by Protestant denominations nor any major branches of Judaism", i'll have to get back to you on that with some friends of mine about the Canonicity of this book, but as far as I know, it depends on the denomination. Also kind is going off topic, who brought up the first comment that started this?
  7. Dont mind me, commenting for gas on this post and to see replies lol
  8. Not gossip, I want to hear what really happened involving the dude cause it sounds like it's a fun story.
  9. Can you tell the story for Avvy then, I wanna hear this 🙂
  10. Asked a friend of mine to double check that and he agreed with the first point but the second one he disagreed, saying "Trojans were not more-or-less Hittites. They shared a common language at some times, though, Luwian."
  11. To be fair, the Bible has been used for Archeology and has scholars talking about the shocking accurate history it gets right
  12. I wouldn't say the story bends over backwords to glorify Corrin, mainly cause from what I remember, in Birthright he's always been called out by his other family for his siding with Hoshido and vise versa with Conquest, and in revelations it has him trying to get the trust of everyone and it requires Azura to help him. I might read through the script a 4th time but i'm a bit busy playing KoL... No they dont, you missed the point Saizo doesn't trust Corrin and only trusts Sakura, that's why he joins in Revelations, and in Birthright he joins you to help find Ryoma and that's with the other Siblings. Rinkah would only trust him because he saved her during chapter 1 and even then he got a talking to by Camilla, Leo, and Xander. My last point was trying to show that that either of those situations either didnt defied logic (in fact it was expected) but show that Corrin wasn't portrayed in the right in either situation.
  13. Sorry, stupid copy and paste messed up the text Well i'll go by what is the most accepted definition of Mary Sue I can find and judge it from that. "A Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect that he or she warps the world around them to display their perfection." As far as the sword thing with Corrin goes, I cannot think of a time this was the case, and one could argue the same thing could have happened with the other Royal weapons. "It seems as though nothing in this universe except Mary Sue is even real, and is instead a plot device to make Mary Sue seem flawless and loved." Counting the Birthright path, outside of the Family characters (Cause you know, they are family...) it doesn't seem like Corrin has the most welcome reception coming back to Hoshido "Honestly, with Hana who's mad at you for no reason, Takumi who doesn't trust you, Saizo who doesn't trust you, and Rinkah who's always angry at everyone including you" "A Mary Sue can destroy a piece of writing or media, since the characters existence will often forcibly make the world and people around them defy logic to simply display how amazingly radiant they are." Birthright has Ryoma more the face of the army when he joins, Conquest has his actions speak, Revelations has him make a few mistakes and even get called out (Start of the path and trusting Anthony).
  14. Gotta here this story, can someone tell Avvy a story time 🙂
  15. Well i'll go by what is the most accepted definition of Mary Sue I can find and judge it from that. "A Mary Sue is a character who is so perfect that he or she warps the world around them to display their perfection." As far as the sword thing with Corrin goes, I cannot think of a time this was the case, and one could argue the same thing could have happened with the other Royal weapons. "It seems as though nothing in this universe except Mary Sue is even real, and is instead a plot device to make Mary Sue seem flawless and loved." Counting the Birthright path, outside of the Family characters (Cause you know, they are family...) it doesn't seem like Corrin has the most welcome reception coming back to Hoshido "Honestly, with Hana who's mad at you for no reason, Takumi who doesn't trust you, Saizo who doesn't trust you, and Rinkah who's always angry at everyone including you" "A Mary Sue can destroy a piece of writing or media, since the characters existence will often forcibly make the world and people around them defy logic to simply display how amazingly radiant they are." Birthright has Ryoma more the face of the army when he joins, Conquest has his actions speak, Revelations has him make a few mistakes and even get called out (Start of the path and trusting Anthony).
  16. Honestly, I cannot see Corrin as a Mary Sue, sure things benefit him in the story, but honestly I found Alm much more of a Mary Sue with extra plot armor, at least Corrin's canon mistakes come back to bite them in the butt.
  17. Honestly Fates' story wasnt even that bad, it was just a case of the game being WAY TOO OVERHYPED before release.
  18. So as much as I love Fates and FE, i've noticed that more people are starting to hate on Fates less and less. Why do you all think that is the case? Personally for me, I went back to Fates being my favorite when I realized Three Houses gameplay wasnt as fun as I thought it was first time.
  19. Depends on when you learned that Microsoft is buying all the game companies...
  20. I want a unit that's consistently seen as top tier and for good reason. DAMN, this might be good to mention, thanks I wanna try to not mention Lord character's unless it's absolutely possible, but I'd also like to ask if any of the units I mentioned are comparable to these units? It isn't an overpowered units in Fire Emblem list, but rather a list of characters that are overpowered in general (Playable obviously), stuff like Meta Knight and Sturm from Advance wars for example.
  21. Well if you know any other units that are downright busted, who do you recommend I pick? I know Ryoma, Titania, Haar, Marth (NES), Ares, Sigurd and Pent, any other ones?
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